Red Plan (Chapter 35)

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Larota's P.O.V:

I waited a while outside the sewers then went back inside the layer without no one noticing me because I needed to get something from Sensei's closet. Luckily Sensei wasn't in the dojo anymore she was with the others in the kitchen planning the attack but I didn't see Raphael no Lara concentrate you're almost there don't mess up now! I opened and closed the door slowly trying to make not a single sound. Then I walked over to the closet and started looking for something magical called sleeping powder trying not to put the things out of order. This was a very delicate powder that's very rare. They say that only the most wise people know where to find some. It is made out of a single flower that's hidden in one part of the world. Master Furuji managed to steal some from a very powerful sorcerer long long ago and he gave Samurai a little bit of what we have left and Venus gave us a bit more that her dad had stored. If someone smells this powder they go to sleep forever there is a cure but I don't know what it is maybe Taly knows. I looked under sensei's spare hats and there was a small box rapped around with a piece of black fabric. I unwrapped it opened the box and there it was 2 small bags the size of my pinkie full with glittering yellow sleeping powder! I took one bag and put it safely on my belt. But the only bad thing about this is that when time passes the powder starts loosing its effect and this thing is almost 20 years old so it should last only a few hours. When I was about to head out I stumble across across Amoly!>_<*
Amoly: Lara? w~
I covered her mouth with my hand and closed the door and let go.
Larota: Can you keep it down!?
I said whispering.
Amoly: How did you get in here and why is your pocket glowing?
I covered the glow with my hand.
Amoly: UUUH! You stole sleeping pow~
Larota: Shhh! Yes I stole a portion of it but it's for good reasons
Amoly: No you're using it for your plan but we already have a plan a good one and you're more than welcome to join
Larota: I already sticked to my plan I'm not letting go now
I started walking away but Amoly's words stopped me.
Amoly: Get back here otherwise I'm gonna scream!
I closed my eyes, turned around and walked back to her.
Amoly: I'm not gonna let you steal it
Larota: I never snitched on you when you ate Olivier's cupcake or when you lost mother's bracelet!
Amoly: But this is more valuable and it's for emergencies only!
Larota: Well then I guess I don't have another choice...
I grabbed a little bit of the dust and before she could do anything else I blowed it to her face and she fell backwards as soon as it touched her nose. I grabbed her in midair and sat her down in a corner of the dojo.
Larota: Sorry sis I'll make it up to you later on
And with that being said I sneaked out of the layer and headed to Shredder's.

*With Raphael*

Raphael's P.O.V:

I finally decided my plan so I started heading to Shredder's layer. And as I predicted there was foot ninjas surrounding the whole building even the rooftop so I went into the sewers and got in by the sewer entrance that was where they made all the robot ninjas. I made my way up looking for Karai it took me ages but I finally found her she was inside Shredder's throne room guarding the door. My plan is to jump on top of her tie her up and bring her to the layer as fast as possible. I'll probably had a better plan if my brothers where here but what ever good enough. I got in Shredder's room by the vents and got my stuff ready to jump down and attack her when all of a sudden I noticed Lara on the other side of the room ready to attack as well! Oh shell no she ain't gonna ruined my plan! So I went over there without her noticing me and grabbed her by the arm then she just turned around and threw yellow dust at my face!

Larota's P.O.V:

Larota: OMG Raph!?
Raphael: Yellow?
Larota: No wait don't breathe!
And he fell back like Amoly did earlier. Oh no I thought he was one of the bad guys, that's why I reacted so fast! Well at least he's not gonna interfere in my plan anymore but now I got a bigger problem...Karai is gone! She probably noticed us and went to tell the others. I dragged Raph into a safe place near the vents so no one sees him. Then I dropped down and as soon as I open the door I see Karai, Sasha, and Tiger Claw standing there.
Larota: Hehe uuuh こんにちは (hello)
Tiger Claw: Get her!
I grabbed the last bit of sleeping powder and blowed it on their ugly big faces and they all fell down to the floor in a blink.
Larota: Well that was easy
I grabbed Karai and started heading out the door when...
Shredder: And where do you think you're going with my daughter?!

*At the girls's layer*

Leonardo's P.O.V:

Leonardo: Ok so do we have everything ready to go?
Venus: Yes!
Leonardo: Excellent! Now~
Mikey: Uh sorry to interrupt but where's Amoly?
Maolier: I send her to get something from the dojo like 20 min ago but she hasn't come back
We started jogging toward the dojo and when we opened the door we saw her sitting, looking down at the floor motionless! We started running toward her and crowded around. Talena lifted her head up and took her pressure.
Talena: She's asleep!
Mikey: Asleep?!
Venus: Wait...look
Vee rubbed her finger on Amoly's cheek and showed it to us.
Donatello: Is that sleeping powder! I have never seen it in real life and it does glow like a million diamonds!
Leonardo: We need to find a cure and now
Mikey: Who could've done it though?
Maolier rubbed her finger in Amoly's cheek and smelled her finger.
Maolier: Larota!

To be continued...

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