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I am alive.

I blinked a couple times and squinted at the hard rock ceiling.
Isn't this where Caliber lives?
I got up and felt something odd. I looked down and everything came back to me. My limbs were eaten. I looked down at my own body. My right arm and left leg were gone and replaced with metal. I moved my metallic fingers. They were fascinating and yet I felt incredibly frustrated. Am I not human anymore?
I let out a scream and punched the wall. The metallic hand did not even scratch. I panted and bottled up the anger and breathed. I looked down at my leg and walked around. I can walk fine.
The door opened and Caliber walked in and noticed me. He was covered in oil and dirt.
"Fang! You're awake!" He said.
"Y-Yes, I am," I said.
"Are you. . . alright?" He asked.
I looked at my arm and repeated the question in my mind.
"I'm fine," I said.
"They are made from titanium metal. So, they are quite sturdy," he noted.
"I am back at your village. How long was I out?" I asked.
Caliber was quiet at first, but he answered, "six days."
I merely nodded. There was nothing I could do about it.
"Where are the others?"
"Everyone is recovering as well. They are in their own rooms. Rade was in bad condition. Not as bad as you of course, but bad."
"I see." I sighed and nodded. I walked towards the door.
"Where are you off to?"
"I'm going to find them."
"Alright. I'm going to continue fixing the tank."

I walked to the bunker where we stayed last time. I entered and found a small fraction of the group.
"You're alive!" Lily got up and ran towards me and captured me within her arms so tight I couldn't breathe. "Thank goodness!"
"Um, yeah," I smiled nervously.
"How is your. . . body?" Lily asked.
"I am fine," I assured. "How is Rade?"
"He is healing. He is definitely getting better, but he my have to rest here for a little longer."
"I see. I hope we may journey farther. Those enemies. . . they were something."
"Yes, I wonder what happened."
"Well, nevermind that, I shall be off."
"Wait! Fang. I understood what happened to you. It was horrible. . . but would you like to learn how to use a blade in case it happens again?"
"I would love to," I said, "but I must see the others beforehand."
"I understand."
"I would like to learn when I come back," I said.
"That can be arranged," she replied, "take care!"

I found Lan and Void training against one another with training weapons.
"Lan, though you have a smaller blade, you must see through an opening!" Guardian spoke clearly.
Void continued to strike as Lan jumped backwards to avoid the strikes. He leapt forward passed Void and swung his wooden knife upwards knocking Void's pole out of his grasp.
"Lan wins. Seven to four, Void still has the lead."
"You are definitely getting better," Void says.
"Yes, but I still have a ways to go," Lan says playing tricks with the wooden blade.
"Ah, Fang! Good to see you are alive!" Guardian spoke.
"Yes, thanks."
"How are you feeling?" Void asked.
"Fine, thanks."
"What are you up to?" Lan asked.
"Just looking around to see how everyone is doing," I said.
"Well, we're all doing fine here," Lan said.
"I'm sure he already knows," Void stated.
"Well, if he saw my win, then of course!"
"That's not what I meant! Nevermind. . . Who else are you looking for?"
"I'm looking for Kika and Xia," I said.
"Oh, well, maybe not today," Lan said.
"Why not?" I asked.
"They are hunting, together," Lan said putting more emphasis on the word "together."
Void merely sighed in boredom while Lan grinned.
"Well then I suppose I should head back," I said.
"Don't you want to train?" Lan asked.
"Why would I want to train?" I wondered.
"Well, you could totally beat up anyone with how you are now!"
"Hey, Lan. Don't say such a thing to him." Void said.
"No, he's right. Maybe I should consider it." I looked at my metal arm and thought. This may not be human and there is no turning back, but maybe I can make it useful not only for me, but everyone else.
"I will be back," I said. As I was walking away I smiled to myself. I'm glad everyone, no matter how different, helps one another.


"You want to learn how to use a dagger?" I asked.
"I fight from distance, but if anyone is able to get to me in arm's reach, I cannot do much but aim my pistol at them. Even so, that itself is risky. I want to be armed with something light and useful in emergencies such as that," Fang explained to me.
"Makes sense to me," Lily said.
"And I thought you could use your new limbs to bash heads," Lan sighed. "Very well, I shall teach you."
"Thanks, Lan."

About an hour passed and Fang still struggled to hit me. I have dodged and attacked him many times. He is blocking and dodging more than I could imagine.
"I don't think I can do this. . ." Fang sighed.
"Don't think that. Try using just your hands."
"My hands?"
I nodded.
Fang got up and stood in a stance, ready. I came after him and swung strike after strike. I moved back just right. I came in for a stab. Fang grabbed my arm and tackled me down. He removed the blade from my hand and pointed it at my neck.
"Well done!" I said.
"Sorry for being rough," Fang said helping me up.
"Sorry? No! You did it!"
"Dagger? Don't need that! See, your hands can already do much more than a simple blade."
"Isn't a dagger light enough?" Void asked.
"See for yourself," Lan said tossing the dagger to Void.
"How is this wood heavy?"
"Remember the trees that Caliber mentioned before? This is only wood too. A blade is an extension, but if you can use your hands to get someone down then that's good, then your pistol will be of some use. Besides, you are faster than when you were using that dagger."
"Lan. . . thank you. It's all thanks to you!" Fang said.
I walked up to him and struck quickly at his stomach, but he blocked it quickly.
"Perfect!" I said.
"That's not training! That's playing dirty!" Lily stated.
"Well, he's clean enough to see through it, that's for sure," I said. "Good work, Fang."
"Thanks, Lan."

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