Halloween gone wrong! Part 2 (Chapter 40)

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Mikey's P.O.V:

April came to our layer after we ate breakfast and brought our costumes! Mine was good old Elvis, Raph's a pirate, Donnie's an Egyptian, and Leo's a handsome colonist. I am sooo excited for tonight, I can't wait! April said she already delivered the girl's costume so I asked her what are they gonna dress up but she said she can't say, so I texted Amly and she wouldn't tell me aether and not to tell her what was I we were gonna dressed up eather. I guess it was surprise? Sounds good to me! Anyway when April left we did our daily chores and then I started decorating our candy bags, I agreed to be in charge of that. I sat in front of Donnie in his lab while he was in his computer there was nobody around, I could just hear the click of his mouse and keyboard so I decided it was the perfect time to ask about Taly! ~,~
Mike: So are you excited to see Taly?
Donatello: And April
Why does he always have to include April in everything? -_-
Mikey: Yea but what do you think of Taly?
Donatello: What do you mean?
Mikey: Like isn't she pretty?
Donatello: Umm~
Mikey: I mean she's smart, skilled, and you both use the same weapon and masks!
Donatello: Ok and...
Mikey: *sighs* never mind
I just kept working on my bags because he might be really smart in some things but in love he's the dumbest guy ever!
   When I finished decorating the candy bags we went to go dress up! My wig looked so realistic I looked handsome, I bet Amoly will love it! And I can't wait to see what she dressed up as. When I came out of my bedroom the others were waiting outside for me already dressed up.
Mikey: Woah, y'all look good!
Raphael: And you look good too...I guess
Donatello: This pants are too tight
Leonardo: My shoes are killing me too
Karai: You're just not use to it ya babies
We heard Karai say coming out of the dojo and I giggled.
Leonardo: Are you sure you don't want to come?
Karai: Yea, I'm fine I need to talk to Master Splinter about something...you guys have fun in your date I mean trick or treating!
She started walking inside the dojo again and me and Leo started blushing.
Raph and Don: Karai!
Leonardo: April texted me that she and Casey are ready
So we left and headed to April's! We started running on the rooftops and Leo almost slipped, my wig fell off when I did a front flip, and Donnie almost cracked his pants when he jumped.
Donatello: I guess we're not ninjas anymore
When we got there we knocked on the balcony door and April opened up she was dressed up as a popo officer. When I looked at Donnie his eyes were wide and glittering.
Mikey: Nice outfit!
April: *laughs* you guys look awesome but what took you so long?!
Raphael: We had to come walking because we can't really do anything on these
Leonardo: Where are the rest?
April: They're downstairs with Casey waiting for us
So without saying another word we went inside and walked downstairs to the entrance of the building to were the others were. On our way down we saw a couple going inside their apartment and when they saw us they giggled and smiled. I smiled back and we kept going down....ahhh it actually feels good to fit in! When we opened the front doors to go out there they were and Oh...my...goodness...they looked AWESOME! Amoly was dressed up as a which~

Raphael's P.O.V:

Hot dang they look so cool and scary especially Lara cause she was dressed like a vampire!

Donatello's P.O.V:

I have to admit that they looked perfect for the occasion and Taly's costume was the best a dead bride!

Leonardo's P.O.V:

Everybody looked really good but Vee's was just awesome, she dressed up like an actual ninja and she looked cutter  than ever! <3 And Casey dressed up as a skeleton.
Amoly: You guys look pretty good as well!!!
Mikey: But Vee why did you dressed up as a ninja?
Venus: Well because we don't actually dressed up like real ninjas and because I don't celebrate Halloween as much as you guys do...well not anymore...
Raphael: Why?
Venus: Because the day of Halloween was the day that my dad found me for the first time...
She said while looking at the sunset and her eyes watery, so I went over there and whispered in her ear that "everything was gonna be fine and that we were gonna have tons of fun!" Then I extended my hand and she grabbed it and smiled and I smiled back.
Mikey: Well here are your bags and if you'll excuse us me and Amoly have some trick or treating to do
He passed out our bags, mine and Vee's was blue with glitter and pumpkin stickers.
Talena: Alright you two come back here before 9
Mikey and Amly: Alright!
They left running and with their hands up and screaming towards the sun.
Venus: We'll go with them, have fun
Donatello: You too
Leonardo: And Raph don't run into any trouble!
Venus: Same thing for you Lara!
Lara and Raph: Sure fearless leaders!
And we left walking holding hands trying not to loose those two savages.

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