Kika's Hate

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A/N- First picture is Rade with a cloak

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A/N- First picture is Rade with a cloak. Second is Fang. Third is Xane.
Looking at my first drawings I decided not to post them and instead I think I'll redraw them. I'll have to redraw Void.
Sorry that I haven't been updating a lot this month. Things have calmed down a little so I'll try to post at least a little. Good thing is, I got some work done!


The snow is still falling, so the snow is powdery and not slushy making our footsteps soft.
Xane stopped and peered from the wall.
"I'm not supposed to be here," he explained with a whisper. I heard footsteps approaching and once a bandit appeared Xane didn't hesitate to grab a hold of him and choke him unconscious. Xane and I continued and looked into one stone structure and we both saw Syf. He seemed to be in a magic-proof cage. Xane ran for it. A fireball hurled out past Xane when he dropped and slid on the floor. He swooped his arm at the bandit's legs causing him to fall. Xane pulled out a knife from his back and stabbed his neck and pulled pouring a gruesome amount of blood. The fact that he was wearing armor and moved swiftly surprised me.
"I've always hated you," Xane said to the corpse as he put his knife away. Syf was scared, but once Xane opened the cage and gave back his spellbook Syf understood what was happening.
"Void is still healing his broken bone."
"Where is. . . Flecin. . .? Kika. . .?"
"We're going to find them," I assured.
"We must hurry. Our best course of action is to find them then escape," Xane said.
"Aren't you. . . the one who. . . broke Void's bone?" Syf asked.
"Yes, actually. When the time comes, I will explain my story. However, now's not the time." He went outside and we followed.
Xane peeked through each structure to the next and took down anyone that got too close.
"Here," Xane said looking in. Kika and Flecin were both held in an iron cage just like we were. Nobody was around and so Xane quickly went in and unlocked the cage. As soon as he did Kika broke out of the unlocked door and tackled Xane to the ground and began punching him. Xane couldn't explain and tried to block her punches. Syf and I ran over and moved Kika away but she escaped our grasp and continued.
"Kika. . . stop!" Syf struggled.
"You're the reason. You all are!" Kika cried. We managed to pull her away and she fell to the floor crying. Flecin walked out of the cage and didn't say anything except look at Kika with guilt.
"I can't blame you. . . You're the last of your tribe-"
"And why do you think that?!" Kika attacked, cutting off Xane.
"I knew your tribe- Kitaka Tribe. They were friendly and exotic. I've b-"
"Shut up. SHUT UP!" Kika yelled.
Xane tried his best but could not reach her through words. He wiped the blood from his lip and gave Kika back her bow and Flecin her staff. He walked to pick up Kika's and Flecin's other belongings handing them back.
"Xane! What the hell is going o-" A bandit came and stopped when a blade was stabbed through his body. Void pulled his blade out and set the body down to rest.
"The medicine worked," Void said.
"What's wrong with. . ." Fang asked quietly.
Silently our eyes looked at Xane and Fang understood.
"They'll notice the bodies. We have to go, now." Xane said.
"I won't go with you!" Kika said between sobs.
"Oh- For crying out loud!" Xane said in an annoyed manner.
"Come on, Kika!" Flecin said.
"No!" She fought. Void and I had to literally drag her out. She didn't scream at least as we were escaping.

"They're escaping!" A bandit shouted alerting the camp.
We picked up our pace to a run. It was just our luck when the mountains led to a cliff.
"The camp is set up strategically just so that this happens," Xane groaned.
"Void. . . I have an idea. . . but. . . it. will. hurt." I gulped.
"I think I already know," Void said taking off his cloak first. I did as well and we spread our wings.
"A shadow and angel? Now this is interesting," Xane said surprised.
The air was already freezing. Void and I will have to face the worst. Void will be carrying Xane and Syf. I'll have to manage with Fang, Kika and Flecin. We jumped. We aren't aiming to fly, but to glide down safely without too much damage. The weight it pulling down and so I have to flap my wings a little, however in doing so in the cold and with such a large weight, it hurts, a lot.
"They're shooting!" Void called.
"Flecin!" I yelled in the cold. Flecin used her magic and created a temporary and fragile shield around us. Better than nothing. There was a thicket of pine trees ahead. Void and I had already faced enough and landed. My wings were frozen solid as well as Void. We could barely move unlike everyone else.
"They shouldn't be able to follow us, they never do that. However. . . they now want my head and want to get the last of the Kitaka tribe," Xane said.
"Then what should we do?" Flecin asked.
"Best thing we could really do now in this situation is find shelter, which we don't have access to. We are in the woods of the mountain, so we could rest here and leave before dawn," Xane thought.
"Why are you all trusting him?" Kika asked.
"He helped us. What more is there to ask for? Do you think he will recapture us?" I said.
Kika looked at Xane in anger and Xane couldn't really do anything about it.

Kika cooked up some food and even though we were all in alert we are rather tired.
"Is there any fo-"
"No," Kika cut off Xane's question once again.
"Alright," Xane accepted.
Kika slept and slowly one by one we followed. Xane kept watch and he and I were the last ones awake.
"She hates me," Xane said.
"I understand. I'm sure you do too." I said.
"Yes. Being the last of her tribe. . . she sure is fragile."
"What do you mean?"
"She is. . . honest. I'm sure she treats everyone else as their closest friend. But now that I am here, I'm sure I ruined the balance."
"You didn't. I mean. . . at least for now. Time will pass and help you two out. I'm sure one day the differences will settle."
"I sure hope so too. . ."
"I want to know more about you, but I'm not sure if you're ready yet," I said.
"I think it would be a little more appropriate for me to reveal myself to Kika first so that she may understand that I'm trying what I can to show her that I am a friend and not foe."
"I understand."
"You can sleep. I'll keep watch in case anyone decides to foolishly come by," Xane assured.
"No, you sleep first. I can keep watch," I said.
"Do you not trust me?"
"What? Of course I trust you-"
"Then let me watch. Don't worry about me." The look in his eyes spoke true.
"Alright, if you say so. Oh right, here," I said handing a skewer of meat and an apple.
"Why?" He asked.
"I prefer fruit. I always carry an apple or two. Three."
"Thanks. . . Rade. What do you guys do? Are you all just travelers? And what's with you and the shadow? Void was it?"
"Yes, Void. I know this may sound ridiculous, but we plan on ending the war."
"The war? Angels and shadows?" Xane asked.
I nodded. Xane's eyes widened.
"Sound ludicrous!"
"Yeah, I get that."
"But. . . seeing you and Void. . . I believe it. Will you allow me to accompany you?"
"I don't mind. It's just. . . Kika really."
"Thank you, Rade. Really. This can be a change to my life. In a good way. For once. I'll show my true colors once Kika allows to lend an ear to me."
"We're nothing much, but welcome Xane!" I said knowing how much his words mean.
"Well, I'll head to sleep then. If you need some shuteye, don't hesitate to ask me to continue the task."
"That won't be a problem. I'll see you early before the sun, Rade," Xane said as I walked back to the others.

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