Meeting and Mutating part 2 (Chapter 32)

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Venu's P.O.V:


And so we left to the evil woman's layer. When we got there everything was as exactly as last time but this time we saw the trucks that the Krang were putting boxes in, that day.
Donatello: Well I think we definitely found it
Mikey: Should I tell the others?
He said while touching his pocket where his phone was.
Venus: Not yet, lets find out what they're up to first!
And so we went down the hole but grabbing ourselves from the walls so we don't fall fast. It took us a while but it was worth it! When we got down, there was Nayichu's ninjas everywhere but their uniform was different they looked like Shredder's ninjas now, but without anyone seeing us we climbed the big wall to get a better view of everything. We looked at the view and there was hundreds of those same ninjas. There were more being brought by those trucks.
Donatello: Well it looks like Nayichu copied Shredder's idea of robot ninjas
Larota: Just what we needed right now!
Mikey: Uh does anyone see that
He said while pointing at Nayichu's thrown that behind it was like glowing green. We looked at each other confused, and started walking toward it. We got behind the thrown and there was an entranceway we got in and we saw Nayichu in a white lab coat like an actual scientist. I remember Hopu telling us that she does knows about science but not like an actual scientist. But anyways there where two cages one with a white female wolf, and in the other one was a gray male wolf. And beside the male dog there was a female white alligator that was already mutated and she was wearing a black coat with a hoodie...hey! Wait a second I know her! Me and Larota looked at each other at the same time.
Larota: Is it just me or I think I've seen her before
Venus: Yea that's the one that attacked us the day that you guys picked me up from my house the first time!
Donatello: And it looks like they're about to mutate those wolves
They were both holding a jar full of the green ooze and were gonna drop it on the wolves.
Larota: Not if I can stop them!
She stepped out of the shadows with a jump and pointed her Kusarigama at them.
Larota: Stop! You're not mutating no one if I'm here!
Everybody turned to her and Nayichu smiled at her. The new robot ninjas were about to attack her but Nayichu stoped them.
Nayichu: Well look at who decided to join the experiment!
Lara looked at her straight in the eyes.
Nayichu: Where is the rest of your gang, huh? I know they're hiding somewhere in the room
We moved from our spot and hided behind the robot ninjas without them noticing us.
Venus: Now will be the perfect time to tell the others to come
Mikey nodded but at that same time Mikey's phone started ringing sooo loud! That everybody tuned and looked at us.
Nayichu: Well that wasn't so hard to find
We jumped over to were Lara was and took out our weapons, ready to fight!
Nayichu: Sure you remember Sasha
She said while pointing at the white alligator.
Larota: Of course, how can we forget someone who tried to kill us!
Sasha: You are in time for the show
She had a Chinese accent, she sounded funny.
Nayichu: She's right so let's start
She was about to drop the mutagen on the wolf but Mikey smacked it away with his nun-chucks.
Nayichu: Oh don't worry we have spare!
She said while she magically appear another bottle of mutagen! And I stare at her impressed, and her and Sasha dropped the bottle on the wolves's heads.
Sasha: Oops!
Lara run up to them and was about to attack them but one of those female ninja robots came out of nowhere and kicked her in the face. Making her fall to the ground and we helped her up.
Nayichu: Oh and do you like my new robot girl ninjas? I think they're lovely and better than the other ones!
We started fighting them, while Nayichu was watching the wolfs develop into mutants! Then my pocket started vibrating, it was my phone the others are calling me, what if they're introuble?! I crashed the head of the robot that I was fighting with and took out my phone. When I was about to answer another robot punched my face....I got so mad that I threw a fireball at her and she started running around setting other robots on fire. I laid against the wall and answer the phone.
Venus: Are you guys in trouble?!
Leonardo: No we are fine but we found something
Venus: Oh I will love to hear it but I'm fighting some robot ninjas right now!
I said while pushing some ninjas back with my magic.
Leonardo: Ok well we're coming just hang on!
Venus: Yea ok hurry!
I hang up and kept fighting, when all of a sudden it got quiet and turned around to see what was everyone starring at. It was those wolfs they finish mutating and they're huge the boy is a bit bigger than the girl but that means more work and trouble for us! They started howling and then jumped in the fight, after a few minutes they had us cornered and the others haven't got here yet!
Nayichu: Well look at who we have cornered, but I haven't really presented you to my new members of my clan~
Mikey: Your clan doesn't even have a name!
Nayichu: Well I have been thinking of a few and~
Mikey: Let's me guess "Fist Clan"
Nayichu: Well I was gonna say "Female Clan" but I like that way better so this Biyu and Quiang!
Mikey: What does that even mean?
Venus: Biyu means precious gem
Larota: And Quiang means powerful
Mikey started laughing and Donnie was trying to shut him up but he couldn't and Quiang scratched his arm with his long claws. And Mikey covered it with his hand, then out of nowhere Leo dropped down on Biyu, Raph on Quiang, Amoly on Sasha, and Talena came behind Nayichu and push her off her wheel chair!
Talena: C'on!
We started running for the exit but a bunch of robot ninjas blocked it.
Raphael: Uh no what?!
Taly and Donnie looked at each other and threw a smoke bomb at the same time and while they were distracted we scape through the vents, and went home!

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