Bye bye Nayichu's Layer (Chapter 22)

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Larota's P.O.V:

That night we were on our way to Nayichu's layer. While we were running on top of the rooftops we could see in the distance a bunch of gray smoke going up into the air. When we got there we saw the boys in a building looking down at the firefighters putting out the fire, so we joined them.
Venus: How do you think it happened?
Leonardo: Not a clue
Larota: We don't know no one here that hates her
Raphael: Donnie anything?
Donatello: Hmm perhaps she could've done it herself, since you guys already went to her layer and knew her location~
Talena: That's it! She burned her own layer so she can relocate hers so we don't know were she's at!
Donatello: Yea...that's what I was trying to say—_—*
Amoly: Nice Don and Tal but now what?
Leonardo: We'll wait until the firemen and the police leave so we can sneak in what's left of the layer to see if we find any clues or something
Mikey: Sounds good to me!
We waited around a few hours then I got bored so I snuck down close to the police. I heard them talk about the abandon layer.
Police 1: Who could've done this?
Police 2: I don't know, maybe some stupid kids playing around with fire
Police 1: Our detectives found some stuff close to the building, there were a bunch of burned matches, a lighter, and big plastic bottles probably they were full with gasoline. That's what they used to set the whole thing on fire.
Police 2: And did they found any finger prints?
Police 1:Nope, not even a piece of hair!
Police 2: Then whoever did it must be smart at this type of stuff
Police 1: Agree~
They kept talking and talking but I had enough of it, so I climbed back up the building and told the guys.
Mikey: Hmmm well at least we know what they burn it with
Larota: Yea I guess
We waited a little bit more and they were all long gone so we got into action! We got down, there were orange cones with yellow tape that said "DO NOT CROSS" but of course we just jumped over it. Mikey and Amoly were on the look out while we searched. But no sign of nothing the only thing we spotted was the big plastic bottles, the lighter and a piece of the big telescope sitting in a pile of burnt ashes.
Venus: Hey guys!
Leonardo: Did you found something?
Venus: No but girls, remember the secret passage we got sucked into?
Talena: Oh yea! But we're is it though?
Venus: I don't know but we can search for it
Everybody started looking for an entrance or a trap door. I saw Raph digging through the ashes so I came and help him cause why not...Hey don't look at me like that I'm just being kind with him nothing else ok! Then my nail scratched something hard.
Larota: Guys, I think we found it!
Raphael blew the remaining ashes and it revealed a circle metal trapdoor.
Talena: That's it! That's the thing we fell through
Raphael: And what's exactly down there?
Amoly: A big white room with a lot of doors
Venus: Maybe it's still down there
Larota: Let's find out then!
Donnie sticked his stick in the little crack of the door but instead of opening it, his bo staff broke in half.
Donatello: Well, there it goes my bo staff!
Amly and Mikey giggled.
Talena: I can fix it for you!
Donatello: No it's fine I can do it my self
Talena: Oh uh ok
Leo was about to do the same thing but with his katana, but he was stopped by Mikey and Amoly screaming at us like a rooster from their top of their longs.
Larota: We are literally five foots away from you, WE CAN HEAR YOU PERFECTLY!
Leonardo: And what are you guys saying?
Mikey and Amly: *sights*
Mikey: That's supposed to be our sig~
Amoly: Helicopter!
She said pointing up at two helicopters with flashlights coming at us! We spread out and hided behind the buildings near by. The helicopters stayed there flying on top of the burned house moving their flashlights all over the place and we started leaving from that area slowly and reunited near the sewer entrance.
Mikey: Well that was close!
Raphael: Too close
We got inside the sewers said goodbye to the guys and decided what to do next tomorrow, we separated our own ways and when we got home we watched the news. They reported the burned house but they didn't even had a clue of who could've done it. And after that we all went to sleep.

Donatello's P.O.V:

We woke up, got ready and went to the girl's house. They were also ready to go and we left back to the burned house. In the way I was thinking about yesterday with Talena, I don't know if it just me or is she stealing my place as the smart one in the group! I mean I know she's smart also but.....ugh how can I think like that I'm probably just jealous, yea yea I'm just uh jealous. We finally got there but we found something really unusual!
Venus: Is the door open?
Larota: Yep, it is
Mikey: Who opened it though?
Leonardo: Who knows
Raphael: Then let's find out!
He was about to jump in but Leo stopped him.
Leonardo: Wait Raph! We don't know who's or what's down there, it could be a trap!
Donnie: Fine then we're gonna need a volunteer to go first
Amoly: I can go! Me, pick me!
She said raising her hand enthusiastically.
Talena: No no no, we're not putting ur young life in risk!
Amoly: But, but I
Leonardo: Raph you're up!
Amly looked annoyed.
He fell down through a long tube screaming happily and scared at the same time. Then we heard a big  *spank* and it echoed through the tube.
Leonardo: Raph you all right?
Raphael: Yea I'm fine, it's dark down here but I don't sense no on~aaaah
Leonardo: Raph?...RAPH!
Amoly: Oh no
Venus: He's in trouble!
Larota: Let's go then!
Lara jumped down then Vee, Taly, Amly, Mikey, me and finally Leo. We all screamed in fear and Amly and Mikey were screaming in joy. And we all landed on top of each other.
Donnie: Oh my lord, how many pizzas did you guys got for breakfast?
Mikey: I had 5
Venus: Amly stop kicking my butt!
Amoly: Sorry
Talena: Lara are you alright?
Larota: Oh no totally just the fact that six 200 pound mutant turtles are on top of me, yea just fine!
Taly started wiggling around and it made the turtle tower fell down. Then the dark room became bright, the lights turned on and in front of us we saw Raph and the Mutanimals!
We stand up as fast and said hi. And the girls  sat in the background confused.

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