Her (Chapter 60)

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Talena's P.O.V:

Nayichu: I summoned all of you here because I have important information yet again
The ninja robots's eyes following our every move. I've never felt the air so damp and heavy around my own family.
Hopu: where are the others?
Nayichu: no asking questions until I'm done talking!
Amoly flinched at Nayichu's hands slamming against her elegantly carved,wooden desk. This room has to be the fanciest place in here. The floor are made out of marble and so are the walls.
Nayichu: first things first, here are you're new cloths or bandanas what ever you kids call them nowadays
Sasha delicately took the stack from the witche's hand and gave one to everybody. As my palms touch the silk, grey headband, I noticed there was a white slanted cross stitched in the middle.
Nayichu: those are your new symbols of pride. Me and my brother chose that symbol to represent our clans uniting and the start of something magnificent! You will be required to wear them every time you're outside our main house, aka the place you're in right now
Venus: and what makes you think we'll wear these?
Nayichu: I'm glad you ask sweetheart, starting tomorrow you will be going to therapy... I lied it's not therapy it's more like brain washing sessions
Talena: for what?!
The impulse made me speak up, with my heart beating in my throat.
Nayichu: well for starters I already know the three sisters have questions about their family, we will answer all of those in therapy and I also have answers for you too Venus
Vee gave her a strange look as to what she meant by having answers for her.
Nayichu: that's reason one and reason two is because we have a plan in mind already for the world and we can't accomplish it without your help so after all of the good in you is wiped out you will start to work with us outside of the main house
April: like missions?
Nayichu: yes, missions to get plan World Domination started
At that moment, somebody appeared behind Nayichu like magic. Their glowing orange eyes is the only thing visible hence they're body is hidden in Nayichu's shadow.
Nayichu: just in time Alopex
Sasha: 時間内に?彼女は5分遅れています (just in time? She's five minutes late)
Alopex: sorry everyone I was in the bathroom. Sasha I would appreciate it if you could not speak about me in Japanese since I can't understand it
Sasha: baka
Alopex: ok I understood that!
A bright orange and white mutant fox made intense eye contact with the crocodile. How many mutants is this bag of bones going to pull out of her sleeve.
Alopex: wow so y'all are the famous ninja mutant turtles
She said getting close to me with her paws extended.
Nayichu: Alopex, stop being stupid and stand next to Sasha!
The fox breathed out and did a backflip, landing in her assigned position.
Sasha: apart from therapy you will also receive rough training! Very rough training! You will learn many more martial arts and defense mechanisms!
Alopex: can you stop screaming! We're all right here
Sasha opened her long mouth and launched towards the fox. Luckily she dodged Sasha's bite. If the fox's head would've gotten caught in her jaws it would've been game over. Alopex managed to scrape Sasha's thick skin with her claws. Sasha let out a mighty roar pushing Alopex back. Two of the robots got in between before somebody punches somebody else. Nayichu's eyes started glowing and sends a gust of force in their direction, throwing the two mutants against the wall.
Nayichu: can you behave or do we have to start assigning punishments already?!
They got up and dusted themselves off. I never realized how someone with magical powers can be so intimidating.
Sasha and Alopex: we're sorry
Nayichu: anyways, they will be your two trainers or senseis
Lara snorted in laughter.
Nayichu: except you Venus. You will still train with them but we'll have personal training sessions, you and me only since we both share a special talent
Hopu extended her arm in front of Venus protectively.
Nayichu: what is this?
Hope: I do not care if she's my daughter or not, I will not let you influence her with your evil
Venus: Hopu please don't do this...
Nayichu: well Hopu I think you still don't understand that your opinions and feelings are as irrelevant as a dust particle in here!
Nayichu lifted her finger at the end of her sentence and dragged mom across the ground until she crashed with the wall.
Amoly: hey!!!
Sasha: nobody move!
Everyone stayed as still as possible. I spotted Alopex trying to move towards mother but Sasha gripped her shoulder. Hopu sat up, breathing heavily with a fist over her chest.
Nayichu: anything else you want to say to me?
Hopu: burn in Hell!
Nayichu: hahaha! Orimura are you hearing this?
The giant male turtle appeared behind Nayichu. What's up with these freaks and appearing out of nowhere!
Orimura: I am
Nayichu: escort her to the girls' resting rooms and lock her in there until we're done here
Without saying another word, he made his way to Hopu. His steps are so heavy that the ground trembles when he walks. Even the energy that flows out of him feels heavy and powerful. He kneeled down and stared at Hopu but she refused to make eye contact with him. Something's definitely happened between them but I don't think I'll ever accept the truth. He tried putting her delicate arm around his neck but she snatched it back and pushed him away.
Hopu: don't dare to put your hands on me!
She slowly got up by herself with the help of the wall and limped out of the room, with the turtle following close behind.
April: where are the guys?
Nayichu: they're having the same meeting but with Shredder
Venus: but why-
Nayichu: enough questions! I want to see how those cloths look around you foreheads
I stare at the cursed bandana on my palms. In it I can see how far we have fallen in the well, so far that I can't see the way out.

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