Go home... (Chapter 46)

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Amoly's P.O.V:

It's been awesome this past few days! I mean new gifts, new year, everything! Now every time we go outside we wear our especial ninja robes and we look pretty awesome and scary if I do say so myself! ;-) Larota has gotten more into bow and arrow, Leo is coming over more often to help Lara because he has used a bow before. To be honest I think he does it to spend more with Venus and uuuuh how I wish I could tell them that they like each other but I promised, I PINKIE promised not to tell and for me if you break a pinkie promise is like the end of our friendship, I don't know why but yea! Taly has been obsessed with her new tools, she dosent even let anyone touch them, I guess they're very precious to her. Vee left her Sakura pillow in the dojo and said its perfect for doing her meditation sessions. Sensei loves her new set of tea cups, she said its a shame that she has to use them but it's the only thing we got for now. And last but not least my only favorite book in the world, my new cook book for deserts! I'm reading it first to see all the recipes and they all look delicious, I'm already half way!
We just finish training and surprisingly sensei said that I'm improving! We all sat down in the living room and watched tv except sensei, she said that she's not in the mood...that's something else that's worrying me. These past few days she's been encouraging us even more to defeat Nayichu and we are trying but how are we suppose to defeat a very skill lady with a million robot ninjas, mutated animals, and is sister of another big skilled man with his own army in one day?
Amoly: Don't you girls think Samurai is pushing us too much?
Larota: She definitely is!
Talena: Yea it's weird...I've never seen her so eager for something
Venus: She just wants to get home like all of us
Larota: But can't she wait a few months? Like all of us
Venus: I guess she really misses her sensei and Olivier
Larota: And we miss them too but we're not that thirsty to go back!
Talena: Lara does have a point but you never know with samurai, she's always a mystery
Amoly: Sometimes I feel like she doesn't do it for us anymore...
Everybody looked at me and turned away without saying another word. It's true though, I feel like she's just pushing us to finish faster so she can leave...maybe it's just me but as Taly said, she's a mystery that will never be solved.

Venus' P.O.V:

Later on that day the boys came over for a little while and since that day that I went crazy and almost killed Leo, I can't get out of my mind the part when I was choking him and he said...I love you. And I-I want to know really bad if he said it in the friend way or in the love love way! I've been wanting to ask him since that day but I'm too shy and I don't want him to suspect anything. *Sigh* maybe he doesn't like me at all and I'm just risking myself and waisting my time~
Leonardo: Hey Vee!
That sweet voice that I love to hear interrupted my thoughts!
Venus: Oh hey Leo!
I turned around and saw him approaching me.
Venus: Are you doing alright?
Leonardo: Yea I'm already good as new
There was an awkward silence, this was my opportunity to ask him...hmm...c'on Vee stop being such a b~
Leonardo: Sooo...um do you wanna go for a walk?
Venus: Sure thing!
Ok this is good maybe this time I won't be so foolish on wasting opportunities!
When we were walking on top of the snowy rooftops the moon was rising and the city at night is such a beautiful sight!
Leonardo: It's a full moon tonight!
Venus: Beautiful isn't it?
Leonardo: Yep...um I feel like something is bothering you
Venus: Who, me? No, I'm just tired that's all
Leonardo: We can head back if you want
Venus: No, no it's fine I like the cold!
We stopped walking and we just looked at beautiful sky. Ok let's do this, breathe Venus breathe...
Venus: Um so do you remember the day I almost choked you?
Leonardo: Hehe, how could I forget
Venus: Well, when y-you said you loved me
His eyes widened and looked at me which made me even more nervous!!!
Venus: Did you meant it in the friend way or in the...other way?
He's muscles tensed and looked away, I felt tears of sweat run down my face and swiped them away before he noticed.
Leonardo: I meant in-in the friendly way...
Venus: O-oh ok...
I kept looking at the stars like it was no big deal but . . . UGH I KNEW IT!!! HE WOULDNT LIKE ME WHY WOULD HE ANYWAY, I mean I almost killed him...now I didn't just upset myself, I made things even more awkward! Oi! Way to go Venus, you blew it again! Good thing Amoly and Mikey came looking for us at that moment.
Mikey: Vee!
Venus: What's up guys?
Amoly: Samurai Maolier sent us to tell you that she wants to talk to us
Venus: Now?
Amoly: She said its important
Mikey: Yea we were in the middle of a competition...
Mikey said under his breath.
Venus: Ok let's go then
Mikey and Amoly led the way but Leo wasn't following.
Venus: Are you coming?
Leonardo: I'll catch up later
Venus: Mk

Leonardo's P.O.V:

   Oh no, why did she asked that?! I think she might suspect something...if she finds out I'm dead! I'll never forgive myself and it will make things more awkward because she doesn't like me back and...and...ugh ok, ok I need a way for her to stop suspecting. . .hmmm maybe I shouldn't be that close to her anymore. Maybe I should stop talking to her much...*sigh* nice going Leonardo you really blew it this time, again!

Larota's P.O.V:

   All three of my sisters including me were sitting in a line facing sensei in her dojo. We left the boys watching tv, ugh this better be good!
Maolier: Ok girls
She said while poring really hot tea into her tea cup.
Maolier: Why aren't you girls on duty?
Venus: Well it was training day today and on training days we don't patrol
Maolier: Yea well let me tell you something, you girls are not home ok! You girls have a mission to do and quick!
Talena: With all respect sensei, you guys never told us we had an specific time limit to finish the mission
Larota: Yea! Why are you hurrying us so much anyway?
Maolier: Because there's a crazy lady out there with her psycho brother trying to kill you and the others and trying to dominate the world! Don't you understand, everyday she's getting more stronger!
Larota: Us too!
Maolier: Girls...ugh the faster you do it the faster we go home~
Amoly: This isn't because of her or us anymore, is it?
Maolier: What?
Amoly: Your just pushing us and training us harder so YOU can go home
Maolier: Girls! I would never do such thing~
Larota: You were always really bad at lying you know
Venus: You don't have to be here if you don't want to
Maolier: I'm not leaving you girls here, I can't!
Larota: We're not babies anymore we can take care of ourselves, plus we have the boys
Talena: It's ok sensei we understand, this is our battle anyways
Maolier: But I~
Amoly: Just leave we don't need you!
Maolier: . . .
Venus: Go home samurai
Maolier: A-alright then...one thing is that I want to leave but another is that you girls don't want me here...and yea thats fine, I'll leave
   We walked out of the room and told the boys what happened so they decided to leave and then we just sat in the couch thinking what is gonna happen when samurai leaves? We waited and waited until she came out with two small bags around her shoulders.
Venus: Wait you're leaving now?!
Maolier: Yes, that way I'll get home at night time
Talena: We'll go with you
Maolier: No! I'll like to go alone and I know where the airport is. I also left you guys some stuff in the closet that I think you will find them useful...so um good luck and I really hope you succeed!
She walked out the layer with her head down closing the metal door behind her, leaving us all alone in that big, cold, empty layer. When she fully closed the door without saying anything else we all separated, went to each of our rooms and went to sleep.

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