Meeting the Mutanimals! (Chapter 23)

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Mikey's P.O.V:

We started saying hi to our friends, and then I hugged Leather Head and started scratching his belly.
Leonardo: What are you guys doing down here?
Slash: Well yesterday we saw you guys trying to open the little metal door but then you guys left, so we opened it and we sort of...
Dr. Rockwell: And we fell and now we're stuck down here since yesterday!
Mikey: Aaaaaw that sounds terrible~
Venus: Excuse me!?
We turned around and saw the girls standing behind us.
Larota: Uh we're not painted in the wall ya know!
Raphael: Oh yea...boys! This are tmnt girls...our new friends!
The Mutanimals pushed us out of the way and stand really close to the girls and they were just staring at each other from top to bottom.
Venus: Hello! My name is Venus De Milo but you guys can just call me Venus or Vee! That's Larota, Talena and Amoly.
Amoly: Hi!
She said while waving her hand and smiling from ear to ear. And the Mutanimals were just lost in their eyes...
Larota: And you guys are...
Slash: Oh I'm sorry were are my manners
He said in a sassy voice.
Slash: My name is Slash! I'm the leader of my group.
Pete: I'm Pete the Pigeon *wink*
Dr. Rockwell: I'm Dr. Tyler Rockwell at your service!
L.H: And I'm Leather Head, happy to meat you!
Slash: And we're the Mighty Mutanimals!
Talena: Mighty Mutanimals I like it!
Amoly: So you guys are not bad?
Dr. Rockwell: Of Course not you silly, we save the city when your friends are not there
Larota: Good, cause up to now every mutant we have met are jerks!
Mikey: HEY!
Larota: In exemption of you guys
Slash: How could some one be a jerk to you beauties?
He grabbed the girls' hands and started KISSING THEM?! Amoly started giggling I did felt a bit jely but when I turn to Leo, his eye was twitching and he was as red as a tomato, and I just crossed my arms annoyed. After that they split up into 3 groups. Larota and Vee with Slash, Taly with Dr. Rockwell, and Amly with Leather Head and Pete. I couldn't stop but seeing them having fun and Pete telling her jokes and flying with her all over the place, but LEATHER HEAD OH THAT CROCODILE IS IN BIG TROUBLE AFTER THIS! She was scratching his belly, and he was tickling her. She was hugging him, and he was piggy riding her and Pete! And then you see me in the corner like >_,<

Leonardo's P.O.V:

Just look at them talking and laughing with him. Specially him showing off his muscle and she was showing him magic tricks...typical!
Raphael: I don't get why you get mad
Donatello: Yea they're just talking
Leonardo: You guys don't get it because you already have eyes on another girl but...
Mikey: it's like April and Casey
Donatello: >:(
Leonardo: Or Mona with Slash
Raphael: Ok fine let's end this then!
He walked over to where they were.
Raphael: Ok guys I think that's enough chat chat let's get to work! Guys! ANYONE~
He got interrupted by Leather Head running over him. Raph as always got mad and started chasing them.
Donatello: *face palm*
Amoly: Go crocky run! Before the cranky monster gets us!
Raphael: Who are you calling cranky monster!?
Mikey: Did she just gave Leather Head a nickname?! And not me!
Leonardo: Come on Mikey lets go check out the place ourselves

Donatello's P.O.V:

I followed Leo and Mikey and they started checking different doors I went in one and it was like a bed room, there were two bunk beds a cabinet and a mirror but there was nothing in the cabinets or in the bed  but there was a black piece of cloth hanging from the corner of the mirror. Then I went into a room near where Taly and Dr. Rockwell were sitting. I left the door open and while I was checking out the room I was listening to their conversation.
Talena: Wow Dr you really know a lot about the human body!
Dr. Rockwell: Oh yes and I could teach you much more
Ok I'm done hearing. I left the room slammed the door but they didn't even noticed so I just left. Hm he thinks he smarter than me, we'll see about that!

Slash's P.O.V:

We started laughing when Venus got a call and left.
Venus: Sorry I have to takes this
Slash: It's ok
Larota: So you were Raph's pet at one point huh?
Slash: Yes
Larota: So you know everything about him right?
Slash: Right...well from what he told me at tha~
Larota: Well you know me and you could be great friends!
She punched my arm and my cheeks got pink.
Slash: Yeeeeaah hehe
Larota: *smiles gently*
Venus: Ok, yea yea, ok bye! *hangs up phone* ok well Slash it was a pleasure to meet you but our Sensei is calling for us
Larota: Already?
Venus: Yep
Slash: I don't wanna be the party pooper here but we can't get out
Venus: Oh yea
Larota: Well that's a problem
Venus: The staircase that we used to get out the last time
Larota: Oh yea but one detail, where is it?
Venus: We'll figured it out let's get the others first
We stand up and got on top of what it looked like a throne.
Venus: Guys! listen please!!!
Larota: Don't even try, I got it! *Clears throat*
Venus: Oh boy cover your ears!
Me and Venus covered our ears.
Holly shell that was the most loudest scream I have ever heard, it hurt it my ears even though I was covering them...ouch! Everybody shut their mouth as soon as they heard her.
Pete: Wow that was amazing! *thumbs up and his feathers pops out from his body*
Larota: Thank you, but listen to the blue one!
Venus: Thanks Lara, I just wanted to say that we have to go home now guys...
Everybody except for the tmnt boys: Aaaaaaaaaaaw
Leonardo: Finally
Venus: And that it was a pleasure to meat the Mighty Mutanimals and we hope to see you again soon!<3
Leonardo: I'm not
Raphael: Shhh
Venus: Girls remember the staircase, we need to find a lever or a button that triggers the staircase so we can get out
They all went to the wall and started searching for a button.
Pete: Found it!
Pete pressed the button and a white staircase came out of the wall like magic, that goes up to the surface.
Amoly: See I told you, you had Eagle vision!
Pete started flirting. And we all went up to the surface and it was sunset time! We said bye to the girls and the guys and left our opposite ways.
Slash: Well that was fun
L.H: Yea they're funny and cute
Dr. Rockwell: And smart!

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