Remember... (Chapter 43)

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Donatello's P.O.V:

   It was a beautiful morning and we were following Raph to the girls new layer. We entered through the vents of a tall building and dropped down on a small, apartment. Everything was purple and black and full of paintings of cats just like Raph said, but no girls, money or furniture. There were only a bunch of bean bags, a guitar with all of its strings' broken and tattoo papers on all over the floor. We started looking around for clues and then I spotted a letter taped to the door.
Donatello: Guys look! It's a letter
Mikey yanked it out of my hands and observed it for a few seconds.
Mikey: It looks like Amoly's hand writing
I took it back and started reading.
Donatello: It says "Hello boys, thanks for invading our space but anyway we knew you guys would come looking for us and so we finally decided to talk to you so you can leave us in peace. We will tell you why we have been acting like this and try to answer any questions you guys have, anyways meet us at the park we always use to go when we where bored, today when the moon rises."
Raphael: Well that doesn't sound suspicious at all...
He said sarcastically crossing his arm.
Donatello: It could be a trap
Leonardo: But they can also be telling the truth
We all turned around to see Leo looking out the window.
Raphael: No, they're not telling the truth they're setting up a trap to get rid of us once and for all!
Mikey: How can you be so sure, hmmm?!
Raphael: Because don't you think we've learned our lesson by now!? You can't trust those punks, do you think they're gonna change their mind just like that?
Donatello: He does have a point
Mikey was about to say something but Leo interrupted him.
Leonardo: Enough!!! Those punks are our friends and they need our help~
Mike: How'd you know?
Leonardo: I don't, I feel it and I'm sure you do too! And yes maybe it is a trap...but maybe it's not and I'm not wasting this opportunity, I'm going! If you don't want to that's fine but they were once our friends...they helped us when ever we needed them, they even risked their own life for ours...and now I'm risking mine for theirs!
   Then without saying another word he jumped into the vents and left, and we just stayed there, standing there and I realized that what he said is true. They did fought in every single battle with us, they helped us even if it meant that they could die, they were always there...
Donatello: I'm...I'm going!
Mikey: Me too! Raph?
Raphael: I can't...
Mikey: Why not?
Raphael: Becaue...because I'm afraid things we'll never be like before...
Mikey: Aaaaaaw Raph! It's ok, they will go back to normal. They always do!
Mikey hugged him and I hugged him too, he get so sensitive sometimes that it's adorable!
Raphael: Ok ok that's enough! Let's not waste anymore time and let's go
In the way we found Leo and went home.

   We told Master Splinter and Karai about the note. I don't think they liked the idea but they had no other choice than to agree.
Splinter: Well if that's so then get ready eather way cause you don't know what are they really planing to do and I hope you find a way to get them back to normal
Karai: Can I at least come with you guys?
Leonardo: Don't worry sis we're going to be ok, I don't think they will like it if we bring visitors with us anyway
Karai: Alright then but I still think Shredder is behind all of this!
After the long talk we ordered pizza and got ready because it was almost time to go!

Karai's P.O.V:

   When I finished eating pizza I went back inside the dojo. It's basically my room now cause there's no more space for me down here but anyway I sat down in my pillow and started to think. Ok Karai let's see what we got here...hmmm ugh! Is that they never gave us that many clues for us to figure out what got into those girls! Ummm ok, ok how about words? Ok...
Leonardo: They act like if they don't know us!
. . .
Mikey: Her eyes where white
. . .
Karai: I bet Shredder and Nayichu is behind all of this!
. . .
Donatello: They have moon and stars tattoos all over their bodies even in their weapons
. . .
Raphael: They have pics of black cats all over their layer
. . .
Bubblegum: We're villains now!
. . .
Leonardo: Her name is Bluemoon now apparently
. . .
April: How can they change like that in just an hour?!
Casey: And on Halloween night!

