Meeting and mutating (Chpater 31)

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Maolier's P.O.V:

Dear diary, I can't believe I still have you since I was a little girl I used to write on you, but then I stop, and now after...what? 15 years I'm writing you again. Well I only do it when I am stressed out. To the point I'm just writing you because I need to express out me feelings to someone, and this is the only thing I I really miss my Olivier I grew up with him and now separating me from him it feels like the time goes slower. The seconds are like hours, the hours are like days and the days are like months! I can't take it much longer but I have to be strong for Hopu, for the girls, for my family. Today they went with their friends and I'm glad they have others to talk to and that they don't have to hide inside the house for so long, but they're getting distracted with those boys and they're taking longer than I expected. I must do something about it!
Venus: Sensei!
Well I have to go meanwhile I'll try to figure something out.
I closed my diary and put it inside my closet next to the magical orb. I open the door and see the girls ready to go patrolling.
Maolier: You girls ready?
Amoly: Yep, we just wanted to let you know that we're leaving!
Maolier: Ok then, good luck
All the girls: Hai sensei
And they left, I took the photo of me and Olivier and sat in the couch at the living room and hugged it.
Maolier: I'll be back soon my love...I promise!

*With the tmnt boys*

Leonardo's P.O.V:

We met with the girls near the sewer entrance. We were going to find out why did they wanted the mutagen, what was in those boxes, and since when the Foot Clan is making business with the Krang!
Leonardo: Ok so I know this might not sound good but we're gonna have to split up
Amoly: Split up?!
The guys were good with it, the girls weren't.
Larota: Not to be rude but, in movies every time they split up something bad happens!
Venus: Girls just because we haven't done it before, doesn't mean it's bad
Larota: Well we haven't done it before for a reason!
Talena: We could give it a try...and plus we have cell phones
Leonardo: And we're gonna split up into four
Amly looked at Lara with a "please?" face and Lara just rolled her eyes, crossed her arms and said...
Larota: Ok...lets try...I guess
Leonardo: Excellent, now captain Venus! You can choose your crew first
Venus: Thank you captain Leonardo!
We got lost into each others eyes.
Raphael: I didn't know we were playing pirates now
Mikey and Amly: Can we play?
Venus: Anyway! I choose Donnie, Lara, and Mikey!
Amoly: And me?!
I grabbed Amly and put my arm around her shoulder.
Leonardo: You're coming with us
She looked up at me and smiled widely.
Leonardo: Ok, so team Venus will go to Nayichu's burnt layer and we will go to Shredder's layer
Venus: Kk!
We left to our own paths and our friends following behind. When we got there we searched around the whole building but no sign of the trucks we saw yesterday. The weird thing is that there was no sign of trucks or Foot clan! Normally there are a bunch of Foot Ninjas patrolling around the building.
Leonardo: There's definitely something weird going on
Raphael: Naaaaaaah of-of course not!
Leonardo: Raph nobody has time for your sarcasm
Amoly: Uuuuuuh!
Leonardo: We need to get in
Talena: I know where, obviously we can't go through the main entrance because there are cameras everywhere so I spotted an open window on the sealing we can get in through there
Leonardo: That's odd but let's go!
We climbed the building with out making any noise and went in. It was dark but we could still see, Shredder wasn't in his thrown, and still no sign of foot ninjas or evil mutants. We dropped down and the floor was sort of vibrating.
Raphael: Earthquake?!
Talena: No this is to light to be an earthquake
Amoly: Well whatever it feels good
Taly bent down and put her ear in the floor.
Talena: There's something down there, like a machine or something
Amoly: Let's go!
We headed out Shredder's thrown room and went down stairs. Now the trembling felt like an earthquake and the noise was louder. We walked slowly toward the noise and saw 2 Foot Ninjas guarding a double door.
Amoly: What now?
Raphael: I'll distract them and you guys go
He threw a little white ball a few inches away from them and of course they went to check it out, then it exploded. It was a smoke bomb while they were trying to clear out the purple smoke we got inside. And we stared surprised at the view in front of us.
Amoly: Its like a factory
Talena: Indeed it is
Raphael: What do you think they're doing now?!
Leonardo: Let's find out
We got closer and the only important thing we saw was brand new robot girl ninjas getting put into the same exact trucks we saw yesterday.
Raphael: They are fabricating more robot ninjas
Talena: That's what they were transporting in those to start building them
Leonardo: We need to tell the others!
At that moment an alarm went off. And a speaker that sounded like a robot started saying "INTRUDER! INTRUDER! INTRUDER!" All the doors started closing and the machines were turning off! We had no scape but then Raph signal us to a loaded truck that was about to drive away. We started running towards it and jumped on top of it and got away.
Amoly: Damn that was a close one!
Leonardo: Where do you think the truck is going?
Talena: Well if the truck is loaded with robot ninja girls then...
Raphael: Nayichu

Hi my tmnt and tmnt girls loveeeeeeeeeers! So yea I guys are mad at me because I don't update as much as before but don't blame it on me! Blame it on my school, that they send me sooo much homework! >:(  So I have a new schedule I'm gonna be updating the weekends. If I have a spare time in the week then I will use it to update. Yea I'm sorry but it must be like this until I get summer again and that will be in sadly a year! So one once again I'm sorry I'll do my best to update as much as I can! But remember to leave a comment if you have any questions or suggestions I always love to read what you guys have to say and thanks for reading!

Amoly: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! Why do they have to wait so long?!
Eve: If you go to my school and convince the principal to let me skip school then yea
Amoly: Never mind

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