Luck for Love! (Chapter 27)

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Larota's P.O.V:

It has been already 3 days since that day that we had so much fun racing, and swimming and skating. But my love for Raph it's increasing more and more every single day! And let's just say that I never had luck for love. I don't ever think he will like me the way I do, but I hope that when we leave this place I forget about him.
Amoly: Are you writing on your diary again?
She said while opening the door of my room, and I closed my diary and hided it behind me.
Larota: Ok first of all you knock! You don't come in here like this, and second of all no I was just reading my book!
Amoly: Since when do you read books?
Larota: Since always, now get out! Don't you read the sign on the door?!
Amoly: Sheesh! I'm sorry I just wanted to tell you that since Mikey know who we like he~
Larota: Wait wait WAIT! You told Mikey who we like?!?!
Amoly: Yep! Except I didn't told him that I like him
Larota: AMOLY!!!
Amoly: I'm sorry, I'm sorry but he told me that R~
Larota: I don't want to hear it! GET OUT!
I pushed her out and closed the door in her face. Then I put my diary in my cabinet, locked it and hid the key under my bed. And stared at my red ball. And started squishing it and throwing it around.

Amoly's P.O.V:

Ugh fine if she doesn't wanna hear about Raph's girlfriend it's her problem! I just hope she doesn't explode when she finds out. I was sooooo bored that I decided to see what Vee was doing. I went to the dojo and saw her meditating with Samurai so I just left. And then I went to see what Taly was doing, she has been very sad since she knew about April and Donnie. So this time I "knock" on her door.
Talena: Come in!
I opened the door and saw her building I don't know what! It was like a tiny metal box so I sat in her bed and asked her.
Amoly: What's that?
Talena: It's hard to explain
Amoly: A box?
Talena: oh no! It's not just a box
She pressed the button on the bottom of the box, and it opened up.
Talena: It has everything necessary for when you get hurt, and in my opinion we needed a lot! It has badges, rubbing alcohol, tissues, cough drops, eye drops, mini knife, tweezers, and a flashlight!
Amoly: It's like a first aid kit!?
Talena: Yea but smaller, you can carry this one anywhere even in your pocket!
Amoly: Wow, cool! Can I have one?!
Talena: Uh when I build another one
She smiled and I smiled back.
Amoly: Um so how's it going with Don?
She froze.
Talena: What do you mean?
Amoly: You know about Donnie and April...
Talena: It's going perfectly! *sarcasm*
She turned around and screamed at my face. I started walking to the door slowly.
Talena: Ugh I'm sorry I... Ugh it's hard but I'm fine...
Amoly: Well keep on hanging there, if you need me I'll be in my room!
I said walking out.
Talena: Yea thanks...
Well I think I should've not asked her that! I entered my room and started reading some comic books.

*With the boys*

Mikey's P.O.V:

I was sitting in my room playing with my action figures. And then I remembered my BFF Amoly! Like I always feel a million butterflies in my belly when I see her beautiful face! I never felt so in love before. Well I guess with Renet but that was in the past. Now I will give anything for Amly!<3

Leonardo's P.O.V:

I was meditating with Master Splinter but I wasn't concentrated at all. I was just thinking about my love for Venus. It just feels like Im in cloud 9 when I see her. And when she touches my hand everything bad goes away! It's just magical, but I'm not good enough for her she needs somebody better than me, and plus she's leaving soon so we're gonna be separated anyway. -.-

Donatello's P.O.V:

Oh gosh I'll never make it right? I'll never be April's only love...but I'm gonna fight and I'm gonna fight till I die only for her. I don't care what's in my way to stop me, I'll always be there for her. I said in my mind while looking at her pic in my desk. Then I looked at my phone and saw that Talena send me a message since yesterday. Hmmm Talena I guess since she's the only one that I trust and she's a girls, Im gonna ask her to help me get April...I'm sure she'll help me since she's so nice with me!

Raphael's P.O.V:

I was bored in my bed when all of a sudden I heard my phone rang.
Raphael: Hello?
Mona: What's my favorite turtle doing?
Raphael: Mona?! :D How did you found my phone number?
Mona: Babe I know everything about you, I just wanted to tell you that if I could come over tomorrow?
Raphael: Of course!
Mona: Excellent! See you tomorrow then
Raphael: Yea I also want to present you some new friends!
Mona: Oh ok well see you guys tomorrow, good night!
Raphael: Sweet dreams, bye
Mona: Bye!
Well what do you know, finally my best friend (AKA: Larota) is gonna meet my girlfriend! I bet Lara and her are gonna get along very well.

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