   Hm old friends, Halloween, Shredder and Nayichu, white eyes, black cats, moon and stars...this is all connected somehow but I just can't figure out what all of this means! C'on Karai is in the tip of my tongue...if only there was something that will give me another good clue~
Mikey: Hey Karai
My thoughts got interrupted when Mikey came in the room.
Karai: What's up?
Mikey: Leo told me to tell you that we're leaving~
   Then all of  a sudden his phone slipped out of his hand and landed in front of me facing the floor. I picked it up and turned it on, good think it didn't cracked cause Donnie would've killed him for sure! Then I stared at his wallpaper for a moment, it was a selfie of them with the girls the night of Halloween. *Sighs* they looked so happy there and now is like :.-< and that breaks my heart because I know how it feels to loose somebody you love forever...then Mikey got the phone out of my hands and started walking out the dojo.
Mikey: Phew, good thing it didn't broke anyway got to go uh bye!
   Heh I remember that Mike and Amly were so excited because they were finally gonna go out in the real world dressed up as Elvis and a witch! . . . A witch . . .UHHHH THAT'S IT!!! How can I've been sooo blind?! It was right in front of our faces but with all this trouble in our heads who would ever imagine that...I can't waste anymore time I have to tell the boys at once! I ran out the door and saw dad drinking tea in the couch.
Karai: Did the boys left already?!
Splinter: Yes a few minutes ago, why?
Karai: I solved it dad!
Splinter: You solved what?
Karai: I know why the girls have been acting like that this whole time!

*With the boys*

Leonardo's P.O.V:

   We were waiting in the park for them and nobody said a word when we got there, the moon was already rising and every minute we were there it was getting colder and tenser. Then I felt eyes looking at me, I turned around and looked up there they were! But I felt something else watching me not only them...
Bluemoon: You guys are early~
Bubblegum: Like always!
She shot a dirty look to Amoly for interrupting her but Amly just looked away.
Bluemoon: Anyway as I was saying are you guys ready for~
Karai: WAIT!!!
Bluemoon: Oh c'on!
Leonardo: Karai I thought we told you not to come!
Karai: Shut up and listen, I found out why they're acting like that!
She said breathing heavily and everybody just stared at her.
Karai: They're being hypnotized by someone and I think that that someone is Shinigami
Mikey: No way! She will never do something like that!
Karai: Of course she wouldn't, but she could if someone was forcing her to do it!
I looked back at the girls and they looked very nervous!
Orchid: O-of course not! That's just how we are...
Karai: That's how they managed to hypnotized me and~
Before she could say another word a big figure with a black cloak landed on top of her...Sasha!
Sasha: Ok that's enough of you!
Raphael: Hey get off her!
Sasha: Make me
Raph took his sais out and started walking up to her but I stopped him.
Leonardo: So it is true
Sasha: Yes, it is true we did capture Shirigama or whatever her name is, and she did hypnotize them
I took out my Katanas and started walking towards them, but as usual something stopped me.
Nayichu: I wouldn't get too close if I were you, cause she will smash her head against the concrete without no mercy
Leonardo: Why did you do that to them?!
Nayichu: Oh no sweetie it wasn't me it was her
She pointed behind us and when we turned to look back Tiger Claw came out scolding Shinigami who was tied up with chains and tape in her mouth.
Mikey: Oh you're going to regret this sooo bad~
Shredder: Stop! I've heard enough of your moaning, instead why don't you actually do something about it?
Raphael: Oh we will!
We all got into battle position.
Nayichu: Yea but I'm afraid you guys don't stand a chance against us this time! Cause we not only have more people we have your own friends on our side! Hahehehe, now tell me how does it feel to be betrayed?

                                                                                    ...To be continued...

Hellour my TMNT and TMNT Girls loversss! Omg I updated yeeeeeey! Sorry really sorry I haven't updated in so long is that I went out of town for 15 days to go visit my other half of the family but I'm finally back and ready to start writing again, but yea it was my fault that I didn't warn you guys that I was not gonna be updating yea I'm sorry, I hope you forgive me and I'm gonna be updating again probably in 2 days again to make up the chapters that I missed. So yea that's all I wanted to say to you and thank you for reading till the end and I hope you guys enjoy the upcoming holidays and I'll see you around bu-byeee!

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