Meeting Mona Lisa Part 2 (Chapter 29)

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Venus's P.O.V:

I was worried about Larota, who knows where she ran off to! But anyway we where sitting in the couch with the guys and Mona Lisa, it was a bit awkward because we where just staring at each other...then she spoked.
Mona: So what are your names?
We told her our names, where we come from, and why are we here. She told us how she met the guys and her real name, and the guys told us she fights really good. And she does looks like it but I don't think she can beat the four of us.

Amoly's P.O.V:

Mona: And isn't there four of you?
Raphael: Oh yea where is Lara?
Venus: Ummm she...
Talena: Went to...
Amoly: The bathroom!
Vee and Taly: The bathroom?!
Amoly: Well what am I supposed to say? China?!
They all stared at us with a confused face.
Venus: Hehe we're just kidding
Talena: Our sensei called her and she had to go!
I shooked my head yes and we all smiled nervously.
Raphael: Weird she normally tell us
Talena: Oh you know how she is
Leonardo: Right...
Amoly: Anyway who wants pizza!?
We ordered pizza and Mikey sat down next to me.
Mikey: What happened to Lara?
Amoly: What do you think?
Mikey: Didn't you told her?
Amoly: I tried but she wouldn't listen to me, and now she ran off to who knows where
Mikey: I just hope everything goes alright tonight
Amoly: Why?
Mikey: Raph wants to show Mona around the city tonight and you guys are invited
Amoly: Oh no
We left the boys layer and went outside in search of Lara but no sign off her and the moon was already going up! We went back to the layer and found Samurai in the kitchen.
Venus: Hi sensei
Maolier: Well it was about time you guys get here, I was about to send Lara to go get you guys
Vee, Taly, Amly: She's here?!
Maolier: Yes she's in her room
We where about to start running to her room but Samurai stopped us.
Maolier: But, take it easy on her, early today she came to my room masking me to meditate so we did and she started crying but she didn't wanted to tell me why
Amoly: Got it and thanks
We knocked on her door she didn't answer so we went in anyway and for the first time her room was cleaner than Venus's and she was laying down in her bed with her face on the pillow.
Larota: What do you guys want?!
We all looked at each other with a scared face because we all knew she was really pissed and when she's really pissed back off slowly cause she will bite you and rip you apart like a mad lion. But this time we didn't because we feel bad for her.
Venus: We just passed by to see how thing were going and you know
We sat down at the edge of the bed.
Amoly: And we also brought you some pizza!
She sat up and looked at us like if she was about to scream and cry.
Larota: Thanks...
She grabbed the box.
Larota: But no thanks!!!
And smashed the box in the ground! And laid down again.
Amoly: OMG not the pizza!
I said while throwing my self on the floor and putting all the slices of pizza back in the box.
Talena: C'on Lara you need to get your hopes up, I know it's hard but you can't live with that pain inside you for ever
Larota: Too late for that the pain already started and it won't go away
Venus: Just forget about it, it's not the end of the world
Larota: It's easy for you to say, because the person that you like doesn't like anyone else
Oooooh gosh it's getting hot in here! Then we heard open.
Maolier: You guys give up so easy
Venus: What do you mean
Maolier: I'm talking that you guys don't do smack for the things you want
We all looked at her confused.
Maolier: Like if you guys like a toy at the store but you don't have enough money to buy it, you don't just sit there and cry, you go work hard for it go get a job so you can get enough money to buy it
Amoly: So we have to work in order to get them?
Maolier: Fight for them guys! Fight for the things you want and love! There's always a second chance, and I'm not only saying this for Lara, but also for you Taly and for all of you ok! Now if you excuse me I have to go clean the dojo
And she left.
Venus: Samurai is right we should fight for the things we want
Amoly: And love! What do you guys say?
Talena: I guess I'll try my hardest
Amoly: And how about you Lara?
Larota: *sights* Fine, fine I'll try
Venus: There we go
We all group hugged and then we remembered.
Talena: Hey guys aren't we supposed to be with the guys like about now?
Amoly: Oh yea the thing!...
Larota: What now!?
Venus: Well you see Raph wanted to show Mona around the city tonight and he wanted us to go
Lara looked greener that ever.
Amoly: Um guys!?
Talena: Somebody give her something
Venus grabbed the pillow and put it in her face and Lara started screaming so loud that even with the pillow on her face
it hurted my ears, and then I handed her red ball and she squished it so hard that it almost popped.
Larota: Ok, ok, ok, breathe
Venus: If you don't want to go it's fine we won't go either
Larota: No, no you guys go I'll stay
Amoly: Ok then let's go
I was about to walk out the door but Taly pulled me by my braids back in.
Talena: We're not going with out you!
Larota: But~
Talena: Nope that's our final decision
And she sat down in her bed with her arms crossed. Then Lara thought about it for a minute.
Larota: Alright fine I'll go I'll go but if that lizard~
Talena: She's actually a salamander
Larota: I don't care what she is, if she goes somewhere near me I don't care what happen Im gonna punch the blue out of her!
Venus: Ok ok we get it, now let's go cause we're late!
And so we left back with the boys.

