Human from Above

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The mountain goes up pretty high. We were just at the base and we were surprised to see how big the mountain is.
"Hey, Rade. Aren't you able to fly to the top?" Kika asked.
"If my wings weren't so fragile, yes," I replied.
"Are angel wings really that fragile?" Kika wondered.
"They are, weather and just in general," Guardian said speaking from Void's sword.
"I guess that makes sense," Kika thought. "Speaking of which, didn't you lose a wing, Guardian?"
"Yes. Rather unfortunate. . . I will no speak how though. . ." Guardian said sounding bitter.
Kika looked back then stilled her tongue.

"Ack!" Void yelped.
"You okay?" I asked helping him up.
"Path is slick. . ." Void said rubbing his bum.
"Ice is slippery. . ." Syf said rubbing his boots along the path showing how slippery it is. "Be careful. . ." We continued upward and we soon faced snowfall. The snow helped compact our prints climbing up.
"We've been climbing for a while haven't we?" Flecin sniffed.
"Are you cold?" Kika asked and Syf pulled out some clothes Kika bought beforehand.
"Thanks," Flecin said wearing another layer, "aren't you cold, Syf?"
Syf pulled out a red gem similar to what Kika has for her meat, but this gem protruded an effective warmth.
"Lucky. . ." Flecin pouted and Syf handed it to her for a while.

We continued upward and the higher we went, the colder.
"I. . . see something. . ." Kika said hard to talk from the cold.
I went over to see what it was. It was a boy. A teen boy actually. My mind was muddled from the cold and the wind was picking up. I can't think. I grabbed and carried the boy over my shoulder and searched for a place to hide from the killing wind. I can't talk being so cold, but my actions of searching was enough to tell the others what I was trying to do.
We spotted a cave on the side of the mountain wall and we walked in. It was pretty deep, but it hid us from the cold. We all shivered and warmed ourselves getting close. Kika gave us some jerky to chew on.
Once we had ourselves thawed out a little, I looked over at the slumped boy. It was dark.
Syf pulled out some firewood from his pocket and made a small fire. We all sighed. Void and I took off our cloaks and warmed our wings.
"Why didn't you pull out a fire earlier once we came in?" Flecin asked.
"Big. . . temperature changes. . . are bad. . . Especially for. . . the cold. . ." Syf said.
I wonder if Syf has traveled these mountains before. I looked over at the boy and from the fire's light he was wearing different clothes. He looked like he was sleeping as if the cold didn't bother him. He had brown-red hair, like a fire, his style of hair reminds me of a sword's edge. He looked rather thin. He wore a red jacket and black cargo pants. It hit me then.
"He's from Earth."
Everyone looked at the boy who is still sleeping.
"How did he come here?" Void asked.
"Humans from Earth rarely come here. It seems he may have died from his world and brought here from a strong courage. That's typically how humans from Earth come here."
"He's waking up," Flecin said.
The boy struggled to open his eyes as if it was his first time doing it. His red eyes reflected the fire light and we expected bloodshot eyes, but they were glossy, as if he was ready to cry. He blinked twice and his vision seemed to clear and he was surprised to see us all.
"Wh-Where. . . am I?" He asked. His voice croaked and he cleared his throat, "who are you all?"
"Um. . . what do we say to an Earth-Human?" Kika asked.
"Earth?" He asked then he groaned and moved his hand to his head from pain. "Oh. . . Earth. . . I remember. . . the buildings, rules, money, life, society. . . Earth. . ."
"Do you know who you are?" Void asked.
"I'm. . . I'm. . . no. No, I don't. . ." He said sadly.
"Well, you were found in the mountains and we came in here because of the cold," I explained.
He looked at everyone then looked down at his hands.
"You must be suffering through amnesia," I said, "one reason I think how was probably from a near-death experience. You were brought from Earth to here from how you died."
He looked up and looked questioned. "I. . .don't understand. I have. . . so many questions. . ."
"I'm sure you do. I know all of your questions will be answered. Ah yes sorry. I'm Rade."
"Are you an angel?" He asked.
"Yes, but people of Earth see us differently than what we actually are," I explained.
"Void," he introduced.
"Are you an angel?"
"No, a shadow. Opposite of angel I guess. Your people thought demons, but no. Shadows."
"Even so. . . Wouldn't that mean you two should fight one another?" He asked.
"Yes, we have a war that begun since the beginning of time. I left my group and so did Void. We met one another from saving each other in a raid. I have his full trust."
Void smiled.
"I'm Kika."
"There are tribes in this world?" He thought looking at Kika's clothing.
"Yes, but I'm the last of mine."
"Oh. . . I'm sorry. . ." He apologized for asking.
"No, it's fine," Kika assured.
"I'm Flecin!"
"Syf. . ."
"What was that?" He asked.
"Syf. . . " he said a little louder.
"He doesn't speak often and talk softly," I explained.
"This world certainly sounds interesting," the Earth-Human said.
"Is anyone hungry?" Kika asked.
Everyone raised their hands excelt for the amnesiac teen.
"You can join us, it's hard for you to live on your own without any guide," Kika said.
"Thank you. I really appreciate it," he said.
We cooked up some meat and as we ate the Earth-Human raised his hands to his head again and groaned in pain.
"Everything alright?" I asked.
"I remembered. . . My name. My name is Fang. . . I was. . . Was. . . Ah!"
"Take it easy! Don't hurt yourself!" I said.
"I can't remember. . ." Fang said, "It felt like a dream that I felt but can't remember. . ."
"It's okay. I'm sure those questions will be answered in time," I said.
"Fang, was it? Just to let you know, we're heading to a village in the mountains. I think we'll have to rest here for the night," Kika said.
"You have to be careful. The war is still going and they are causing more destruction than before. You have to arm yourself and know how to fight,"I explained.
"I saw everyone's weapons. . . There aren't any guns are there?"
"There are," I said.
"There are?"
"Yes, but it's hard to obtain and good in condition and performance gun. Most guns are just for throwing opponents off guard for an opening," I explained.
"I'm sure there are some reliable guns. If not, I'll have to think of how," Fang thought. "Mind if I tag along with your little group?"
"Um. You seem to be the only one who can't fight. An amnesiac mind. And have no idea what's in this world."
"Yep," he said as if none of that matters.
"We're a target to many people," I continued.
"Then I can at least try to be of assistance!" Fang said.
The looks on his eyes were wide and true. I looked at the others and they didn't care what I decided, but they already knew the answer.
"Welcome to the party," I said.
"I won't let you down!" He said.

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