I hate her! (Chapter 30)

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Maolier: Larota can you please stop playing with your pizza and eat it!
Larota: I'm not hungry
She put the pizza slice back in the plate and pushed it to the middle of the table.
Amoly: I'll eat it!
She was about to grab it but Maolier slapped her hand.
Maolier: No!
Talena: Lara you haven't eaten nothing in 2 straight days!
Larota: I eat a leaf yesterday
Amoly: Woooooow! *sarcasm*
Venus: You have to stay strong if you want to defeat Nayichu
Maolier: Your sisters are right! At least a little bite
She put the slice of pizza in front of her, but Lara just put her head down.
Maolier: *sights* it's because of her, isn't it?
Lara put up her head again.
Larota: Who?
Maolier: Raph's girlfriend...
Lara didn't said anything.
Maolier: Listen you can not live like this, don't you see your destroying your own self! Now from the inside and then from the outside
Larota: I just want her to leave already and leave us alone
Venus: Well lucky for you Leo just texted me that she's leaving tonight
Lara sighted in relief!
Talena: Now can you eat something?
Larota: Ugh fine!
They finish eating and Venus told them to get ready for night patrol.
Venus: Ok ladies the sun is down and that's our Q to go out!
They all headed for the door and off they were!

* On the rooftops*

Larota: Hey guys there is something that I didn't told you
Venus: What's that?
Larota: That day when I ran off it got night time and you guys were still at boy's so I decide to go night patrolling, and at first I didn't saw any criminals doing crimes or anything so I was about to go home when I heard noises and it was The Foot Clan, Nayichu's ninjas, and some robots with guns and a brain in their belly~
Amoly: Wait! A brain in their belly?...Hahaha that's even silly for me you silly goose!
Larota: Seriously! I'm not kidding!
Talena: Hm maybe the boys know something about them, but continue
Larota: And the robots handed the ninjas a black suitcase
Venus: Did you saw what was inside?
Larota: No unfortunately I didn't... I-I tried to stop them but they got away
Talena: Well what ever it was it couldn't be good~
Venus: Guys stop!
Amoly: Wh~
Vee, Tal, Lara: Shhhh!
They threw themselves into the floor and watched from the high building. It was a truck with the Krang, the Foot ninjas, as well as Nayichu's ninjas!
Larota: See I told you!
Amoly: That is the grossest and ugliest thing I've ever seen!
Talena: Are the brains controlling them?
Larota: Apparently
Talena: Fascinating!
Venus: Guys listen!
The Krang were taking out boxes from their truck and putting them in another truck. But then one Krang came out with a black suitcase.
Larota: See, that suitcase is the exact same as the one that I saw the other day!
Krang #1: Is this what she asked for?
He opened the suitcase but the girls couldn't see what's inside because another ninja was covering it. The only thing they could see was a green light rays.
Nayichu's Ninja#1: Yes, she will be pleased for making deals with you!
Nayichu's Ninja#2: Is that the last box?
Krang #2: Yes
Nayichu's Ninja#2: Ok then let's roll!
Amoly: Hey that's our catch fraise!
Vee, Tal, Lara: SHHH!
Venus: Ok guys we need a plan and fast!
Amoly: Surprise attack!
Talena: We can't attack them just like that look how many there are
Larota: It's not like we have another choice
Venus: Lara is right Tal, what else can we do?
Talena: Well if you let me think~
Amoly: No time for thinking they're leaving!
Talena: Ok fine but if we get kidnaped it's you guys fault!
Larota: We're not getting kidnaped...well at least not me
Talena: You always make things so much better
Larota: Like if you were the one that always make things better!
Venus: GIRLS! At the count of three we attack, ok?! 1...2...and~
Amoly: Hyaaaaaaaaayayayaua!
Venus: I never said 3! Can you at least wait for me?!
And that same moment the guys came down from another rooftop to attack and guess who was with them?
Larota: Oh great!
Both groups started attacking them the girls vs the femal ninjas, the boys vs the Foot robots, and Lara and Mona vs the Krang.
Venus: What are you guys doing here!?
Leonardo: I ask the same thing!
Venus: We were night patrolling
Leonardo: As well as us!
The boys were trying to stop the bus from driving away, and the girls were trying to get the suitcase, the bad guys were throwing the suit case around like a game of football, then Amoly kicked the suitcase and landed on Lara's hands she started running away but a Foot ninja came out of nowhere and tripped her and the suitcase flew up in the air and one of the female ninjas grabbed it and disappeared into the darkness. The Foot ninja was about to stab Larota with his sword but luckily Mona sliced him up in half with her sword. Then she extended her hand to help Lara up, but Lara ignored her and got up by herself.
Larota: Why did you do that for?! I had it under control!
Mona: Why do you think I did that for! You almost got stabbed!
Larota: But I didn't!
Mona: Yea thanks to me!
Larota: I'm not gonna argue with you cause I've got better things to do!
Lara left her side and kept fighting, as well as Mona but she was so confused about Lara. When they were almost done the truck started driving away!
Mikey: Guys the truck!
Raphael: I got it!
Raph started running after the truck and Mona Lisa followed behind, Lara growled and started running after them as well. Raph got closed to the truck and jumped on top of it, then 2 ninjas came out and started fighting with him. Raph was trying to keep his balance and not fall. He defeated both of them but another one came and kicked Raph in the face making him fall off the truck. Both Mona and Lara tried to catch him but they both pushed each other and fell and Raph landed in the cold hard floor like a sack of bones and a shell.
Larota: *gasps* Raph?!
Mona: Are you ok?
Raphael: Yea I'm ok...
Larota: Look you've done!
Mona: Me!? I was trying to save him and you pushed me!
Larota: Because you pushed me first!!!
Mona: No I didn't!
Larota: Yes you DID!!!
Mona: NO I~
Leonardo: Guys!?
Raphael: *cough* Over here!
Donatello: Are you alright?!
Raphael: Yea we're fine, but they got away
Venus: Can somebody explain to me what were those brainy things!
Donatello: They call them selves Krang!
They explained them the whole thing about them and about mutagen.
Amoly: Oooooh so that was the thing inside the suitcase
Donatello: Correct
Larota: Why would they want it though?
Talena: Who knows, but right now we're not safe here in the middle of the street
Venus: Taly is right lets go home
With that being said they went back home Raph got patched and nose kissed Mona because it was time for her to leave. Lara was happy that she left but she wasn't fully happy because she knew that Raph loved her very much as well as Mona loved him and that they will always love each other even if she stands in their way.


How's it going my tmnt and tmnt girls lovers! I'm so so so sorry that I haven't updated in soooo long is that I have been crazy busy these days because it was my sister's b-day then my other sister's b-day and today school started again!>^< So yea I have been very busy but I'm back now and yea I hope you enjoy this chapter and as always thx for reading!

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