Love day! Part 2 (chapter 25) *Especial Chapter*

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Leonardo's P.O.V:

We where on our way to the abandon fair! The girls where skating, we where skateboarding, April in Casey's bike on the side walk with Casey skating behind her. Mikey was really showing off this time, he was doing tricks all over the place like a professional! I think to impress Amly, but Vee was really rocking it this time I didn't know she skates so good! She looked so pretty with her sky blue mask that matched her eyes blowing in the wind!<3 I got so distracted that I tripped and almost fell down, she giggled, oooh look at that shinning smile...Anyway we finally got there after a few minutes, it's dustier than the last time we came. When I looked over at the girls, everybody was staring at them because they looked so surprised like if they found a mountain full of diamonds!
Tmnt girls: WOW!!!
Casey: Um you guys never seen a fair before?
Talena: Of course we had but it was many many years ago and we couldn't go in
Amoly: And there wasn't so many rides
Larota: Then why are we waisting our time standing here, Let's go!
They took off their skates and started running toward the rides, then Mikey and Casey started running after them.
Mikey: Wooohooo!
And then the rest of us.
First we went into the hammer we had to give it a little nodge since there was no power. We could hear Mikey and Amoly screaming from the top of their lungs up there. When I went with Venus I was laughing so hard and she was too but with tears running down her face from the force of the thing! Then we went racing! One person drives and two pushes the car from the back and so team one was Donnie and Casey pushing Taly, team two was Me and Vee pushing Mikey, and team three was Lara and Raph pushing Amoly, and April was the refry/audience.
We were all ready we were just waiting until April gives the signal.
April: On your marks...
She raised a white tissue in the air.
April: Get set...
She put it down!
April: Go!
We all started pushing as hard as we could, we where in last place and Taly's group was on first place! Then all of a sudden we heard arguing.
Donatello: I bet I could push harder than you!
Casey: I bet you can't!
Donatello: Of course I can!
Casey: No!
Donatello: Yes!
Casey: No!!!
Donatello: YES!!!
And we passed them real quick! Now it was Amoly's team that was in the lead, and after a few seconds we completed our first lap we just need 2 more, more than enough time to overtake them...I guess? We finished our second lap and we where neck and neck with Amoly. We could hear April in the background cheering, we passed Taly and they were still fighting, and Taly was just sitting there with her head on the steering wheel, poor her! We where getting close to the end and Amoly's team was ahead of us now, and me and Vee were getting tired.
Mikey: C'on guys you're gonna let them win!?
Venus: Of Course not, just leave it to us!
Then she looked at me with a cheeky smile and used a little bit of her magic to make us go faster like in the skating race. They were about to win but then we came rushing from behind and won by a hair!
Mikey: Yeeeeeah! Now I called that a race!
Raphael: No way you guys cheated!
Mikey: Nobody said anything about rules!
Raph crossed his arms and we all watched Mikey do his victory dance. And then we saw Taly coming over walking.
Venus: Hey Tal
Talena: Hi guys
She sounded upset.
Larota: You guys lost pretty bad
Talena: Yeah, but it doesn't matter we where gonna lose anyway
She smiled and the girls hugged her.
April: Nice job guys! The best turtle race I've seen so far!
We all laughed. And then we stopped Casey and Donnie from fighting and went to the scary ride!
Hopefully there was still 3 boats. Don was about to ask April to sit with him but Casey got her first so in the last boat was Raph, Lara, Casey, and April. In the second boat was Mikey, Amly, Taly, and Donnie, and in the first one was Me and Vee all alone! Of course nobody was scared but then everything got dark and the boat started shaking and everyone was like "Whoooo" but Vee got a little too scared and hugged my arm, when we passed the dark part she looked at me and let go and we both started blushing. Then things started popping up like fake spiders and zombies and stuff.
Mikey: Wow this is not scary at all
Amoly: Totally!
Then there was a big clown face with a big red nose and sharp teeth sticked to the wall!
Mikey and Amly: AAAAAAAAAAAAHAAA! (Hugging each other in fear)
We all started laughing at them and they both got red as an apple. When we finished the ride we jumped off and started looking around what to do next.
Amoly: Uhuh I want to go on that one!
She pointed at the big old wooden roller coaster.
Larota: I don't know if you noticed but there is no power here!
Talena: And that doesn't look very stable
Venus: And we don't have anything to ride it with
Mikey: Who says we don't?
In the back of the roller coaster there was dumpster full with the old roller coaster carts! We all looked at each other with a "bad idea" face...but we did it anyways just because it was the girls first time!

Talena's P.O.V:

This is gonna end bad I just know it but as long as I'm with my Donnie everything's gonna be fine. When I turn around I see MY DONNIE SITTING WITH APRIL!!! *Breaths hard* Ok ok calm down it *sights* it doesn't matter anyways...There was exactly 5 carts, in front of Donnie was Leo and Vee, then Raph and Lara, then Casey, and in the very front Mikey and Amly of course. I guess I'll sit with Casey then. -.- We were all waiting until the ride starts but then we remembered...
April: Wait who's gonna push us up
All the boys: Ugh c'on
All the boys got down and started pushing us up when we where at the very top they all hopped in quickly, and then we all went down super duper fast! We where all laughing and screaming specially Amly and Mikey! It was such a funny feeling in my belly I couldn't stop laughing, then at the middle of the ride the cart behind us the one that Lara and Raph was in, the wheel started shaking and it came off! And then Lara's,Venu's, and Donnie's carts fell to the side and out of the roller coaster! They crashed into the wooden floor and bounced out of the carts and into the water. Our half of the carts didn't fell but instead of turning it just kept going and we flew out of the roller coaster with the carts and everything! We landed in the water thankfully, Mikey and Amly got out and Casey slipped out but I couldn't, the safety railing thing was stuck and I couldn't get out and I was sinking fast! But Casey came down got the thing up and helped me swim up.
Talena: Thank you Casey!
Casey: No problem Tal!
I smiled and checked on Mikey and Amly they where fine so we swam to the other side where the others where.
Leonardo: Is everybody alright?
Talena: Guys!
Venus: Thank god you guys are alright!
Casey: Are you guys alright? April?
April: Yea we're fine
Mikey: Well that was fun!
We all turned to Mikey.
Mikey: I...I guess
Talena: I told you guys it wasn't safe!
Larota: Oh now you tell us
Talena: I told you guys since Amly said to go there
Amoly: Hey don't blame it all on me
Everybody started arguing until Venus had enough of it.
Venus: GUYS! Why don't we all calm down and breath ok... Now I know it didn't came as plan and that we almost got killed and now we're wet and mad, but we're alive and now we're here swimming so let's make the bet out of it!
We all had to agreed and then we started swimming and throwing water at each other and laughing. And after all we did had a good time swimming until sunset!

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