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"Ah, here we go," Kika said rummaging through the broken rubble of the burnt village. She fished out a cloak, a bit dirty but looks acceptable. "Wear this."
We had this conversation before. Not everyone will accept me for who I am, so it's best to look like a regular person. I changed my clothes and even though I'm wearing clothing not as long, it feels heavy.
"You look like a traveler," Flecin said.
"I'll take that as a compliment," I replied.
"Is it okay if you change your weapon to a sword so that people don't question too much?" Kika asked. I did as told.
Void, being a shadow can fold his wings into a cape, so he wrapped it over his shoulder making it look like he wore a scarf.

"Is there a certain way where we're going?" Void asked.
"No to be quite honest. I'm just hoping we stumble somewhere hoping for another lead," I said. I know that may sound careless of me, but it's true. I can't really do anything until I've had some idea to work on.
"If I remember correctly, if we continue walking in this direction we might make it to the school of mages."
"Mages?" I thought.
"They are humans who learned magic from elves. They are just slightly different when it comes to their magic. However, not everyone is born with the potential." I turned to see Void brighten then look away after his explanation. "Guardian taught me. . ."
I don't see why he is ashamed to say so. "Thanks for the explanation. I wouldn't have known about that."

The woods began to clear and we were met with an open land with a large building sitting in the middle of the grassy hills with other homes surrounding the area here and there. There were some buildings bigger than the other made of either stone or wood. Dirt, gravel, and stone bricks were used to make many different paths. The time of day really captured the colors of the scene.
We walked down the dirt path and as we walked towards the community the gentle wind passed by and Kika let out a sigh of refreshment.
"I love this. It's been a while since I've been down from the mountain and back on the gentle plains where the wind blows softly. . . is it okay if we rest outside tonight?"
"Sounds like fun!" Flecin said.
"Sure, I don't have much coin to buy a room," Void said.
"Don't worry, if we truly need the inn, I'll pay for it," I said.
"I've saved up enough to live good year," Kika said.

After walking around town, we understood that the dirt path is used to preserve the natural look outside of the community. The gravel paths are used for the markets and the stone bricks paths were for everything else.
"Is it okay if we do some shopping? Don't worry, I'm the type of person who buys what they need," Kika said.
"It doesn't hurt to," I said.
"Great! Most of my stuff was burned so I need to get some things. . ."

We viewed the markets. Some were selling weapons and ammunition, groceries, prepared food, jewelry, spell books, clothing, and more. The markets weren't too crowded, but there were still plenty of people going about. The sounds heard all over were from shop owners were calling out trying to attract customers and people walking and talking to one another. Kika funneled out to one market and they had bags and sacks. Kika took time viewing then chose a sack made from various dried leathers and a strap. Looks simple yet durable.
"This is good for hunting. Sacks like these are essentially used to store meats after a hunt."
"Excuse me miss," the shopkeeper said, "did you say that you are a hunter?"
"Yes, yes I am." Kika replied.
"Ah, I see. Very well, please take this along with the purchase," he said handing a bright light blue gem.
"It's cold!" Kika exclaimed.
"It's used to keep things cold. For instance your harvest of meat so that they don't spoil." The shopkeeper explained.
"Wow, this place is great! Thanks!" Kika said and left happily.

As we continued to browse we heard a bell ring. Similar to what would be heard at a earthly Christian church.
"Is it the school?" Flecin asked.
"How did you know?" Kika asked in reply.
"For elf schools they also have a bell."
"I see. Then I suppose schools all have bells like that for class time and dismissal. Sorry for asking, but how old are you?" Kika asked.
"My mom can't remember, so neither can I. I passed school though!"
"They don't teach as much as humans do?"
"Normally, elves are considered smarter than humans," Guardian spoke from Void's sword.
"Teachers say that at my age we already have the knowledge we need. So, we should be at the same level of intelligence."
"You might become the smartest out of all of us," Kika said. Flecin giggled and bumped into a person.
"Ah. . . S-Sorry. . ." He replied in a weak voice.
"No, it's my fault. I'm sorry," Flecin replied. She noticed that the person had dropped a leather book. She picked it up and gave it back.
"Th. . . Thank you," he replied. He seems easily identifiable. He wore a black robe outlined with a golden yellow and two flaps on the back. He had black hair. His eyes were dark and could be considered black as well yet they look tired. That's not all, he had his entire right eye bandaged. When he reached for the book I saw a glimpse of bandages covering his arms as well.
"I. . . must. . . be off," he said bowing shortly then walked off.
"Did he have a speech problem?" I asked.
"Sounds like it. He seems nice though," Kika said.
". . . He looks sad," Flecin said watching him walk away. I looked at him walk away as well and I don't I think I know what she means.

In the afternoon, we set up camp outside of the community of mages and Kika went to do some hunting for our nightly outdoor meal. Flecin brought back wood meanwhile Void and I debated how to start a fire faster instead of using force of friction using sticks.
We ended up using the stick method.

Night fell and even without the kitchen set Kika can whip up something quite well. She didn't spend too much on spices, just enough to appeal us all with the meal.
"So, what did you hunt?" I asked taking a stick of skewered meat over the fire.
"I caught a boar and deer. I hunt only when needed, so I don't overdo the damage done to the environment and its animals. I've got some extra meat in the bag, so please, help yourselves!"
I took a bite and it was my first time I've ever had meat. I must say, it's definitely different.

We finished our meal and by then Flecin was already sleeping. Kika laid down on the bed of soft grass next to the fire and closed her eyes. Void was staring at the fire. Guardian's ghostly appeared next to him doing the same thing.
"Aren't you going to sleep?" I asked.
"Shadows don't need sleep," he replied.
"You didn't seem to eat much either."
"Shadows don't need to eat as well," Void said.
"Well, you and I are still injured. I'm sure that if you sleep, even if a little it can help heal a little faster," I said.
"He's not wrong," Guardian said, "you two get some sleep. I'll keep an eye out from time to time."
"Alright," Void said lying on his back.
We looked up at the night sky filled with dotted lights like glitter, it felt like a dream, the sounds of bugs chirping and fire crackling didn't bother me. Soon, I shut my eyes and slept.

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