Dark Forest

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A/N- Sorry that I took a while to get this chapter up. I actually had to rewrite it, because what I wrote before I deleted is was rather poor. Don't want to publish that. Plus, I want to get better in my writing. So, I'll rewrite the whole chapter if I have to.
Hope you understand.


Just staring at the water makes wonder to me. Even though it is deadly. Would regular people think the same if they saw lava? Probably not. I lied down on the soft grass and stared at the purple-orangish colors of the sun rising sky. I'm lucky as a shadow to experience this, friends, and being out in the sunlight.
I noticed a beautiful leaf colored bird fly toward our direction. It was a little chilly, so I assume the birds would have to get up early for the worm, I suppose. At least most of the snow has melted now. I looked closer and realized it had something attached to it, paper? It came down at the campfire where everyone else is. I climbed up the bank and peeked. I saw Flecin sitting up as if she was expecting the bird. When I saw her taking the piece of paper, probably a note or a letter, she was, she was expecting it. The bird flew off and Flecin opened up the folded paper and read. I wonder what reading is like. To have knowledge and proper education. I was shaken back to reality when Flecin started sobbing. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to go up and ask what's wrong, but if she knew about the bird, it was probably from the village she lives in. I scraped up the courage and walked towards her. Before I could ask she turned around and greeted me with a smile.
"Morning, Void!"
"Something wrong?" She asked when I should be. She acted as if nothing happened.
"Oh um. . . nothing," I replied. I walked back to the bank and wondered what happened, why hide it?


Once we got up, we all ate a light meal and continued traveling aimlessly.
"Rade. . . th-this way. . .?" Syf asked unexpectedly.
"Something wrong, Syf? Just to woods, right?" I said. We all stopped in front of the ocean of trees. It looks dark just looking in.
"It's. . . dangerous. . . and you can. . . get lost. . . easily. . ." He said.
"You know these woods?" I asked.
"Yes. . ."
"What's on the other side?" I asked.
"It can. . . practically lead you. . . almost anywhere. . ." He said.
"Almost anywhere. . . I feel like we can take the gamble."
"B-But. . . dangerous. . . !" His voice raised in exclamation.
"Well, we are strong as a group." I pointed out and Syf thought hard.
"Just. . . be alert. . ." He said.
"Let's go then!" I said walking in.

No animal sounds, voices, or anything. Only sounds of crunching twigs and leaves. We continued for a while, but I am unsure what's so dangerous about it. We kept going and sure enough, I'm getting a strange vibe.
"Rade. . . who're they?" Xane asked pointing at some dark hooded figures gliding from a distance.
"D-Dark. . . M-Mages. . ." Syf panted as Flecin tried to calm him down.
"You think they see us?" Kika asked.
"They can't see, but sense," Syf explained. "Just keep going quietly."
We continued and tried to make the least sound possible, avoiding small sticks and twigs along with the dry leaves. We made very minimal sound and the dark mages came after us.
Xane groaned and charged before anyone else acted. He charged forward with a swing. The dark figures jolted upward like lightning, but backwards. All three of them waved a shadowy arm and caged Xane in pain much like what happened to Syf before. Kika and Fang fired projectiles, yet it was stopped and dropped to the floor like nothing. Flecin ran forward and used her staff casting bright light. The dark mages fled.
Xane collapsed and even though it was practically seconds, he looked to be in near death pain.
"That spell is. . .  terrifying. . . Especially with. . . more casters. . ." Syf explained.
"What does it do?" Fang asked.
"A minute passes. . . and you are. . . done. . ." Syf panted.
"And with three of them. . . it tripled?" Void realized.
Syf nodded.
"That was at least ten seconds! Thirty counting all three!" Kika panicked. "We have to get heal him! He's more than out cold!"
Xane looked in worse condition than Syf and the elf's dark magic. I can see why Syf would fear this place.
"I'm sorry for bringing us all here. Let's get out of here," I said.
"We came from this way right?" Kika said.
"No, this way," Flecin said.
"Pretty sure it was. . . oh great. We're lost," Void sentenced.
"Crap. . ." Fang moaned.
"Can't even fly up, the foliage in the trees are too thick," I pointed out.
We heard sound and we turned around. A wolf appeared. We held our stance knowing that wolves travel in packs.
"Lost are we?" We were busy looking around that he "changed" to a person.
"A. . . shifter. . ." Syf said in awe.
"Yup," he replied. His eyes were sharp and green. His hair surely represents a wolf, and shapes a little like the ears. He wore light clothing, much like what humans of earth would wear sport wear for a jog. I thought the tail was an accessory, but then I remembered he was the wolf.
"Yes, we're lost! We have an injured person in need of healing!" Kika exclaimed.
"I see, well, you came from over there. But, there is a town just over here, very close," he said. "I shall guide you."
"How can we trust you?" Flecin asked.
"Ah, an elf. Well, I know we were rivals of nature in the past, but leave the past as is. Think of me as a friend who feels like joining you folk can be. . . a nice change than just a lone wolf."
"S-Seriously. . . ?!" Syf's fear must've changed to excitement over a puppy.
"Right this way," he said leading us.

It opened to a similar field and community much like where Syf lived. Just a little different. We walked in town and they sold various armor and weapons. I heard that this place is home to schooling swordsmen to capable fighters.
"Th-This. . . place. . ." Syf said looking out.
"This isn't the village where you lived. Is it?" I asked.
"Syf lives here?" Fang questioned.
"N-No. . . my. . . nevermind," he said.
"Oh yes, by the way, my name is Lan," the wolf shifter said.
"Nice to meet you," I replied and we all greeted ourselves properly this time.

We wandered the place a bit, but then I realized Syf was going somewhere. We all followed him without him seeing. Void accidentally tripped and his wings unfolded.
"Shadow!" A blonde haired lady in armor exclaimed. We were away from town, so there was no attention. She dropped her groceries and pulled out her axe that was about the size as her.
"Oh no, we messed up," I said. I ran forward with a scythe and tried to clash, but the axe swing was so strong that it was knocked right out of my grip and my cloak ripped revealing my wings as well.
"And an angel? The hell?" She was tough.
"Now, now, L-"
"Lan? Get the hell out of here! An angel and a shadow!" She said. Void rushed and tried for a swing. The lady had fluid motions, dodging the swing then swung upward with her axe disarming Void as well.
She put the axe back on her back and drew the two thin blades from their sheathes from her back. She ran forward. Syf came in and had a fireball ready. Right when she was about to strike and Syf about to fire, they stopped. I heard two light gasps. Syf extinguished the flame and the girl dropped her swords.
"Syf! Oh my goodness! You're alive!" She cried hugging him as well as Syf.
"I'm sorry. . . I'm sorry. . ." Syf cried in her embrace.

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