Larota's P.O.V:

So we did we got to the boys layer and then we headed out. We where walking real slow because the happy couple were looking at the cute stars! -_-* I don't know why but I feel a bad vibe around her, maybe because I'm so jealous that I want to go over there and break both of her hands so she doesn't hold hands with him for a while, but if I do that then I'll get in big trouble and Raph will never forgive me...But I don't need to break her hands! >:) So I told Amoly my plan and went over there and put my arms around their necks and smiled innocently.
Larota: So how is the girlfriend of my BFF doing?
Mona: Um it's going great thank you
Larota: You don't mind if I steal him for a minute do you?
Mona: No of course not~
Larota: Awesome
So I took Raph away from her, she was about to say something but Amoly started talking to her.
Raphael: What happened to you earlier, why did you left?
Larota: I wasn't feeling well
Raphael: Oh really cause your sisters told me that Samurai Maolier called you!
Larota: Oh huh the did?!
Raphael: Yea, they did! Is there something you're not telling me, is it about...Mona?
Larota: What!? Of Course not I was feeling bad my sisters told you that because I didn't want to worry you guys and less now that Mona Luza is here
Raphael: Mona Lisa
Larota: Yea that
Raphael: Well it's getting late and I haven't even showed her half of NYC so talk to you later
Larota: Oh yea right, uuuuh ok!
And he left grabbed Mona Lesa or what ever her name is and started walking again! Ugh I think this is gonna be harder than I expected, but I guess I have to keep fighting.

Talena's P.O.V:

While we where going around the city showing Mona around, Donnie started walking next to me.
Donatello: Hey
Talena: Hi Don!
Donatello: Can I ask you a question?
Talena: Yea sure, what is it about though?
Donatello: Love
As soon as he said that my heart skipped a bit...omg is it what I think it is?!
Talena: Well uh go ahead!
Donatello: Would you...ugh I know what just forget it it's stupid!
Talena: No no Donnie it's fine
I grabbed his hand.
Talena: You can tell me
Donatello: Ok fine but you need to promise not to tell anyone
Talena: I promise
I crossed my fingers with out him noticing.
Donatello: Ok ummm...can you help me get April?!
Ok wait a second did he just said what I heard?! I stopped walking because my heart stopped for like 5 seconds!
Donatello: Hello Tal? Are you there?!
Talena: Yea, yea...
Donatello: Are you gonna help me or not?
Talena: I'm, I'm, I'm, I uuuh...*sights* yes
Donatello: Wooooohooo thank you so much I knew I could count on you
He hugged for like 2 seconds and walked away and I just stood there looking at the sky and asking myself why is life so mean? I wanted to cry but I controlled myself and kept walking slowly and looking down.
Leonardo: You ok Tal?
Talena: Oh yea I'm fine...thx!

Mona Lisa's P.O.V:

It was so sweet that Raph showed me around the city it was a magical moment! But what really gave me the spooks was that female turtle Laruta or Lareta I don't really know she has a weird name, but she was staring me and Raph the whole entire night like if she was gonna kill us in what ever moment she got a chance that's why I never left Raph's side but she couldn't beat me in a million years! I mean just look at her arms they were like spaghetti, and of course I was whey higher than her. Raph said me and her we're gonna get along well but it's not working the other girl turtles are nice but this one is a bit off to me.
Raphael: So what did you thought about Lara?
Mona: A bit... ugh I don't want to be rude to your friend
Raphael: No it's ok you can tell me anything
Mona: Well a little bit creepy and weak
Raphael: Ummm weak, I don't think she's~
Mona: Never mind, never mind she's just nice and creepy

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