Powerful Magic

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"Those two aren't back yet," Lan said looking at the general direction where they are. "It's getting late."
"Let's all go," Lily said.
"Yeah, hurry," Lan ran and we followed.

We went pretty far, we were pretty tired just getting to the woods. The skies have gotten cloudier, in fact the sky looks dark, a black storm is brewing.
"They should be around," Lily panicked.
"Wish I can fly. . ." Void mumbled.
We all searched looking around bushes, foliage and fallen trees.
"Over here!" Lily called out. We all hustled towards her voice. Xane and Kika were laid out on the floor. They were injured badly. Xane's clothes were burnt and Kika was cut in various places.
"Kika! Xane!" Lan ran towards them shaking them.
"Lan, stop! We have to take them back and let them heal!" Lily said.
"Wait, Kika is waking," Void said.
". . .Ugh. . . Syf. . . !" Kika fainted.
"Syf?!" Lily exclaimed.
"This might be his doing," Lan figured.
"No! He couldn't have done this!" Lily defended.
"Well, you do remember how he acted when he left, right?" I offered.
"But. . ."
"He was tainted with revenge," Void said, "that much is true."
Lily was speechless.
"I'll carry them back," Lan said.
"No! We must find Syf!" Lily said getting up and running.
"Lily!" I called out. I looked back at the others and decided to keep running.

"Fine, you got me," Lan said carrying Xane. Void carried Kika and followed forward.
"Lily is up ahead," I said.
We made it up and we couldn't believe that we would find that mage again. Only, he looked like in bad shape. His robes are in shreds and he looked like he just faced the elements. One thing that stuck out the most was the black mist radiating from his body. He stands near a cliff facing upwards at the blackening clouds.
"Syf. . . It's you. . ." Lily said walking forward. Syf swung his hand back and a gust of wind swupt Lily off her feet and her body flew towards Void.
Syf's dark aura radiated as he turned around to face us, his bandages were gone. His black blade dripped with blood but there was nobody around.
"Why is his book different?" I noticed.
Syf raised a hand his palm facing the clouds and the clouds stirred. He swung his hand forward and bolts of lightning blasted in front of us.
"That book must have hijacked his head or something," Lan said bringing out his dagger.
"No! Don't! It's Syf!" Lily cried.
"He's not Syf anymore," Guardian spoke.
"Now's not the time!" Void said bringing out his spear and running forward. Syf let loose of his weapons and they floated as he held out both of his hands out and black fire blasted out.
"Void!" Guardian panicked. Void jumped up and spun his wing once to reach higher. The flames flew past and Void slammed onto the ground. He got up and continued after him. Void came for a stab but Syf swung downward and redirected the stab and went for a stab as well. Void sidestepped but Syf then swung horizontally striking Void's side. Void retreated a bit and Syf blasted fireballs. Void ran back with pain. Syf formed large crystals and shot them forward at us. Bullets rained down and the crystals and the crystals diminished into a cool mist.
"Doing this without me?" Caliber ran into view. His metal hand was controlling an armed drone. "I saw what was happening."
"What do we do?" Void asked.
"I'm sorry, Syf" I said quickly pulling out my rifle and shot Syf. He stumbled back from the hit and looked up at me. Caliber showered more bullets at Syf but he made a shield and blocked it all. He then blasted a bolt of lightning and the drone exploded.
Lan ran forward at great speed. He threw his dagger as Syf was preparing another magical attack. Lan used the chance he earned to transform and bite him. Syf slashed the wolf and Lan fell. I quickly fired shots to keep Syf occupied as Lan limped back.
Syf was now the one to run forward at us. He blasted fireballs scattering everyone away and came for Lily.
"Syf. . ." Lily pleaded.
The sword clashed with another.
"Sorry Syf, but I can't allow you to kill your. . . sister," Xane said. He flung his sword back and Syf flipped backwards. His hands were full of electricity and he threw out a rope of black lightning and shocked Xane.
"Xane!" we all exclaimed. He crouched down breathing heavily.
Syf ran forward again. The ground beneath us swallowed our feet and hardened. We couldn't move. Syf walked forward slowly towards Lily who was the closest.
"Syf. . ." Lily cried.
Syf blinked and he groaned. His hands reached for his head and shrieked. He shook his head and swung his sword downward. The sound of metal was heard and I could not believe that the angel is even up.


