Meeting the bad guys part 2 (Chapter 20)

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Michelangelo's P.O.V:

We couldn't fight anymore at least I couldn't! That old lady and her ninjas combined with the foot clan don't make a good match. We have never been in a battle like this before, we couldn't even have a five second brake, they were attacking us from every angle.
Leonardo: Guys stay strong! We can't be defeated!
Karai: To late now!
We saw Karai coming in the room after Venus launched her out the window...that was though! XD
Raphael: Oh come on! Can this get any worse?!
But she didn't came alone behind her came Bebop and Rocksteady!
Larota: You just had to speak!
I looked to the side to see how Amly was doing but I didn't see her anywhere, when I look up I saw her running for her life along the black water pipes in the ceiling with a bunch of Nayichu's ninjas behind her. I wanted to help her if I can help myself first! After a few minutes I gave up... I kneeled down in the floor trying to catch my breath, when all of a sudden Rocksteady came running behind me and hit me in the back of my shell with his horn making me go flying across the room and I smashed into the wall. I didn't blacked out but my sight got blurry and my ears were hurting I sat down against the wall breathing hard. The guys and the girls looked at me but they couldn't do nothing because there was a million ninjas on top of them trying to kill their butts! Then Taly got my attention and she was screaming something at me but I couldn't hear her, then she put down her middle finger leaving her pinkie and her thumb up and put it in her ear like a phone.......OOOH like a phone! I looked at her with wide eyes and took out my t-phone from my belt and when I was scrolling down through my contacts POOF! My phone disappeared!? When I looked to the side I saw Bebop running away with my phone.
Mikey: Hey give me that back!
Bebop: If you can catch me!
I started running after him and taking a five minute brake after every 3 seconds. Then I heard Venus over the crowd.
Venus: Turtles retreat! Retr~
She was interrupted by Nayichu punching her in the face and landing against the wall that I was followed by Lara, Donnie and the rest except me and Amly. She was still running on the water pipes and I was climbing up to join her.
Amoly: Haha can't catch me suckers!
Then Karai threw a bunch of daggers at her making loose balance and fell on top of the others.
Larota: My hero
She said sarcastically looking at Amoly that was on top of Leo, Taly, and Donnie.
Donatello: Mikey you can still make it!
He said pointing at the exit which no body was guarding. Then a bunch of ninjas started climbing up to catch me and I started grabbing the pipes to go forward like monkey bars. Then Tiger Claw started shooting me from below. I dodge every bullet and I felt like a hero...but that feeling went away when tiger claw shotted the pipe in front of me and when I grabbed on it broke and I started falling down into my death! I shut my eyes hoping it won't hurt, I heard the voices of my bros screaming my name. When all of a sudden I felt strong skinny fingers catching me, and I opened my eyes...
Mikey: Sensei!?
Splinter: Hello my dear son!
When we landed he put me down gently next to the others and him and Shredder started fighting and I saw that Samurai Maolier was here too, fighting with Nayichu.
All tmnt boys and girls: YOU GO SENSEIS!!!
We started cheering but we stopped because they're also getting their butts kicked!
Venus: We have to help them!
Larota: How?
Raphael: Yea how? We can't even stand up
Mikey: I don't even know were I left my nunchucks
Donatello: We can call April and Casey they could help!
Amoly: Yea
Everybody started touching their belts but no one took out nothing.
Donatello: Um has anyone seen my phone?
Amoly: Or mine?
We all nodded our heads confused
Bebop: Are you all looking for this?
He showed us his hands full with our t-phones and started running away in the crowd.
Raphael: Well there it goes our last chance of salvation!
Leonardo: Guys think that can't be the only way
We all started thinking but nothing came to my head the only thing that I thought about was me being in my bed eating pizza, playing video games, and reading comic books with Amly. Speaking of Amly...
Amoly: Hey how about if we stop being ninjas for ones!
Talena: What do you mean?
Amoly: Like start acting like the wild turtles that we are
Donatello: I see what you mean...but how is that gonna help us?
Amoly: I don't know I think it might just be fun to fight like turtles not like ninjas
Mikey: Like releasing our inner turtle?
Amoly: Exactly!
We all looked at each other.
Leonardo: We could try but I don't think it's gonna help us much
Larota: Is not like we have another option, or do we?
We all stand up with our hands and feet on the floor like an actual turtle in a line. Now it's ninja mode:off, turtle mode:on
Leonardo: Ninjas...I mean turtles
Venus: Attack!
We started running with our hands and feet we were a little slow but we got there pretty quick. We each jumped on top of a human female ninja and started tripping them, bitting, scratching, kicking, slapping! It was actually fun and when they were gonna hit us back we just hide inside our shells. Even Larota took off her mask jumped on top of Rocksteady, put her mask in his mouth like a horse and started riding him. We defeated all the female ninjas and some ran away.
Nayichu: You guys are fired for quitting a fight!
She screamed to her ninjas that were running away.
The only ones left were the mutants and the evil twins. That's Shredder and Nayichu by the way!;p All of us and the Senseis stick together but we were way too tired to keep fighting so we smoked bomb our scape.
Maolier: We'll be back and we will defeat your army of ninjas again!
Taly and Donnie each threw a smoke bomb and we disappeared.

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