Angel's Virtue

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They say that shadows don't have feelings, but I can feel this horrible sadness that resides within my heart. It was deathly dark in this night. The only light produced are from the candles near Flecin's grave. Everybody was probably asleep except for me.
"What is one such as yourself up at this hour?" I turned to see the elder elf.
"I. . . I don't know to be honest. I feel. . . terrible. . ." I said looking at Flecin's grave. "I remember Flecin crying one day. There was a message from a bird andI think she cried when she read it."
"Ah, she didn't tell you? Flecin is so very innocent. . . Her mother passed you see. She had an illness for years, and now that illness has taken its toll."
"That's. . . That's horrible. . ." I spoke with remorse.
"Maybe it's okay now. Flecin can reunite with her mother," elder said.
"But she can't rest in peace until we fulfill that goal of peace," I reminded.
"And that we will all try to do. One way or another."
"Right. . ." I thought and looked back at Flecin's grave. "Do you know any elves who specialize in dark magic?"
"What is the matter?"
"Well, there is a hidden force claiming that they are fighting for peace. There is an elf who uses dark magic helping them out. Syf, the mage who left when we got here is hunting him. Do you have any information about dark magic? Or any idea of who it may be?"
"No. . . I never heard of an elf who uses dark magic. That is a rare gift indeed. Well, you see, normal human mages can only use mana magic, which is the most basic. Electricity, fire, wind, ice, that sort of thing. Dark magic is like light magic, it is magic with the addition of their souls. Each person produces a slightly different magic, dark and light casters are rare and gifted. Of course, it is hard for people to inherit the power of magic, so light and dark are extremely rare."
"So. . . Flecin," I realized.
"Yes, she can cast light magic. Light can scare off the dark. The dark however are stronger than normal magic. Normal magic is somewhat disadvantageous between the two, but normal magic still has its place."
"I see. . ."
"And I'm sorry, I don't know any elves who are able to use dark magic."
"No, that's alright. It was worth the shot asking," I said sighing.
"I haven't seen you before I met Rade. It is strange to see a shadow and angel work together," he stated.
"Well, yeah I understand where you are coming from. We are in an everlasting war and it's funny how enemies of two species can become close allies."
"Rade has actually told me that you have done a lot for everyone. There's just one problem that he has with you."
"You never really took credit in anything. Rade takes very little, but he stated that you really didn't really reward yourself from your actions." He reached out to my arm and saw the scars I had from the Valkyrie.
"You really have been giving your all. Doing what's right. . . You have an angel's virtue."
"Angel? Sorry, but I think you misunderstand. I'm a-"
"Shadow," we both said.
"Yes, I know. However, you are different from both shadows and angels. You are. . . more human than both."
"I don't understand."
"You don't have to understand. You are your own person and it seems like you are more than what meets the eye. In short, I don't think you are a shadow."
"Not a shadow? But, I can experience most pain like shadows and some lava for a while."
"Yes, I understand, but it seems to me that you are born as something you are not."
"So. . . I'm not supposed to be a shadow?"
"I'm not certain, but I think there's more to it."
"An angel?"
". . . Possibly," elder thought. I don't quite understand, but I guess I can figure that out later. "There is someplace where you can all go next. There is a person who resides in the heart of our lands. A scion should I say. She sleeps in the only place where peace may reside and those who disturb that peace will experience a horrible that will spell out their end."
"Why go there?" I asked.
"You go and wake her. Tell her what you are trying to do. Then if she lends a hand peace will be inevitable."
"Sounds great and all, but I feel like there's more to it than just speaking to this scion." I said in concern.
"There may be a trial."
"Don't worry. If you speak the truth through your actions then I'm sure she will lend a hand."
"I hope so. . ." I thought.


I was on the floor again. I don't think I can ever sleep properly on a normal bed. I moved my cramped wings and got up. I went outside and remembered Flecin. I walked to the grave and knelt down to pay my respects. Even where there are angels, we are not entirely sure of what happens in the afterlife, but I hope Flecin will be okay in her next life.
I decided to go out on a walk away from town for a bit. I walked up the hills and it was nice to take a deep breath of the natural area and clear my mind. I walked to a cliff opening where we can see the sun rising in the distance. I saw Fang sitting on a rock looking at the sky.
"How are you, Fang?" I asked.
"Good!" He said, "good. . ."
"Something nagging you?"
"Kind of. . . remember I lost my memories?"
"You remembered?" I thought.
"Well, yeah. . . I've had it rough."
"What do you mean?"
"I was born into a happy family. I had a fun childhood with my parents. I made a friend when I was a child, her name was Myrna. One day after school, my parents were killed. They caught the killer, but I had nowhere to go. Myrna found my one day passed out on the street and she and her parents took me in, they treated me as their own. I can't remember much else, but I remember it snowing and Myrna was running. I chased after her and grabbed her arm and pulled her away, but I slipped and got hit by a truck. Now I'm here."
"I know some humans who come here after death. I guess this confirms it."
"Do you think I can return?"
"I am not certain. That is like asking what happens after you die. Even I, an angel don't have answers."
Fang sighed and nodded, "I understand."
"You can always hope," I said.
"I guess. . ." Fang said looking at the sky again.
"Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional."
"What does that mean?" Fang asked.
"That's up to you to find out."
Fang nodded then asked, "have you ever lost more than one important person in your life?"
"Yes, many. . . Liqa, Yizner, Krax, Vin, Osmund, Rift, Jaspar, Enox. . . Glaide. . . . . Flecin. . ." I sighed, "I bear these heavy burdens almost everyday. Of course, a human would break down, but remembering these names is what keeps me fighting. I have to do it for them."
"Then, let's continue fighting for peace!" Fang stood up.
"Even though you are not from this world, you determination is notable. Indeed, let us keep fighting until we end this world."

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