Therapy (Chapter 61)

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Donatello's P.O.V:

Raphael: you must be hallucinating if you think we're going to let you train us and manipulate us!
Shredder: do you really have a choice... well... I guess death is always an open option
The hot headed turtle huffed and gave him a challenging stare.
Raphael: alright then I'll take-
Leonardo: we will obey your orders! Like you said, we don't have a choice
We all stared at Raphael, did that idiot really just tried to commit suicide? Yet, he is still opening his mouth, ready to say something. Before he gets all of us killed, I kick his ankle. He breathed out heavily from the pain and focused on me. I spelled out "shut up" with my lips.
Shredder: you will not train with your female friends, Nayichu has different plans for them
Mikey: like what?
Shredder: they have training with Sasha and Alopex plus therapy
Mikey: therapy?
Shredder: as you probably already noticed, they're currently having some family traumas. There's more to their backstory that you don't know, heck, even I don't know but my sister does
Raphael: I can care less about what you or your demonic relative know, all I know is that you're not going to make us work along side you, at least not me!
Leonardo: Raphael stop it
Shredder: even if it means, not only your death, but their's as well?
Silence fell over the room, as Raphael refused to answer that question.
Shredder: hm thought so. That's exactly why you will also be going to therapy
Donatello: oh yeah? And what is that gonna do? Brainwash us? It will take you weeks, months to accomplish that, you might as well dominate the world within us
Shredder: Donatello, as always catching up quickly. It is brainwashing but with a twist that will ensure its success
Mike: what's that?
Shredder: I can't say but don't worry, you'll find out soon enough
Fish face walked up to us and handed each one a replacement for our old bandanas.
Shredder: hope you like your new uniform, you're required to wear them obligatory, refuse and there will be consequences to pay
Just great, now we're being forced to wear colorless bandanas that represents our enemies.
Shredder: now follow Tiger Claw or rather, your new teacher, you will start your first training session right this instant
The pressure of my jaw as I clench it is enough to break my molars in pieces. The most frustrating thing about this situation is that we are totally helpless and in danger every second that passes, at this point the only way we can scape this nightmare is by the works of a miracle. The doors open and Tiger Claw ushers us out of the room.

Nayichu's P.O.V:

