Love day! (Chapter 24) *Especial Chapter*

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Venus's P.O.V:

We talked to Hopu, and she was surprised when we told her all the things we did the last few days and lucky for us, she told us that we should take the day off! YeeeeesssXD Samurai didn't agree much but she got distracted cause at that moment Olivier came in and started talking to Samurai, and they both started attacking each other with love bombs back and forth...such a cute love!
Larota: Ugh, get a room!
Sensei just looked at her with an annoyed face.
Maolier: You and Raph should get a room, and a big one!
Amoly: Oooooooohoooooh!
Larota's face got super red, and then she was about to say something but me and Taly grabbed her and Amly and took them out of the room.
Talena: C'on guys we got the day off, let's not ruined it so fast
Venus: Taly is right, instead of fighting we should think what we're going to do
Larota: When you guys decide tell me, I'll be in my room
She started walking away.
Venus: Aren't you gonna help us decide?
She didn't answer she just got in her room and slammed the door in our faces.
Amoly: Well somebody is mad
*long silence*
Talena: So what are we gonna do then?
Venus: What do we used to do back home when we were bored?
Amoly: Well we used to go swimming in the lake
Talena: Or go skating in the abandoned park
Amoly: Or go play hide and seek in the bamboo forest
Talena: But we can't do nothing of that stuff because there's none of those stuff here, there's only buildings, people, and bad guys!
Venus: C'on guys I'm sure there's some pretty place we could go
Talena: Yea like what?
Venus: Why don't we ask the guys, they should know! We just need to ask them if they're available
Amoly: Yep Mikey just texted me that they weren't gonna do anything today
Me and Taly looked at each other surprised.
Talena: Well that was fast
Venus: Ok so this is what we're gonna do, we're gonna pack some stuff and then we go to the boy's place and then let's see where they recommend us to go!
Amoly: Sounds awesome to me!
Talena: I just hope that April doesn't come along
Venus: Ok girls let's not waste anymore time, I'll tell Lara
We all went to our rooms and I knock on Lara's door and opened it. She was in the floor next to her bed playing with her red shinny ball.
Venus: Get ready and pack some stuff cause we're going on a trip of one day!
When we finished we all met up in the living room with our tiny backpacks mine was blue, Lara's red, Taly's purple, and Amoly's pink of course. I opened the dojo door to tell Samurai that we were leaving but she was still talking to Olivier she looked happier than ever so I didn't interrupt I just closed the door and left a note in her door saying that we were coming back at night. Such a cute love they have...*sights*...I wish I had that love. When we got to the boys we went in slowly into their layer. Mikey received us first and then Raph came out of the kitchen, Donnie out of his lab, and then my blue prince out of the dojo with Master Splinter following behind him.
Amoly: Hey guys!
Splinter: Hello girls!
We bowed our heads.
Venus: Hello Master Splinter
Raph: Where are you guys going?
Talena: We got the day off, and we were hoping you guys can tells us some place we could go to have fun
Leonardo: Like a park or something?
Larota: Yea a place were there's no humans
Leonardo: Well there's the hockey arena, but it's only lonely at night
Donatello: Or you guys can go to the abandoned amusement park, it's not that far from here
Larota: That's it!? Phfft lame
Venus: Great thank you guys! That's all we needed
Leonardo: No problem, you guys need anything else?
Amoly: Nope we'll be going now
Mikey: Wait! Can I go with you guys, please?
Venus: Uuuum...sure! If they let you
Mikey: Can I please gooo please please?!
He begged Splinter.
Donatello: I thought we were going to April's
Mikey: To train and talk, I wanna have fun
Leonardo: Ok this is what we will do we'll all go with the girls and we can pick up April and Casey in the way! Of course if that's ok with the them
Venus: Sounds great! Double the fun!
Larota: Yeaaah!
They both high-three.
Talena: Wait I don't think Ap~
I put my arm in front of her and nodded my head no, she looked down and left to the exit. I don't think she liked the idea of April coming but I think she's gonna have fun anyway.
Larota: Well then let's stop waisting time and let's get going
Venus: But first you guys should go and pack some stuff
Donatello: Like what?
Venus: Like a helmet, water, your weapons and skateboards or skates if you guys have!
When they finished they looked so awesome with their backpacks and their skateboards! We were so exited cause we have never had fun with other people than us. Amoly was about to faint from the excitement!
Amoly: Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Venus: We're going
Splinters: Have fun!
Talena: Thanks Master
And we were gone. When we got up to the rooftops it was so bright that I got blind for a second.
Amoly: Hey guys!
Larota: We'll race you up to April's
When I turned to them, Amoly and Lara already had their skates on with their helmets.
All the boys: Deal!
Talena: Can you wait for us?
Me and Taly put on our skates and helmets, and the boys were ready also with their skateboard.
Mikey: Ready!
Raphael: Set!

