Hunter's Taste

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A/N- I changed the cover because the other one didn't seem right with the color and meaning. It's pretty hard to find the right cover I'm looking for, so for now I think I'll just have this as the cover. Hope you can understand. Please, continue.


"Are you tired, Rade?" Flecin asked under my grasp as I did my best to fly back up the mountain.
"I'm fine," I replied. We've been out in the sun for a while. The blackberries we picked were certainly at its best, very tempting not to eat. It's a good thing Flecin was a very crafty and natural person, she was able to make a basket out of bark and some thin roots of trees. The sun hovered behind us preparing to set as the colors of the sky begun to change like the embers of a fire.
"You're flying slower than when we were flying down," Flecin said.
"Well, gliding down is certainly easier not having to flap my wings, but having to use them now. . . I am getting rather tired. . ."
"We can walk the rest of the way. Let's take a break!"
"No, we're almost there, I can make it."

We landed on the fresh soil and I stretched out my wings then neatly folded them on my back. We continued walking along the rest of the short trail and we could see the village entrance.
"Hey, Rade? Do Angels shed their feathers?" Flecin asked.
"Why you ask?"
"Oh, the feathers just looked beautiful, thought they could be used for maybe a necklace."
"It's a wonderful thought. Maybe one day when I sleep some feathers may fall off and I can give them to you."
"Thanks, Rade! I'll be sure to make some nice things from them!"

We entered the village and it was a nice little community of people. There were homes here and there all made from the very lumber the mountain had served as a place for them. Just walking in we would see the number of shops selling things, chimneys working and the number of people walking around, there wasn't many but it was a rather peaceful little place.
"Is that where Kika said she would be?" Flecin asked pointing at the direction away from all the other things are.
Indeed, we saw the Tavern sign and knew there wasn't anything else as big as that to cram people inside.
We walked inside and there were plenty of people taking up the seats that were valid eating or drinking whatever was served.
"What's an angel doing here?" Somebody said and the whole room had eyes on me.
"An angel with an elf?" Another whispered.
"He's got a scythe. . ."
"Ah, you brought the berries!" Kika came out of a door just behind the counter and Flecin placed the basket gently on the counter.
"Everyone! Just know that this angel is unlike the rest. So you can shut your mouths unless you want to leave!" Kika announced. Everyone eyed me then had different replies whether it is moving their head or whispering to themselves, other than that they continued on to whatever they were doing.
"You didn't have to do that, but thanks," I said.
"No, I've been your situation many times before. . ." Kika said washing the berries gently with a small bucket of water. "Please, sit here," she said and we sat at the stools that were placed next to the counter.
"How long have you been working here?" I asked.
"About two. . . three years. It's good work, I am happy if the people are happy. Plus, learning how to cook and hunt is a good skill to have." She looked up as if she remembered something. She walked over and opened a furnace and pulled out large slabs of what's probably boar meat. She cut up some slices and placed it on the counter and called out, "order number twenty six!"
A person raised their hand and came for their meal. He placed a certain number of coins on the counter and thanked Kika.
"What would you two like to eat?" Kika asked.
"Let's see uh. . . fried pork chops sound good!" Flecin said looking at the board that was laid out above Kika's head for all to see, "and goat milk!"
"That won't be necessary," Kika said to me when I pulled out my money pouch. "You helped me, plus, I threatened you. On the house!"
"Oh, an apple is fine, thanks."
"Just an apple? What are you, angel? Vegan? Kidding. Seriously, I don't mind!"
"I. . . Here, I'll just let you decide," I finished.
"Fair enough." She said and continued her cooking.

"Here, you go!" By the time Kika had served out meal everyone had already left for the day.
"I also added a pumpkin soup."
"Yay! Thanks Miss Kika!" Flecin addressed.
"What is this?" I asked poking the gelatin with a fork.
"Fruit pudding. It's better than it looks, trust me," Kika said, "you asked for an apple, but I changed it to cider. Hope it's better."
As I was eating Kika was eyeing me. Making me rather nervous. "Kika. . . is there something on my face?"
"Well, I've never seen an angel eat before."
"Is it really that bizarre?!" I exclaimed.
"You seem to be enjoying my food though," she said, "what do angels normally eat?"
Now that she mentions it, all I could really remember was just fruit. An apple a day usually.
"I don't know if it's just me, but I think I only eat raw fruit."
"Interesting. Well, Seeing the two of you how clean you left your plates, I assume you have eaten your fill?"
"Yes, thank you!" Flecin said.
"Yeah, thanks," I said.
"I actually have a few extra rooms upstairs if you two ever want to stay the night," Kika offered.
"Please, this is too much," I said.
"No, I just feel as though we all have something in common. Least I could do for what I did is to help aid you two."
"Very much appreciated," I said.
I left my scythe away with Kika just so that I can assure I won't kill. Flecin had her own room, and I had mine. It was a rather basic room for sleep, but I'm not bothered. It's truly better than nothing at all. I forgot I still had my body bandaged from previous wounds in battle. I unraveled the bandage and found my skin quite normal. It is only normal for beings in this world to heal far faster than the other world. A scar in the other world that would take weeks to heal could be healed less than a week.
I climbed onto the bed cushioned with hay and my eyes slowly dimmed and I slept soundly.

I was woken up by an explosion and alerted I reached over to grab my scythe, only to remember where I had it.
"Kika!" I yelled and the doors burst open, Flecin and Kika woke up from the sound as well.
We ran outside and saw a group of shadows attacking the village.
"I would have had my doubts if they were angels, but I guess my trust still stands by you," Kika said handing over my scythe.
"Flecin, go hide!" I said.
"I know how to fight."
"Wait, what?"
"Mother gave me her staff. I don't actually know how to fight, but I can use simple magic!"
"Like what?" As I asked an arrow was coming my way. Flecin made a shield of light and the arrow stopped, when the shield faded the arrow dropped.
"It can withstand bullets and arrows, but nothing too much bigger than that."
"I see, that will be useful."
"I think this debt will never be paid will it?" Kika asked.
"Think of it as an order," I replied as we rushed into battle to stop the raid.

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