Moments longer would be the death of Lily. I pushed Syf back and the others were free from their illusion. I haven't eaten in days, slept well, and fully healed, but none of that matters now. I pointed my blade at the one we call Syf.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-Yes," Lily said.
"Rade!" Void spoke but then grunted in pain.
"Help me out, alright?" I asked. I ran forward. Syf opened his book and black smoke snaked out and grabbed a hold of me. I heard gunshots and the smoke evaporated. Syf came from above with a downward slash. I rolled out of the way and blocked his next strike. I tripped and Syf struck at me. A spear cut in front of me and blocked the hit. It was Void's. I got up and punched him.
"SYF!" I screamed pointlessly hoping he is still the person we knew.  Nothing was fazing him. "Why are you doing this? Is this still for Flecin?!"
Syf was still attacking relentlessly and he struck another bolt of lightning. The bolt hit me and yet I still fought.
"Rade! Stop!" I heard Lily's voice.
"Syf. . . Flecin. . ." He swung his sword quickly and I had a hard time blocking his strikes. He cornered me to the edge of the cliff. I was struck by lightning and so my wings are crisped. He swung so hard that my weapon was knocked off of my grip. Syf looked down at me with those eyes, the eyes of a predator. He came for a stab. I rolled but was stopped with a hard kick. I was stunned and Syf came for a quick kill.
It never came.


"Syf. . . I'm. . . Sorry. . ." I said. My eyes overflowed with tears. I pulled out my sword and Syf dropped his weapons, the black book burned and turned to ash as he touched his mortal wound. He backed a bit and gasped. He turned and saw me and everyone else. His darkness disappeared as he walked he fell forward and struggled up and sat against a tree.
"What. . . What have I. . . done?" He said. "I. . . I. . ."
He struggled and tears flowed from his eyes.
"Why have I done this?!" He cried.
I dropped my sword and wrapped my arms around him.
"Don't say that Syf! You are human. You couldn't control it!"
"So much blood. . . I don't deserve anything but death."
"Syf. . ." I couldn't do anything but pat him as he cried. I then panicked when I saw his body fading into darkness much like a shadow. His body was flaking off and the flakes turned black then nothing.
"Syf! Syf!" I called to him.
"I have. . . done something. . . unforgiving. . ." He said, "let me be. . ."
"No, Syf. . . NO!!" I cried uncontrollably.
"Syf, though I don't know you much, I can say this. You are more than you think," Lan said.
"Lan. . ." I said.
"Emotions are a powerful thing, isn't it?"
"Kika?" Xane was surprised. "Of course. That's part of being human."
"Stop. . ." Syf said.
"I don't know you. . . but nobody deserves such suffering," Caliber added.
"Anyone can be driven to death for love. I understand fully," Fang said.
"We know you Syf. You will always be Syf to us," Void said.
"Syf. . . we won't forget you. Promise me we will meet again."
"Rade. . . Of course. . ."
"Syf. . ." I sniffed. His body from the shoulder down was gone.
"Sister. . . you've beaten me. . . haha. . . I just wish. . . that. . . mom and dad. . . could give me. . . another chance. . ."
"They did, Syf! They did! They loved you, Syf! They truly loved you!"
"Lily. . . Everyone. . . Thank you. . ." He said. A tear fell before his body fully disappeared.
"SYF!!! Syf!. . . Syf. . ." I sat there crying wishing that there was a magic powerful enough to bring him back.

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