Talena's P.O.V:

We were all getting ready at the edge of the roof top till some one said go. Lara and Amly had a cheeky smirk on their face. Did I ever mentioned that they're very competitive and that Lara takes this type of races very seriously. Once sh~
Amoly: Go!!!
Talena: Wait what!
Everybody already  left and I was still standing there! I hurried up and catch up to Vee, it was Amoly and Mikey in 1st place then Raph and Lara on their tail, then Venus and Leo and last me and Donnie. -.- Then out of nowhere Amoly and Mikey teamed up and helped each other to go faster and they were so far away from us then Venus got mad and teamed up with Leo and used her magic to go faster! Now Lara and Raph were in 3rd place. But I got bored of being in 4th place and I signal Donnie when he noticed me I showed him my bo staff he shooked his head and smile a little bit! Yey :D And then with the help of our bo staffs we  jumped over Lara and Raph and he got closer to me and we were now in 3rd place yes!

Raphael's P.O.V:

OH COME ON! I was in last place as well as Larota and she was pretty mad about it too. I signal her and in sign language I asked her what to do and she responded back in sign language to follow her. She grabbed my hand and we fell down into a dark alley, the floor was wet so we were going extra fast! We were going between the stretch alleys of the buildings, she was in front of me and dodging everything. I was a bit nervous because I haven't done this in a while but I felt a bit safe with Lara. Then she pointed up to a really tall building, taller than the other ones. I smirked at her like I understood what she meant and she smiled back. When we got close to the building I jumped and skateboarded in the wall like a Pro! I passed Lara and got down to the floor again, we got there and started climbing as fast as I can, it got tiering because it was really tall. I had to help Lara a bit because she had skateson. When we got up the cold air hit our faces, it felt really good! We were catching our breaths and then we looked down and saw the entire NYC and we also saw the others at the same speed getting closer and closer to April's balcony.
Raphael: Now what?
Larota: You know what
Raphael: Oooooh got cha
We went all the way back of the roof top looked at each other nervously and started running really fast and when we got to the other edge we jumped off!
Larota: *giggling* Wooohoooo!
Raphael: Yeeeeeeeaaaaah! I just hope we don't dieeeeee!
Larota: Hopefully not! *giggles* *sights in relief*

Amoly's P.O.V:

Me and Mikey did flips all over the place like the king and queen of skating and then we noticed that everybody was at our speed and we got serious now. We were really close now, everybody extended their hands to see who touches April's balcony first and then Mikey went behind me and push me I was one inch to touch it first but then out of nowhere Lara and Raph came flying down from the sky like 2 bullets and landed in the balcony first!!!>:(  I crashed into the railing of the balcony and then the rest of us. Raph and Lara high-three each other in victory!
Raphael: Yea! That's how's done dawg!
Larota: You guys cheated first by teaming up and helping each other!
Donatello: Technically no one said any rules so I guessed we all could've done what ever we wanted
Amoly: -.-*
April: Oh hi guys!
All they turtles except Taly: Hey April
April: Come on in
Larota: Actually you come out, we're living
April: Where? Uh are we going camping cause you all have backpacks
Leonardo: No the girls got the day off only for today and were going to go to some places to have fun and we were wondering if you wanna come?
April: Of course I wanna go!
Venus: Ok excellent, do you have a skateboard or skates?
April: No but I bet Casey will hand me his bike, can he go too?
Donatello: N~
Raphael: Yes!
April: Ok he should be here in 3...2...1
*door bell*
Leonardo: Ok then we'll meet you guys downstairs

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