You understand me (Chapter 18)

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Larota's P.O.V:

I woke up with a terrible headache! I stand up and went to the kitchen as always I saw Amly making breakfast, Venus was making orange juice, Samurai was still in her dojo and Talena was just looking at us in patiently.
Amoly: Hi Lara!
I didn't said anything I just sat there with my hand in my head.
Venus: You don't look good
Larota: Well we did just fought one of our most strongest and powerful enemy yesterday
I said sarcastically.
Venus: Apart from that!
Talena: It doesn't matter right now, can somebody call Sensei?!
Amoly went running into Senseis's room and I looked at Venus confused.
Venus: She said she has a surprise for all of us!
She whispered to me and that's when I noticed that there was a big white blanket covering something that was in a rectangular shape. Samurai and Amoly came and we all went and sat down in the couch facing Taly and the big rectangular thing. I murmured to my self "this better be good" I wasn't really in the mood.
Talena: So I know all of you might be wondering what is so important that I have to tell you...and that is this!
She stepped aside and took off the white blanket reveling the big tv her and Amly found the other day.
Talena: I finally fixed it! And Donnie help me a bit yesterday but it works perfectly
She took out a remote control, pressed a button and the tv turned on and she started switching trough channels.
Amoly: WOW!
Larota and Venus: Cool!
Maolier: Great job Talena!
Talena: I also found the tv antenna so we could watch almost everything there is
Amoly: At least we're not gonna be bored anymore!
I remember we used to have a tiny one at home but we barely use it. After that we eat breakfast and started doing chores. We finished painting the layer and putting some finishing touches in our rooms, I didn't really put much I just put a sign that I found in the dumpster in the out side of my door that it said Owned Property! No truss passing! And then I painted red roses around the the door to make it a tiny bit more girlish. And Amly made me paint her name in her door and a smiley face. We finished exhausted and we all sat down in the couch to watch tv except Samurai she was in the dojo. There was really nothing to watch and my headache was getting worst, then I noticed the time it was about to turn 8pm. I realized we weren't gonna  do anything today do I went to grab a soda.

At the boy's layer
Raphael's P.O.V:

We weren't going on night patrolling because today was cleaning day. Master Splinter went to check our rooms and they were a complete mess so he told us we were gonna clean the whole layer so we can "learn" how to be clean!-.-* We each cleaned up our rooms, then Donnie cleaned the lab, Mikey cleaned the kitchen, and then me and Leo cleaned the living room. When we finished we all sat in the couch super tired. Leonardo: Raph you forgot your bucket
He pointed at a red bucket full with dirty water next to the tv, I rolled my eyes.
Raphael: I'm going fireless leader!
I stand up got the bucket and headed for the entrance. When I was halfway there, Mikey appeared out of nowhere and tripped me and all the dirty water fell all over the clean shinny floor! He started laughing, I stand up growling and with fire on my eyes, when Mikey saw me he tried to run but I grabbed him by the arm and punched him in the face so hard that he crashed into the wall of the other side of the room next to the tv. The tv almost fell but Donnie cached it in time and from the big bang! Sensei came out of the dojo.
Leo picked up Mikey and they all looked at me.
Splinter: Raphael!?!?
I was sooo mad that I accidentally screamed at Sensei.
Mikey: I just tripped you and you almost killed me!
We both started discussing and Sensei pinched our weak spot in our neck.
Splinter: ENOUGH! All of you to the dojo, now!
We all went to the dojo and sat down in front of him.
Splinter: Now everybody calm down and Leonardo please tell my what happened!
Raphael: Mikey was the one t~
Splinter: I said Leonardo!
Leonardo: Raph went to throw away his dirty bucket of water and Mikey tripped him in the way making him fall and all the dirty water in the clean floor, then Raph stand up and punched him in the face
Splinter: guys still act like 5 year old!
Raphael: We!?!? It was all Mikey's fault!
Splinter: It was both of you guys' fault
Mikey: Yea you didn't had to hit me so hard!
He said rubbing his cheek and I stand up.
Raphael: Oh so now it's my fault!
Donatello: We're not sayin~
Raphael: It's always my fault! You know what I'm out of here!
I left the dojo and stopped at the door way.
Splinter: Remember what I have always told you Raphael, anger is not an ally, you need to control it or other wise it will control you!
With out saying nothing else I left and went to the rooftops the only place were I could be alone without any noise.

In the girl's layer
Larota's P.O.V:

When I stand up I was very dizzy I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a soda, I opened it and took a sip. When I turned around that I took a step I banged into Amly so hard that the soda can flew up into the air and it hit my head and bathed me in soda! I grabbed my head from the pain and I got mad that my headache went away and I stared into Amoly's soul!
Amoly: Oh oh!
I tripped her, grabbed her by the shell and smashed her into the floor. And then my headache came back and I tried to not fall from the pain. I saw Talena and Venus run toward Amly and help her get up, and then Samurai came in.
Maolier: WHAT HAPPEN!?
Then she ran toward Amly they sat her in the counter and then I saw Maolier coming my way with a mad look on her face. I calmed my self down and my headache stopped hurting so much, I opened my eyes and I saw Samurai staring right at me so close that I could feel her breath.
Maolier: Larota I want you to explain to me why did you do that for!?
Larota: She bang into me, it's not my fault!
Maolier: It was an accident you didn't have to react like that!
Everybody looked at me like if I killed someone and I needed to pay for it.
Larota: UUUUGH! You guys never understand!
I started walking away.
Maolier: What we don't understand is your behavior, I mean why would you do that!? That's your sister, if I had one I will never do such things!
Larota: Well that's you! I'm different ok!
I opened the metal door.
Maolier: Don't you even dare to put one foot out of this layer!
I didn't listen to her and ran away as fast as I could.
Maolier: Larota! LAROTA!
Those were the last words I heard and my headache was coming back. I ran up into the rooftops and sat down hanging my legs over the edge of the building, trying to calm my self down. While I was looking at the other buildings in front of me and the cars passing by under me I was thinking if I was the only one in this world that felt alone, cold in the inside, and the one that no one understands. My thoughts got interrupted by somebody talking behind me, I didn't had my weapons with me so I spied on who ever was talking. I run silently a few rooftops away from the one I was in and there he was. Raphael! He looked mad he was kicking the air and talking to himself with anger, but just by looking at his handsome face my headache was gone. I got closer but he didn't noticed me yet.
Larota: Well at least I'm not the only one with anger issues
He turned around.
Raphael: Who are you calling anger issu~ Larota!?
Larota: The one and only!
I said sarcastically.
Raphael: What are you doing up here?
Larota: Well I just wanted to clear my mind a bit because I had a fight with Samurai and the others...I get used to it
Raphael: Really?
I sat down at the edge of the building.
Larota: Yea and you?
Raphael: Yea well sort of the same thing
He sat down next to me.
Larota: What happen?
Raphael: Mikey tripped me and I fell with a bucket full with dirty water and it spread all over the floor that I just cleaned and yea you know the rest
Larota: Yea well mine is sort of the same thing but ugh...
Raphael: Don't you feel like there's only one of you in this world...
Larota: And no one likes you...
Raphael: And they ignore you...
Both: And that they will never understand the pain that you suffer
We both looked at each other and smiled.
Rpahael: Wow! You're like the only one that knows how I feel
Larota: Same!
I couldn't help it and I put my head in his shoulder, and he put his head in mine, and we both stared in the horizon. And after all I was happy cuz I finally met someone that gets me and I think he is too!

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