Naid Raug

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A/N- I have sketches of the characters, but they aren't actually as good as the one I previously posted, it was the drawing experience I had a year ago. I'll resketch them and until then, I have sketches of other characters in the future. I actually ran out of pages for my sketchbook. . . shoot. I'll have to buy one, I might have one in my room. *checks* I don't . . . :(
Well, continue on.


"So, what are Guardians exactly?" I asked on our way out of the cemetery.
"Well, as Guardian Angels, we used to exist centuries ago, I doubt there are any nowadays. You see this Gem on my forehead?"
"Yes," I answered seeing his ghostly image reflecting from the shadow crystal.
"That is a sign whether or not they are a Guardian or not."
"Also, are you able to become a physical form? Or is the most physical you can become is just possessing me for a short time?"
He responded by unsheathing the sword off my back and it formed into what I see as what was once Naid Raug.
"Whoa," I responded and he smiled. I tried to touch him but my finger fazed through.
"Still a ghost though, I'm afraid," he responded.
"I see. It's great to see you in person though!" I said as we continued walking.

We walked out of the cemetery and we were met with the dark skies. It felt brighter than it was in the cemetery, however. The sounds of night insects and animals, the water flowing from a nearby stream, and the plant life that swayed whenever the wind cycled past.
I walked along the stream and looked at its clear waters and saw the small minnows swimming along the stream.
"Something the matter?" The Guardian asked.
"Oh nothing. It's just. . ." I bent down near the stream and looked down at the gentle flowing water, "I wish I can just feel what water feels like. . . but I'm merely a shadow. I don't actually eat or live, I just. . . exist."
You can survive against the sun now, no?"
"Yes, but there are just so many things I want to do that I can't." I sighed and walked away. "I would like to know what it's like to feel, eat, suffer common things that people do like, hunger and tiredness."
We continued walking in no direction whatsoever. "You know, there are people who want the attributes you possess. Not having to eat or sleep can get lots of things done, essentially."
We walked quietly just observing the area with no true cause.
"What do you plan to do?"
"You aren't like other shadows now are you?"
"Well, I was sort of. . . a burden to them."
"You are unique however. You have a crossbow sword! Heck, it's not made of obsidian!"
"I was the unlucky one. And I can't remember when, but we designed weapons to be a dual weapon to change the tactics of battle in case we were in a tight situation needed for a change. Both Angels and Shadows alike."
"Really? I believe then that was inspired from Guardians such as me. You see, I have this spear-axe like weapon. It's called a Halberd. Many other Guardians had weapons such as this. To see your weapon, the time it must take to create that boggles my mind!"
"I've seen many conversions. Hammer-gauntlet, swords that can altogether be one broadsword or two one handed swords, weapons like that."
Naid Raug whistled and nodded his head as if he now knew everything.
"I've heard some weapon that pops loudly and flings faster than a crossbow. Is that true?"
"Oh, they've invented guns probably a decade ago. Humans have interesting minds when they work. They are easily produced instead of arrows. They shoot farther and faster, but they in general are weaker. Made to slow down enemies."
"Humans truly are of strange beings to ever exist. Not the ones living here of course the ones. . . over yonder."
"Yes, yes."
"Guns. . . interesting. A sneaky weapon among the battle lines."
"I've heard rumors of stronger weapons handed down to the strong. Some say some guns are capable of blasting an entire body to pieces, and even one that can shoot as far as the eye can see, a bullet in the head counts dead."
"That sounds. . . unsettling," Naid Raug said.
"Hey, Naid Raug?"
"Can I call you something else other than your full name?"
"Well, my title is Guardian. Call me that then."
"All right, Guardian."

"Hey, Guardian."
"Yes, Void?"
"How did you die?"
"Well. . . you see. . ."
"If it's too personal, you don't have to answer."
"Yes, well. I would like to. . . but I can't seem to recall most of my memory. Only who I am and was, but not certain things. I know how to fight, so I must've been on the front lines."
"Do you know any way how we can get your memories back?" I asked.
"Well, when I first saw you, I remembered my purpose as a Guardian. So, I suppose it'll come slowly."
"I see. Well, I hope you will slowly regain your memories over time."
"Thank you Void. I never knew there would ever be a day where a Shadow would show such kindness to an Angel, or even the other way around."
"I hope one day. Just one day, that things would be like that. As of now, that is only a fantasy."
"People change though. You know how elves and humans coexist now, right?"
"They didn't before?"
"I guess, you weren't there when it was told. Well, years along when Angels and Shadows begun fighting, elves were in war against humans who lived in this world. After long years passed, each side struck realization that this war was practically for nothing and wondered why we started it in the first place. Probably because of racism, but the two sides actually had humans and elves mixed together. They all ended up ending their foolish war and lived together peacefully now."
"What an interesting story. . ."
"No, it was history."
"Y-Yes, my bad. Guardian?"
"What about Dwarfs? You see, a dwarf asked me to come find you because of the similar mindset we had, he said. Do you know any background information about dwarfs?"
"Dwarfs are interesting beings, that's for sure. They have good magic for weapons and certain minerals they know oh so well. Great fighters if they have their equipment, heck, their equipment is probably the top deal. Elf magic is more spiritual and. . . well, magical. Humans are learning magic to become mages ever since elves and humans then begun to live with one another in harmony. Funny thing is, I don't think I've seen or heard of a human and elf marry."
"Mages. . . Elves. . . Dwarfs. . . Magic. . . I see. Thank you for clearing things up, Guardian."
"The pleasure is mine."

We continued walking and we ended up standing at a cliff and I could see the world.
"I know that. . . I can't feel, but do you mind if I just take in the view?" I asked.
"I don't mind. You can survive sun's light now, right?"
"Yes. . . yes I can. . ." I sat down and Guardian's ghostly figure sat down next to me. "I know, I'm a ghost, but I do get tired being a moving sword and temporarily possessing you to have my battle experience."
"Oh, I see. Well, whenever you need to rest, let me know. I don't want you to be exhausted."
"Thank you, Void."
"Hey, Guardian?"
"I. . . As a shadow I never experienced all this. Seeing all of. . . this. It's just truly breathtaking. . ."
"I bet so," Guardian said looking at the sunrise with me.

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