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A/N- Finally back at this book. Just know that I don't remember the exact details of what I wrote before, I'll try my best to transition as if I know what's going on. I did review a bit, but I am still unsure of what I wanted to accomplish back then. Anyways, I can finally continue on this book and I want to review the chapters in more detail because I want this book to be meaningful and fun all at the same time. I've got a lot of ideas in store, and I hate to throw it all up within a few chapters, I'll try my best to release my ideas slowly. Anyways, continue on.


I woke up by rolling off the bed in my sleep.
"Ow. . ." I groaned and rubbed my head. I got up and was met with the silky veil curtains that covered the glass but not the sun's light. I was in a small room with simple things such as the bed I fell out of, a desk and chair, a drawer and a few art portraits that covered the blank white walls. I didn't have time to look at such artistic talent, I should leave so that the Angels don't know of my whereabouts and cause the elves more trouble. I opened the door and saw the Elder Elf sitting on a wooden chair just helping himself with some tea.
"How are your wounds?" He asked.
"Fine now, thanks."
"Leaving already?"
"Yes, thanks for the hospitality, Elder," I said.
"You take care too, thank you for protecting us, Rade."

I walked around town looking for Flecin and soon by the time I took a break, she found me.
"Hey Rade! Feeling better?" She asked.
"Yeah, thanks. How is your mother?"
"She's feeling better now."
"I see, that's great to hear! All of that fighting wasn't for naught. I hope that you continue to care for your mother, Flecin."
"Wait, let me come with you!"
"I want to go journey with you. I saw what you can do! You are a capable Angel who actually does what an Angel is supposed to do."
"But, your mother."
"My mother was ill because it was just a sudden sickness, she has approved me to journey with you because she heard from everyone else what you did yesterday."
I didn't really know what else to say.
"You realize I don't actually know what I'm doing and that this is just a huge gamble. You will get hurt, heck, probably die because of me. Do you know what you're deciding on?"
"Yes," she replied without hesitation, "the war has killed many people who I knew. I want to fight alongside you so that I can help them out. I don't want to hide anymore."
". . . Alright," I said and Flecin's face brightened. I'm going to have work harder to protect her.
"So, where are we going?" Flecin asked.
"We're going up that mountain," I pointed at the direction away from where we came in, "Elder Elf said that there was a village with a temple. It would be a great place to rest and figure out where to head next.
"Sounds good!" And so we walked the direction and ventured on up the mountain.

It was quite steep and so I had to fly both of us up on some parts and then we found a dirt trail with stone slabs used as stairs to climb up. We followed the trail and continued onward.
"Rade. . . I'm tired," Flecin said walking as if the sun killed her.
"I guess we could take a break here," I said making her feel better. We sat under the shade of the tree thicket and Flecin protruded a bottle of water out of her bag and took a drink.
"Want some?" She asked.
"No, I'm good, thanks."
We sat there cooling off and I didn't realize how hot the sun was beating us down until we sat down, now my wings feel like a weight has lifted, yet it's still heavy.
We rested, but I didn't want to rest too long, otherwise we would just likely give up. Right when I got up an arrow swished past my head just barely striking me. If I went up any faster, I would've been killed.
"Flecin, get up! Be careful, there's somebody out there trying to kill at least me."
Flecin, stood next to me and looked in the thicket and peered around to see an outline of anybody. Another arrow flew out and sure enough, the archer of the arrow wanted me dead. I stepped aside from the arrow and I saw a figure pop up and fire again. I jumped up and it missed again.
"Step away from the elf, Angel!" The archer yelled. It was a girl. She had hair that was quite long and resembles dry fall leaves, and her eyes had a hazel color that were beautiful like marbles. Her clothing looks traditional, doubt anyone would wear such clothing now, then again, I'm wearing a toga type wear.
"Hey! Don't hurt Rade!" Flecin said arms open in front of me.
"What is your name, elf? And what are your intentions?" She asked with the arrow still cocked on the bow.
"I am Flecin, and we are just heading over to a town with a temple to plan where we want to go next."
It was the truth, but it sounded so bland that it seems like a lie.
"Elder elf told us to come here," Flecin added when the archer didn't lower her weapon.
"Why would we invite an Angel over to the village? Haven't they done enough damage and killing, being all high and mighty?!"
"Rade is a good Angel. I was picking herbs for my mother and I was attacked by Angels. Rade had to sacrifice his high position as a commander Angel to do the right thing!"
"Commander? Angel? You? Why did you help her?" She asked threateningly coming closer.
"If you have been fighting throughout your life thinking you are doing to right thing for peace then one day you were asked to kill a young girl, would you do it?" I replied.
"Girl or not. You are an Angel, Angels have been doing wrong for years now? How can one change?"
"We changed though, haven't we? Humans and elves?" Flecin answered breaking our conversation barrier. "I know the two of us had been horrible once in a lifetime, but we now live in harmony altogether! We all change! Why can't one Angel amongst however many else there are?!"
The archer eyed Flecin then at me. I still had my hands up. She sighed and lowered her bow and retrieved the arrow back to her arrow pouch that was slung on her back.
"So, you are travelers?"
"No, we just plan on ending this war once and for all," I said.
"Big words for a single Angel," she replied. In reality, she is right.
"So, what I know now, is that you won't attack us, correct?" She asked looking at me.
"Yes, I do solemnly swear," I replied earnestly.
"Okay, I trust you. . ." She said wrapping the bow over herself that aligned with her arrow pouch. "My name is Kika." She walked out of the bushes and realized that her clothing seemed to show her leg.
"Your um. . . leg is. . ." Flecin stammered a little.
"Yes, I know. Everyone can't stop staring. It's an outfit my tribe once wore, but now I believe am the last. . . A-Anyways, the village welcomed me in open arms, I own a nice home and it is connected to a Tavern shop which is where I work." She explained.
"Might I ask, what were you doing out here?" I asked.
"It might not look like it, but this mountain is filled with great game! I have to constantly restock on my food supply weekly."
"Can we help?" Flecin asked.
Kika looked at me for confirmation. "Sure, why not! Although, I don't have hunting experience, and I doubt that you, Flecin, do."
Flecin sighed and Kika merely smiled, "I do have one favor. Could you harvest some blackberries? There are more ripe ones lower of the mountain."
"Going back down?" Flecin groaned.
"I can fly for us if we have to," I said.
"Why can't an Angel stay flying?" Kika asked.
"It's a lot of work, believe me. Once you start, you keep going. Once you stop, you practically need at least a ten minute break," I explained.
"I see. . . Well, blackberries are ripe as of now, so I thank you for your efforts. You can find my home easily, pretty big and there should be a sign saying 'Tavern."
"Okay, sounds good, thanks!" I said, "we'll see you soon!"
"Take care," she said before I took off with Flecin in my arms.

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