TMNT V.S TMNTG (Chapter 42)

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Raphael's P.O.V:

I can't take this anymore! They've been acting like if they were never our friends, they've bee also stealing almost every single store in NYC! They've been all over the news and they're now the most wanted criminals in the city. Everybody is depressed and we don't know what to do ANYMORE... Karai says she thinks Shredder is behind all of this because it's not normal to change into what they've changed to in one hour. But to be honest I don't know who to believe anymore...I just want things to go back to normal. I asked Mona Liza if she can come but she said she can't come until Christmas and by that time they've probably already stole all the store in NY cause every time we catch them in a store they scape somehow! The first time they scaped with smoke bomb, some times we can't even catch up to them cause by the time we get there they're gone, and then the day before yesterday they sabotage us with eggs, milk, and flour as soon as we went in the establishment!!! Then they put a freaking CANDLE ON OUR HEADS AND CALLED US CAKES!!! They started to take pictures with their phones and laughing and left us there covered up with all that mess! Uuuuuuuh I was sooo mad BUT they're not escaping tonight! Oh no sir I'll make sure of that! And plus Karai is coming with us so this should be fun!!
Leonardo: Ok let's head out, I guess...
Mikey: *sighs*
Karai: C'on guys your not gonna get to talk to them with that attitude
Leonardo: They're not gonna talk to us we've already tried before
Karai: Maybe not to you guys but to me they will oh and trust me they will!
So we left Leo was going too slow so Karai took the lead and we split up. I went alone because I needed some time alone and I gonna rage quit if they do one more of their little pranks oh but I'm ready for whatever those punks throw at me and their not gonna stop me! While I was looking around for them my phone rang...
Raphael: Hello?
Donatello: I think we found them, they're at the Jewelry near Shredder's
Raphael: Ok, meet you guys there
I started running as fast as I could in the opposite direction, in the way I found Karai and Leo, she gave me a worried look and he didn't looked at me at all he was just running at our pase looking down with a blank stare. We all crouched next to Don and Mikey and when I looked down I saw the jewelry and 4 black silhouettes inside it!
Karai: What now leader?
Leonardo: Go in from the back I guess, I don't know! Why you asking me and putting me under such~
Karai: OK, we'll go in through the back!
We jumped down and went in through the back, past through a dark room and came out next to the receptionist desk and there they were standing in front of the exit ready to leave and Talena had a black bag in her hands, probably filled with the stuff they just robed!
Bluemoon: Look our faaaavorite turtles and they brought their snake sister to protect them! How cute!
Leonardo: Enough of your bad jokes, we're here to talk to you!
Bluemoon: Well we're not! So good night
They started opening the doors but before they could even step outside Mikey threw a throwing star and hit the bag that Talena had and it broke and all the diamonds rings and bracelets came out!
Orchid: No! My babieeeees!
They started putting the rings and neckless all over them, then Karai hit the alarm.
Bikechick: Look at what you've done!
Mike: Ooops
Bluemoon: Just grab everything you can and let's get out of here!
Leonardo: Not without a fight
We all took out our weapons and started running up to then but as soon as we got close to them we couldn't move our feet, they were glued!
Donatello: You put super glue on the floor?!
Bubblegum: *giggles* Ooops looks like you guys are in a sticky situation! Heheheaaaa!
Orchid: And I suggest you get out of there and fast cause thanks to your sister the police should be right around the corner by now
And then they left but I swore I wasn't gonna let them get away not even if they glue me to the floor! I got my sai and put it in between my foot and the floor and started pushing it down as hard as I could and bang! My foot was free, the others started doing the same thing and now I could hear the police sirens! In a few seconds my other foot was free and I charged out the door but Karai stopped me.
Karai: Raph wait up!
Raphael: No Karai you stay here and help the others I got this!
She nodded and went back inside and I kept going forward and climbed up to a rooftop and started running. Then after a while I heard talking and followed it. There they were, on top of a high building and going into the vents, I followed them. They walked and walked inside the vents and finally dropped down into and apartment. The walls were painted purple with black stripes, they had a pile of money in the corner and a bunch of paintings of black cats? And other living room decorations. This was their new layer. I kept watching and then my phone started ringing...
Raphael: Really?!
Blumoon: Get him!
I started running into the vents I didn't know were I was going cause it all looked the same and the girls were getting more and more closer so I dropped down into a random apartment, good thing no one was in there and got out through the window and started running. I wasn't gonna fight with four crazy ninja female turtles at the same time! So I tried to loose them but I couldn't I guess they didn't want me to tell the others where their new secret layer was. Then I saw Karai and the others in the horizon and started running faster.
Leonardo: What happened?
Raphael: Th-They were....chasing me cause I...I found out where their new secret layer was
Mikey: Um I don't see them though
I looked back and they weren't there no more.
Donatello: Well at least you got away and now we know were their second layer is
Karai: Did you see anything suspicious in their layer?
Raphael: Well their walls were painted with dark colors and they had pictures of black cats everywhere
Karai: hmmm...
Leonardo: Well let's go home then and tomorrow first thing in the morning we attack their layer

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