Scaping! (Chapter 16)

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Venus's P.O.V:

We started falling straight down into a dark tube.
All the girls: AAAAAAAHHH!!!
When we got to the bottom we smashed in to the floor, but it didn't hurt much. We stand up and got into our battle positions, then an army of those same female ninjas started surrounding us, and out of the shadows that same old lady in the wheelchair came out, and I believe she was the evil soul that calls herself Nayichu! Because I saw the black yin yang in her arm and that's her clan symbol. We were still ready to attack when she spoke...
Nayichu: Hi Ladies! Good to see you again!
She said with a demonic voice, and we just looked at her angrily.
Nayichu: Please put your weapons down we won't hurt, we just want to talk
The girls looked at me and I nodded my head yes. We dropped our weapons in the floor and the female ninjas backed up a little. I started looking around the dark room to see if there was an exist but I just saw stairs going up probably the ones that Amly discovered, a bunch of doors in the side of the room and carpet covering the whole floor. We where like in a really big dojo, but it was could she done all of this in only two weeks?
Nayichu: Hm, smart choice now I know you guys have a lot of questions, but the only thing you should know is that I am the great and evil Nayichu, and that all 4 of you DESTROYED MY LIFE!
Larota: We didn't do nothing to you! Yo were the one t~
Nayichu: Can I finish please?!
She interrupted Larota, and Lara growled at her.
Nayichu: As I was saying...we could leave all those bad memories behind and start over?
Venus: Start over!?
Nayichu: Yes you guys can join me and together we shall rule the world!
Talena: Never!
Amoly: Yea we are heroes not villains!
Nayichu: Are you sure about your decision? Cuz it's a unique offer that you will never be asked again!
Venus: We are more than sure!
Nayichu: Very well...GET THEM!
She pointed at us and the whole female ninja army started running after us, we all grabbed our weapons and started fighting.

Larota's P.O.V:

I'm gonna be honest those ninjas were skilled but not as skilled as us! We defeated every single ninja that stand in our way when we were almost done more ninjas started coming out of nowhere!
Talena: There are too many!
Larota: No kidding!
Venus: We have to retreat!
Amoly: But where's the exit!?
Venus pointed at the staircase we all nodded our heads and started running for it while fighting with the ninjas that were trying to block us. When we were about to go up Nayichu pushed us back with her magic and we all fell.
Amoly: She has magic too!? Well we're dead
Larota: C'on guys, she's in a wheel chair! How hard can she be?
I almost feel bad that were gonna beat an old lady in a wheelchair...but I didn't felt that bad when she started kicking our butts real hard. The women was tuff, no wonder our family haven't defeat her yet. She managed to get us far away from the staircase, we manage to get some hits on her but she was still holding us back. Now I feel embarrassed of my self that an old mean lady in a wheelchair could beat us! But not for long! Taly was holding off the other ninjas, I was distracting Nayichu, while Venus turned invisible and broke one of her wheels from the wheelchair and she feel to the floor. Now she saw herself in a bad situation, she signal one of the ninjas and the ninja went behind the stairs pressed a button and the stairs started to disappear, we started running and pushing all the ninjas out of our way, that's when I noticed that Amly was still back there with Nayichu. I turned around and saw Nayichu holding Amly's foot so she wouldn't run away then Amly got pissed...real pissed. She grabbed Nayichu and tied her up with her Kusari fundo and ran away. I grabbed her, pulled her up and run up the stairs just in time when the 4 of us got up, the stairs disappeared and we were back into the living room with the big telescope. We made sure that we were all stable and we ran home as fast as we could.

Maolier's P.O.V:

I was meditating in my room but I couldn't! I couldn't stop thinking about the girls and that women, who destroyed our lives. It has been already an hour and a half since they left and they haven't even called me or text me. If that women does something to those girls she better run cuz this time I will make sure she dies once and for all. But I'm also afraid that she's gonna tell them the truth about their real mom and dad. I sat down and started drinking some tea that when I heard a knock on the metal door. I rushed to it and when I opened it I saw the girls... in very bad conditions. They had cuts, scratches, and deep wounds all over their bodies. I helped them in and brought them to Taly's room and sat all of them in her bed. Talena managed to heal herself and then I helped her heal the others. Then we all sat down in the living room.
Maolier: Now tell me everything

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