Deep Wounds

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I was devastated. Everyone fought only three people and yet everyone is either extremely hurt or exhausted.
"Get up! Everyone, anyone! Get up!" I said to each person trying to wake them.
"So. . . sleepy. . ." Flecin said falling asleep.
"No, no, no!" I worried.

About an hour passed and Xane opened his eyes and he couldn't actually get up. I don't care anymore, as long somebody was awake.
"Xane! Quick, we have to wake everyone up! We can't let them freeze here when night falls!"
"Can I eat something?" he asked.
"We can eat once we take everyone to a safe place," I assured.
Xane nodded and started carrying and dragging our friends. Flecin, Syf and Fang soon woke up and we only had to carry Rade and Void. We found a village. We covered Rade and Void with their cloaks and immediately went to stay for the night. They noticed our conditions and thus helped us by lowering the price.
"We'll have to keep Those two in the same room," I thought, "we can tend their wounds and they can rest well." Their room was big and included three beds. Fang should also stay here as well."
Flecin explained she can help heal magic attacks. After aiding Rade a little, she and Syf stayed a room so that she can heal him. I'd hate to realize that I am with Xane. 


"You didn't. . . have to. . . help me by. . . staying with me. . ." Syf said.
"I do too," I replied, "you went through too much pain from that bad elf.
"Hey, Flecin. . .?" Syf asked as I healed him.
"Do you. . . know why. . . that elf. . . was bad. . . ?"
"Well, he attacked you. Truth is, humans and elf are all almost the same. We have all the good and bads."
Syf sat still and thought about what I said and nodded.
"I realized that you seem to be scared of dark magic. I don't mean to pry, but did something happen?"
"I've used. . . dark magic. . .before. . . It is. . . a scary. . . and powerful. . . thing to. . . possess. . ." Syf explained.
"I can teach you light magic," I said.
"No. . . only fire. . ."
"My. . . sister liked it. . ."
"I didn't know you had a sister."
Syf merely smiled.
"Well, if anything were to happen involving dark magic. I can be your light!"
"Thank. . . you. . ." Syf replied happily.


I finally got up. When I sat up everything hurt. It burns. Almost my entire body was wrapped in bandages. I then remembered the electrical attack I went through. I heard a sob next to me and realized Void was crying in what he has on hand. His sword, it was broken.
"It's okay, Void," Guardian's ghostly figure said next to him.
"No it's not! This sword was special. I've had it since way back when!" Void cried.
"How did this happen?" I asked.
"The eye patched member of Them," Guardian explained.
"The weapon for a shadow is like a bond," Void explained.
"That's the same for angels," I realized. I didn't realize that Fang was sleeping at another bed farthest away from me.
"Now it would be hard for me to get a weapon," Void cried clenching the broken blade causing him to bleed a little.
"Void. Don't worry. We can find you a weapon," I assured.
"It will take forever though!"
"Not unless we are in constant search for one," I stated.
"It would take a long time. The weapon has to accept me."
"Same for me if I were in your position."
"It might not even be a sword," Void said looking at his broken sword.
"If the weapon accepts you, you can use it."
"I hope so. . ." Void sniffed.


It was rather uncomfortable to be with this bandit. He stayed on the opposite side of the room facing at a wall as he sharpens his sword, maintaining it quite well with great care. Have I done that for my bow that often? I have given him a bowl of leftover meat with some rice I bought at the market. He ate each bite as if it were his last, savoring it. I felt bad. He has helped us, me especially, and I still treated him quite bad.
"Why did you save me earlier? Void and I," I asked walking over closer to him sitting on my bed.
"We are all on the same side, aren't we? It's only natural that we help one another," he explained, he continued to tend his blade without turning. "I understand the state I am in within your vision. Trust me, I have done terrible things, but I want you to see that I am a person you can trust."
"Okay then, why did you join the bandits?"
"Born into a place where I was told to be cursed. I was sent away. My parents couldn't do anything. I traveled long days without food. I always ran from trouble. I wandered aimlessly in the mountains, it was safe, but cold. The bandits found me and knew it would be a waste to kill me where I was, no gain. I was given food and a place to stay. I worked hard, trained and became a fighter. Of course the food wasn't good, but it was something to keep me going." Xane looked at his bowl of food and took another bite. "The one who wielded this blade, Pyrus. He was a good friend, once a member of the Kitaka tribe. He was killed and now I wield the blade he once used."
"That was more than explaining why you became a bandit."
"But I'm sure that explained why I am intrigued of the Kitaka tribe."
"Yes. . ."
"Thank you again for the food. It truly is. . . wonderful to taste this a- amazing dish."
"It's only a simple meal."
"Yes but. . . better than what the bandits offered."
There is definitely more about him that I'm not getting.
"Where were you born from?"
"If I said it, you won't believe it," Xane said.
"Are you implying that you are lying?"
"No! I have proof! . . . Just not now. . ." Xane explained.
He is rather strange. Wants to prove his trustworthiness, and yet still has to hide things up to a certain point. One day, I

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