I was going to leave all the explaining and emotional crap for tomorrow but I enjoy to see them in pain so I'll get it out of the way now.
Nayichu: right, now that we got that emotional mess out of here, Sasha, Alopex, get out
Sasha: but master-
Nayichu: oh please, I can take care of myself plus I have him, now leave!
My two creations run outside without a second thought and lock the doors. I take a look at all of their eyes carefully. Oh Yuuto, if only you could see what I'm seeing right now.
Haguno: you really trust us being here alone, with you?
Nayichu: of course I don't but I'm never alone so if anything happens, he will come down here and rip all of your heads off
They don't seem amused at my threats. Well I don't blame them, that's all they've been hearing all day.
Nayichu: plus I need you here to be my witness Haguno and you as well Maolier, hence you were there for most of it too. Don't you think it's time to tell them the truth?
Maolier: you're insane if you think I'm going to say anything about it
Haguno: it is not your call to tell them anything
Nayichu: it's not but now it is! So, make yourselves comfortable because I'm going to do all the talking, Maolier
I clapped my hands together and my robot ninjas came in with chairs that matches the aesthetic of my office. They placed one behind each of them. For once, they sat down without a peep.
Nayichu: oh come on, don't look so upset, you should be excited that you will finally learn the truth about... everything actually
They all stayed quiet, only death stares looking at me. I adjust my wheelchair and breathe out. So much for excitement...
Nayichu: then let us start from the beginning, shall we? But first let's get one thing straight.... you all do understand that Hopu isn't your biological mother, right?
Talena: it's pretty obvious at this point
Nayichu: good! Now, let's take y'all back to the 1960s. My family, the Oroku's, and your mother-Dariyasa's family, the Akagi's, have always been enemy clans since the beginning of time. But as the years passed the two families stopped fighting, until one faithful day. It is a custom over there for us to arrange marriages to the next generation in our family. I was around you girl's age when my dad told me someone has already been picked for me to marry. I was angry and scared at the fact that I have to be forced to spend the rest of my life with someone that I might not even like, but I was wrong. When I met him, it was like I transported into a whole new world of emotions and experiences. The more we spent time together, the more I fell for him
Haguno: I never would've thought someone like you could have emotions
Nayichu: well your intuition is clearly failing you, you should probably meditate more
She crossed her arms and looked in the opposite direction.
Nayichu: ahem, as I was saying, that man was my first love and was actually pretty excited that I was going to marry him, even at such a young age. But life is always finds a way to ruin happiness for you.... The day after my brother rebelled against my parents and scared home, we were attacked by Dariyasa herself and her family
Venus: for what reason?
Nayichu: they were seeking revenge for our pasts misunderstandings. They could've forgotten about like we did, but no, they just had to act like the tough ones and confront us in our own home. Long story short, I managed to get away but my future husband didn't, he died protecting me. They broke my family apart by killing most of them and my first love
Haguno: I've heard this story before, it's true, Hopu told me all about it but it was against Dariyasa's will! Her family forced her, she never wanted to harm anyone! Heck, she didn't even wanted to learn martial arts-
Nayichu: yet she killed my future husband without hesitation!
The woman opened her eyes wide in shock.
Nayichu: I bet Hopu didn't tell you that, huh? I saw her with my own eyes slaughter him. I witnessed her stare... it was cold and lifeless like a machine
Haguno: I don't believe that!
Nayichu: believe what you like! But the truth is always going to be the truth. After that day I promised everyone that I was going to seek revenge on those cursed people, specially her! I left town and traveled all across the land. Thinking. Experimenting. Getting stronger. Until I met Yuuto
Venus: are you talking about my master?!
Her eyes glittered and I gave her a confirming smile.
Nayichu: yes Venus, your master. He took me in and taught me how to develop my secret talent, magic. He also trained me how to fight and wield any sort of weapon. A very magnificent man indeed. I found myself drowning in love yet again. He tried to change me and my obsession with revenge but my pain was far to great to be forgotten. That made our bond weaker and drifted us apart more everyday so I realized that I was happy with him and didn't wanted anything to get in between us anymore. So I finally decided to change my ways and forget about revenged. It was hard but I was managing. I came back excited, looking for him to let him know that I was ready to change but it was too late
Venus: why was it too late?
Nayichu: because he had already found you Venus. He put all of his attention and time on you instead of me! His face was always wearing a smile when he was around you. He tossed me to the side and abandoned me and straight up told me that "people don't change"
I looked down as I felt my eyes starting to water. Wrong time to start crying Nayichu! I put my head and let the tears suck back in my eyes. I take a deep breath and face them again.
Nayichu: yet again, another turtle ruins my happiness! Trust me, I tried to get rid of your little annoying-cute self multiple times but he would always be there on time to save you and of course, I could never beat him. That's why I say your my favorite Venus. You ruined my last chance of happiness and I thank you for that because otherwise, I would be this weakling old woman without a purpose in life
Haguno: how dare you try to kill an innocent child that her master's actions had nothing to do with her!
