Red Fight (Chapter 34)

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Michelangelo's P.O.V:

Venus called all of us over and said that it was time to head back to their layer for training. When we got there I was about to knock on the door but before I could Samurai Maolier opened the door.
Maolier: I was expecting you
Mikey: Uuuh how did you know we were here?
Maolier: I know many many things Mikey, come in
We got in and she closed the door behind us then we followed her into the dojo. We sat in a row in one side of the dojo and she sat in front of us.
Maolier: Now today I'm gonna teach all of you how to sense someone and how to not be sensed
She stand up and told us to stand up as well.
Maolier: Now what you guys have to do is I'm gonna disappear and the you are gonna have to sense me
Amoly: Uh how are we supposed to do that again?
Maolier: Ok~ oh god look over there!
She pointed behind us when, we turned around and saw nothing then we turned to her and saw nothing eather
Mikey: Where did she go?
Maolier: Sense me guys the room is not that dark
We split up and started walking around the room looking closely at every dark corner, then the lights turned off! Everybody was calling for each other and looking for the light switch and then I heard Amoly touching my face.
Amoly: Is that you Mikey?
Mikey: Yes
Amoly: Hehe sorry
Then we saw a little magic ball of light that Venus was making with her magic. Then that ball of light went off.
Venus: Hey who did that?!
Then I felt somebody pushing me and tripping and everybody else was complaining and saying to Stop pushing! At the end we all fell on top of each other and the lights turned on and I look up and see Samurai sitting on top of all of us cleaning her hat.
Maolier: You guys suck at this!
She said giggling a little.
Donatello: Mikey what did you ate this morning, rocks!?
Mikey: Of course not you silly, pizza!
Donatello: -_-
Samurai got off the big mountain of turtles and told us to stand again. We broke up the mountain and stand straight in single line
Maolier: Ok Ima teach you first how to sense someone in order to do that you have to use your nose, your ears, and your instincts. What you guys did was use your hands and eyes, so Vee can you come up please?
Venus walked up to Samurai at the middle of the room.
Maolier: Ok you miss are gonna sense me and use what I just told you
Vee nodded and closed her eyes so Maolier can hide.
Maolier: Ok go
Vee opened her eyes and listen very carefully she knew that her sensei was behind her but in what corner though she made a guessed and she got it wrong but she was wrong but pretty close to be honest. Then she made us go one by one and the ones that did it right asked to help the others that needed help. Then she thought us how to not be sensed. She told us to be a shadow to not be nervous and to do not look at the enemy all the time cause they might sense you looking at them. Amly went first and she got caught cause Samurai heard her breathing too hard. And like that we spent the whole entire day by the time we were done the moon was rising!
Maolier: I'm sorry if I took too much of you guys' time but I didn't want to let you go guys without fully mentally and physically understanding the training
Leonardo: Its ok we don't do nothing in the evening anyway only at night
Maolier: It was my pleasure to teach such great, fast, strong, and smart ninjas good night
We bowed and she lowered her head and closed herself inside her room which was her dojo as well. We sat down and ordered some pizza cause to be honest I was staaaaarviiing! I have noticed though that Lara and Raph haven't even looked at each other ONCE today, which is pretty odd since they're such good friends it definitely has to do something with Mona Liza! I told Amly and she told me that later on I should talk to Lara and she was gonna go talk to Raph. When we were eating pizza me and Amly shook heads and separated I went to one side of the room to Lara and she went to the other side to were Raph was. I sat down next to Lara in the floor,and she wasn't eating any pizza she just had a frown in her face and started playing with her fingers.
Mikey: Hey Lara
She didn't answer or look at me.
Mikey: Aren't you gonna eat? It's your favorite pepperoni
I put the slice of pizza in her face, but she just turned around giving me her back. So I stand up and sat in front of her.
Mikey: C'on just one itsi bitsi tiny bite?
I said while putting the pizza in front of her face and she just slapped it off my hand and landed on the floor!!! I was about to tear up when I saw that baked fresh, delicious pizza on the floor!>^<
Mikey: 5 SECOND RULE!!!
I threw myself in the floor and ate the pizza before the 5 seconds past. I think that was the fastest time I've ever ate a slice of pizza but when I turned around to Lara she was looking at the ground soulless.
Mikey: Hey I know your mad but maybe I can help!
Larota: No you can't now leave me alone
Mikey: Yes I can I~
Larota: I SAID~
We all got quiet when we heard Vee calling all of us to the kitchen. So without saying another word we hurried over to the kitchen.
Venus: Ok so I called all of you here because we need a plan for tomorrow cause we are sneaking into Shredder's layer to get out Karai because Don and Tal found out a cure to turn her back to normal
Leonardo: And we also need to free her from Shredder's power
Talena: And if the antidote works we can always make some more to turn all of those mutants back to animals!
Donatello: So what's the plan?
Larota: I say that maybe if we sneak through the vents or the back door of the building and get to where Karai is we split up one team focus on turning her back to normal and the other has to find out how to free her
Venus: That actually sou~
Raphael: Well I think that it's not gonna work because we already did that the other day and they noticed us so all the ventilations and doors are gonna be closed and secure
Larota: Well do you have a better idea? Cause I think you don't
Raphael: No I don't but at least is not gonna be as bad as yours
Larota: Nobody asked for your opinion in the first place!
Raphael: They're open to anyone that has opinion and plus I can say whatever I want anyway!
Oh snap this is getting hot in here. Now they both but their hands on the table and looked at each other straight in the eyes.
Leonardo: Guys this is not the time to~
Larota: No you can't say whatever you want because we're doing what I said
Venus: Um I don't thi~
Raphael: See we're not doing what you said!
Venus: No no that's not what I meant
Larota: Yes we are!!!
Raphael: No we are not!!!
Mikey and Amly: *sights* nope
Larota: Fine the since we're never gonna agree then I'm by myself
Venus: No you're not!
Larota: YES I AM! Now if you'll excuse me I have a plan to make
She opened the metal door and left and Taly went after her.
Talena: Lara wait!
And then all the boys looked at the hot head of Raphael.
Raphael: What now you guys are gonna blame it on me?!
Mikey: Nobody said anything~
Raphael: Fine then I guess I'm by myself too
Leonardo: Raph!
He started walking out the door.
Leonardo: RAPH!
And he left.
Venus: I'll go get him
Leo grabbed Venus by the hand before she walked away.
Leonardo: No we don't have time we need a plan and we need one now
Vee nodded her head and then we saw Taly coming in.
Amoly: Where is she?
Talena: I don't know she disappeared into the darkness before I could catch up to her
Mikey: Well it looks like it's just us 6 now
Venus: Yea I guess so...

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