AMOLYYY! (Chapter 2)

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On their second day Amoly woke up early to go searching for food, her sisters were still asleep but it was ok she had a plan in mind. >:) She started to wonder around the city and then she started smelling blueberrys and fresh baked bread, when she looked down in one of the apartment of a building a window was open with a freshly baked pie at the window frame.

Amoly: Wow! People still do that!? Don't they have like air conditioner or refrigerators?

She got down to the window and looked inside, she saw the women putting another pie in the oven and left the kitchen. She stared at the pie under her with watery mouth and wide eyes.

Amoly: I guess if she's making another one, she won't mined if I borrow this one...

Without thinking about it too much she took the pie and left. When she was closed by their rooftop she heard somebody screaming her name.

Talena: AMOLYYYY!!!
Venus: AMOLY!
Amoly: I'm here! Why are you all screaming?
Talena: Oh for turtle sake! You scared us, we woke up and you weren't there and you didn't even told us nothing!
Venus: Don't do that ever again Amly!
Larota: For real sis... Wait what are you hiding behind your back?
Amoly: Ok so I woke up early to find some food because I was starving and I found this! (She said while showing them the pie)
Talena: You found a freshly baked pie... You found a freshly baked pie!?
Amoly: Yea
Larota: Really, where?
Amoly: Uuuuuum... In a window frame... (She said nervously)
Venus: You stole it!?
Amoly: WHAT, NO, I...uh...
Larota: haven't you learned your lesson?

Amoly had a flashback of when they were little that Amly use to always sneak in Lara's room at night to get her special color pencils, but at the end she use to always get caught and get hit by Lara.

Amoly: Well it was in the window I wouldn't take it if it wasn't in the window!
Larota: Yea you will, I bet you will go in and take it.
Amoly: This girl knows me too much!
Venus: How many times have we told you that were heroes not criminals. We don't steal or break things we fix them!
Amoly: Alright, alright I'm sorry ok but I had too! I'm not going to starve to death or go back to that stupid diet!
Larota: That's true. (She said putting her hands in her hips)
Venus: Alright we'll let it slide this time because we're supper hungry but if we catch you doing it agai~
Amoly: I know, I know what's gonna happen... (She interrupted Venus)
Larota: Can we just eat it already!

They sat down in the water tank and each of them got two slices they, also finished their last water bottle.

Larota: Oh man that thing was delicious!
Venus: Yes, yes it was.
Amoly: You'r welcome!
Larota: Oh be quiet you little criminal!

Everything went quiet but then Taly spoke.

Talena: Soooo... What now?
Venus: We should rest because when the sun starts heading down were going patrolling around the city to see if we spot any criminal or any type of signal about Nayichu.
Larota: Sounds good to me, finally were gonna punch and kick some bad butts!

The girls went back to their rooftop to rest. After a few hours later the sun started to go down and the girls grabbed their weapon and everything they needed to fight and they were off!

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