New Dawn

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Light and Dark has always fought one another. Years, decades, centuries, no, generations passed and yet no side has won the battle. The light of the clouds face the darkness of the rock. In between formed the new species, humans. Ignorant beings and they go against others for war as well for no good reason as they fought against each other as if it were themselves. The elves are similar to humans, but they know our kind. Some good, some bad, they use their own magic to create things. The shadows are the opposite of the angels and they are alike, but with spiked dark wings that can be turned to capes. Dwarves are like the opposite of elves, they do their mining in caves, in return for their favorite work, they are paid by the dark. The undead is sealed away from the natural world and is rumored to have everlasting pain of life fighting and struggling for revenge and blood. The rogue waters is where the imperfections go and make a living ruling the waters and stealing as they see fit. Thus last is the naturals. Peace is their key word, they never fight and no one opposes them, amazing to see how they may be the only ones who can peacefully live through all the wars happening all at once. The angels and shadows continue fighting, there is no such thing as a heaven, if you could die.

"Finally! This prophet looks done."
"Good for you, although you should try and make sense into it, it's not a legend scroll or anything! Plus, stretch your wings, it's been drooping for a while." My friend Glaide was with me watching me write down a prophet for, well, ourselves really.

"Come on! We have to go train!" Glaide said.
"Fine, fine let's go!" I say ditching my feather pen and parchment. He opened my front door and jumped, I did the same and I extended my wings and glided to the arena- where we mostly held fights, training and speeches. The wind blowing on my skin feels good as the silk of my hanging part of my clothing flaps.

"I wish it could be like this all the time!" I say.
Glaide smiles and said, "but it can't." My face drops as I knew what he meant. We were in war, not just any war, a war that started since before it had ever happened! I try to keep myself busy watching where I was going.

As we were sharpening our weapons, I had thought the same thought over and over again- to be able to leave. Don't get me wrong, I like it here, but there's more out there who live differently and I just want to get out of here, that's why I became- "You're having thoughts again?" Glaide interrupted my thoughts.
"Yeah, and that you barged in my imagination!" I replied, we laughed.

I go to a place that is pooled with water, and I just drift there letting the water take me and making me feel like a part of the water. "An attack at the village!" Someone shouted. My mind bursted back to reality and I nearly drowned myself from panic. I flew water still drenched and I looked over to see what was happening. A fire at a cloud village, great. . .

Dark creatures flew around bombarding the place with mischeviousness. I brought out my scythe and killed one of them as they vanished into black smoke. Shadows, dark angel-like creatures that serve for no purpose. I ran through the streets easing my wings, flying tires you out faster than running. My scythe switched gears and turned to a sword and I killed off more of the devilish creatures. I went after another one, only this time, he didn't fight back. He held his hands up trying to defend himself, begging for his life.

Glaide slid in and killed the shadow. "What're you doing? Snap out of it!" I realized what was happening and he helped me continue fighting. The village wasn't entirely destroyed, and the angels were cheering on for me.

"Commander Rade!" I turned to see the general, General Angel. Yes, just Angel. He had white hair and beard, his wings were ruffled and he wore armor with a symbol of the angels, two wings and a ovalish halo.
"Greetings, General Angel!" I said trying to sound polite, "a pleasure!"
"A pleasure to you as well! You've done good there!"
"It was nothing, r-"
"So we must celebrate for the victory!" He cut off as the angels cheered.

I never liked celebrations, it was a waste of food and time to be using for something useful. Angels danced and ate as if they hadn't had a care in the world. I excused myself to be alone and relax in the waters again. I looked down at my reflection to see a ruffled white haired teen angel, he had a yellow band on his left wrist and black that cuts the middle. A jagged white hair cuts my forehead. My long tunic drapes over my hips and the sleeves for my arms are longer than my arms. And on my back I see a scythe that is able to turn to a sword.

I drop my scythe and float on the waters, and sighed causing me to drown to the bottom of the waters. I sit there suffering for air, and thought, what kind of an angel am I?

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