Mountain Rouges

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"Hey, Fang, what keeps you going? Living, I mean." The gentle voice asked next to me. We were sitting on a hard surface somewhere looking out at the sky.
"I don't really know to be honest. How about you?" I replied.
"Well, being with you is enough worth living."
"What does that mean?"
". . . Nevermind."
"M*#- 0"

I got up and reached for my head. Did I hit my head too hard last night.
"M. . . huh?" I can't remember her name. Her? What was that dream? I blinked and looked at the other bed to see Rade on the floor with the sheets all over the place and his wings a mess. Are angels really not used to sleeping on beds or is it just him? I know now that it must be a past memory from the world where I once resided. I'll have to remember piece by piece.


I don't remember sleeping, and I wasn't sure why. I guess I didn't rest fully. I was most likely fatigued from the cold travel here. I rolled around on the soft bed and wished I could lie here forever. I eventually got up and remembered what happened to Syf last night. I looked at him sleeping without his cloak and bandages in front of me, peacefully. I wanted to head out and walk a bit, but I think I should wait until Syf wakes up. Who knows, someone else may find out Syf's naked truth at the moment.

Syf soon woke up and wrapped his bandages. I was afraid that the bandages may cause blindness due to lazy eye, but he assured that it's okay.
"Syf, I want to know how much magic you can use a day. First time I saw magic used by you was such a large blast. How much energy can you use?"
"That blast. . . was needed to clear. . . the enemies. . . I can use. . . about three large blasts. . . like that. . . until I collapse. . . I can conserve those blasts. . . using fireballs. . ." Syf held his palm out and a ball of fire appeared hovering over his hand. I could feel the heat like any other fire.
"Why do you use fire magic? You said your eye was burned from boiling water, I know it's not directly fire, but why use something hot after something like that?"
Syf put the flames away with a wave and thought. "My. . . older sister. . . She was happy. . . I can do magic. . . she liked fire. . . so. . . I will use fire. . ."
Sister. I've never had a sibling. Some shadows and angels have siblings I think. I wonder how it feels to have a sibling.
"I understand," I said not truly understanding their bond. We walked on out and everybody else was outside. We were all prepared and we continued our journey.

It was still rather cold, but at least it wasn't snowing. We spent hours scrunching along the crisp snow heading to our next destination. We plan on traveling along the mountain to the other side where we may find our next lead. Fang pulled out his pistol and practiced using it. It looks well made. It might actually be able to kill with a single bullet. Reason why guns are mostly weak is because they are now mass produced. The best place to get good quality guns are from Earthly Humans who have hunted in their world. Fang is lucky to receive a well made firearm.

It started to snow again. Rade stopped and peered over at the distance.
"Is something wrong?" Fang asked.
"I think I see somethi-" Rade dropped and there was an arrow shot at his shoulder.
"Bandits." Kika said with a quick glance at the arrow. She stood in position and fired an arrow back.
"Rade, get up!" Flecin said helping him up.
Rade got up and pulled the arrow out and we were all alerted of the coming danger.
"They are here," Kika said firing more arrows.
Syf opened his right hand with a ball of fire, he ran forward but then someone grabbed him by the back collar.
"Try anything and he dies," the bandit said. He wore heavy amounts of cloth, covering his face and body. He's faster than he looks. He held a knife at Syf's throat and Syf's face reflected fear.
Kika's face showed anger yet she set down her bow and raised her hands. We all did the same thing.
"You are rather dangerous, so I'll just hold you hostage," the bandit said to Syf.
"You bastard," Kika said.
The other bandits came by and they were no small number. At least an easy fifty. There was a large bandit bigger than any other, presumably the leader. He wore bones as if they were accessories and looked down at all of us. He looked at Kika and he knew like every other.
"A survivor of the Kitaka Tribe?" His voice deep even in surprise.
Kika looked at him with anger and the bandit leader grinned and gripped his hand at her neck choking Kika.
"I thought you were all dead. No, not yet. Soon however, you will."
"Let go of her!" I didn't know why, but I suddenly had the urge to speak and stop him. I knew of Syf's danger and yet I still went. Out of nowhere a bandit came with a full body kick at my side. I flew back and coughed feeling something break inside me.
"Xane, that wasn't needed. Please stay away from this matter," The leader said.
"Forgive me, leader."
Kika looked like she could explode any second.
"Take them away!" The bandit leader said and we were walking with them as hostages to their camp.


It was cold. We were stripped of our weapons and extra layers. Fortunately they didn't find Void and my wings. However, wings are fragile just as Guardian said and if we stay here too long, we may as well lose them. Syf was separated from us because of potential damage he may cause without an eye at him. Kika and Flecin weren't with us as well and I'd hate to see what they could be facing.
"My. . . rib. . ." Void said in pain on the cold stone floor curled up.
"That kick sure had an impact," Fang said trying to soothe it.
"This is nuts, how are we ever going to get out. . ." I thought out loud. I punched the iron bars with my fist and started bleeding. I panted in anger thinking what is happening to the others.
"Can't Guardian come?" I asked.
"They may have put our weapons in a chest or something. Only thing he can do really is float, not much else.
"Dammit. . ." I looked at the bandit's camp. It was mostly stone structures that blend well at first sight. They have their fires inside causing no light to be seen. If we weren't in cages, we could easily sneak our way around.

I heard footsteps approaching and I prepared myself in case it was torture treatment.
It was the same person who kicked Void to a broken whole.
"What do you want?" I asked.
He reached in his cloak and pulled out weapons. Our weapons. He handed them back to us.
"What. . . why?!" I demanded.
"He isn't as bad as you think," Guardian said. "He knows of some things. He is determined and surprisingly trustworthy for our cause.
"Then, what would that be?" I asked.
"Can't say. He wants it to be a secret," Guardian replied.
"I know I'm a bandit like them, but trust me. For once in my life, I want to stop this. Please know that this is true." He sounds mature, but his pleads seem childish.
"Xane was it?" I asked, "can you fix a broken bone?"
He pulled out a small pouch of something and a ceramic bottle of water.
"The pouch contains bone powder and other ingredients made to heal bones. Mix it with the drink and give it your friend. It will be bitter, but you can heal quite fast, maybe an hour. Also, here."
He gave back our cloaks and clothing.
"What's happening to the others?" I asked.
"Nothing. . . yet." Xane said dreadfully unsure of himself.
Xane seems like a bandit for sure, but also a survivor at heart due to his torn and patched clothing. His bandanna kept his long hair up. His cloak is actually a cape. He wore armor. Angels and shadows don't wear them because then they can't fly. He has a scar over his left eye. His sword on his back is quite large, I wonder how he fights with such a large sword.
"We have to hurry," Xane said.
"I'll stay with Void so that he can heal. It's not a big broken bone, so it should heal quite fast," Fang said letting Void rest.
"Lead the way," I said and Xane and I took off.

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