She stomped the soul of her shoe against the floor so hard that I felt a gust of wind, move the bottom of my gown
Nayichu: calm down old hag, I wasn't going to kill her. I was just trying to ship her out of the country but now, I just might kill her
The woman got up from her chair and started walking towards me with a clenched jaw. My magic lifted her up from the floor and started choking her.
Maolier: Haguno!
Amoly: let her go, you're strangling her!
Nayichu: don't make me regret letting you live again or I swear I will send you to the same place I sent your husband
I release her and she drops on her thin legs, grasping desperately for air. The others got up from their seats as well.
Nayichu: sit down or I will choke all of you at the same time
They slowly sat back down and Haguno crawled her way back to her assigned seat.
Nayichu: let's get this over with already, no more distractions!
Venus: don't ever risk yourself for me like that again
Haguno: how could I not?! What she just said was inhuman
I rolled my eyes, preventing myself from causing another delay.
Nayichu: Yuuto eventually got tired of me and banned me from his life, claiming that if he ever sees me again, he will kill me. Now with a broken heart and a broken soul, I started my genius plan to create my own army of mutants and ninjas, to unite together with my brother, punish all of those who did us wrong, and dominate the world to make it a better place
Larota: what you're doing is only going to make the world even worse than it already is
Nayichu: keep your irrelevant comments to yourself sweetheart. Here comes the good part all of you are curious about. After I accomplished to own a small army of followers, I finally mutated my own little mutant, you all know her as Sasha. I stole some of the ooze that Yuuto had saved before he kicked me out and it worked wonderfully. After I trained Sasha and made her my most skilled ninja we were ready to get back into business! I started going after Dariyasa but no matter how many ninjas I had or no matter how many times we attacked her and Hopu would always win. Until one day she took away the ability to walk from me, that was the last straw. So I began forming a trap, it was genius and it worked, except towards the end but who cares I got what I wanted
Amoly: what did you get?
Nayichu: your mother's last breath
Gasps was heard amongst them, even the tough Larota started to cry a little.
Nayichu: I already told you the story of how your father, Orimura over there, killed your mother but I'll be happy to tell it again if you'd like
I pointed at Orimura who was standing in the corner of the room, hidden between the shadows. Nobody seemed to noticed he came back in the room, he truly is a skilled ninja.
April: we remember the story and I'm not even part of the family but frankly I or nobody wants to hear it again
Talena: I have a question though!
Nayichu: go ahead sweetheart, I'll answer any questions you guys have
Talena: what was the plan? How did you manage to get to her and Hopu?
Nayichu: the plan was to make your mom fall in love with someone then have them betray her so I thought; what better way to make her fall in love than with another mutant turtle. I started my plan right away by using the last bit of mutating ooze that I had left and mutated a male turtle. I trained him roughly since the beginning, his soul purpose in life was just that, to make her be obsessed with him and when the moment is right, we strike. But as always something went wrong. After a year or so, they got married and after that she started getting suspicious of him always being on the low. We couldn't help it though, he had to report back to me somehow right? So suddenly she decided to take a break from him and moved in with Hopu. She would barely speak to him then so before anything else happened we decided to attack a Sunday morning. What we didn't know is that she had eggs but it was better that way! The new plan was to keep her alive and take the eggs away, raise them, and then make her own children destroy her in the future. But again, plans don't always go accordingly. Hopu escaped with the eggs and Dariyasa didn't give us another choice than to end her
Maolier: you murderer!
Nayichu: again, I didn't kill her, he did
Maolier: he was forced to by you!
Nayichu: no he wasn't, he did it out of his own will, right Orimura?
He stepped out into the dim light and nodded with his head, not wanting to look at their faces carved in fear.
Larota: sick bastard!
Nayichu: don't you know it's disrespectful to call your birth father that?
She walked up to him, without a drop of fear, only anger, dangerous anger.
Larota: he's not my father, he's just a piece of trash that still has the audacity to show his face in front of us
She spit the floor between them and kicked the door opened. Her sisters, the human, and Maolier chased after her, all looking at Orimura with dissatisfaction. A smile slowly grew on my face. I can't help it, it's like everything I wished for is finally becoming true.
Orimura: can I please be dismissed
I waved the back of my hand and he disappeared from the room. Now it was only me and Haguno left in the silenced office.
Haguno: I hope you're happy...
Nayichu: more than happy, actually
Haguno: yeah? Well enjoy it now because it's not gonna last long
She whispers loud enough for me to hear as she gets up from her chair.
Nayichu: who says?
The old hag stops at the door frame and holds on to it as she eyes me from the side.
Haguno: I may not be as skilled with magic as you are but I feel it and if I feel it, I know you can feel it too
Nayichu: feel what?!
Haguno: your ending
Nayichu: what? Are you going crazy already? Ha, we haven't even started the brainwashing yet
Haguno: when you get to a certain age, you can feel how a person's life is going to end up as. And every time I think about yours, all I sense is sad and empty...
She finally left and closed the door, leaving me with the darkness of the room.

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