Walkway to Death

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"Are you sure you want to head out now? According to the soil, it's raining from above," the dwarf said as I thankfully took my newly forged sword with the gemstone.
"I've caused enough trouble to all of you, and I'm grateful for everything you gave me. So I'm satisfied and I don't want to cause you a burden." I explained.
"Not at all! It was quite nice to care such a rare Shadow as yourself!"
"Thank you again!" I said.
"You're welcome here anytime!"

I flew back up and I stood in the tunnel as I looked out to a downpour of rain. I cringed thinking I should've stayed, but I didn't want to cause a weight on the dwarves. I reached a hand out and drew back, my hand stung worse than what mortals say tripping hurts. I hissed and checked my hand. It pounded a little dark blood then it slowly recovered.
"Great!" I said to myself slumping down on the floor watching the rain pour. I looked at my sword and looked at the dark swirls of the gemstone. The idea came up. What if I turned to a shadow. Sure I might get tired as much as I fly, but this is a perfect time to use it!
I wasn't sure how to do it, but oddly it came to me as another sense just like flying and I turned into a shadow. I moved quite fast and I shadowed through the rain with ease smiling to myself somehow as a shadow.

After about probably a few miles I stopped in a small cave to rest a bit as I panted and smiled to myself for my accomplishment. I looked around thinking how much longer I'll be to the endless graveyard. The dwarf said the grave I should look for is, Naid Raug. Strange name, but I guess we all have strange names.
After I caught my breath I thought I'd continue on. After a while staying in the shadow, the rain stopped. I came back out from the ground and standing didn't hurt. I just had to avoid puddles of water. What surprised me was how the air smelled, damp, it was quite nice though!
I walked my way to where I need to be.

The sun came up and I felt its warmth and it didn't burn me. It feels. . . wonderful. I smiled to myself being able to experience this and I continued.
Smelling the dull air and slowly as the bright blue colors and warmness become dull. Well, I've had my share of color for one day.
I walked a path and soon I spotted a grave, then another, and another. Soon surrounding me were hundreds, no, thousands more of graves. How was I going to find this Naid Raug? Are the graves in alphabetical order? I looked at one grave then to the next. Nope, apparently not. But the dates are in chronological order!

As I continued going fear lurked through me. I forgot that this was kinda near the the underworld portal where I have escaped. A had my guard up in case anything happens. There was no life except for me around here. Graves, rows and rows. And not even a single dead tree like they have in the mortal world.
I tried to find an appropriate grave when Naid Raug may have died, though it may take me hours. . .

"There he is!"
I looked back to see a group of shadows coming down upon me.
"Look at this filthy little traitor," one spat.
"I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm not on anyone's side."
"Well then, you're worth killing!" One said and one flew towards me.
I quickly drew my sword and blocked his swing with a sword and I stabbed him letting him fade into the darkness.
Instead, I ran and they followed. I felt them land a blow on me. They must've kicked my back and I skid on the hard dull dirt. I looked up and I saw it.

Here lies the guardian
Naid Raug

I didn't believe I'd find him like this. A bullet fired and they missed and hit the grave. For some odd reason a little anger flickered in me. I fired an arrow at the shooter and they blew into dark dust.
I didn't quite understand what happened next as I all the sudden ran fast with grace and ease and I killed the other two shadows like they were nothing.
I panted wondering to myself what happened before I saw some strange smoke coming out from me.
I saw the smoke gather itself and it formed into what seems to be a ghost. Funny, I never knew Angels had ghosts.
"Are you Naid Raug?" I asked.
"Yes," he said in a calm manner. He was just a little taller than me if he were still alive. I thought he was old like what the dwarf said but he looks quite young. He had one large wing the other torn. He had wore a robe and he also had a gemstone on his forehead that held with a chain. His back has a spear-ax.
"What might you need, Shadow?"
I forgot, he's an Angel, I'm a Shadow.
"I've been told by a dwarf that I should see you. You could help end the war.
"I'm merely a ghost, what much help can I do?"
As he said that, I thought, maybe he was the one that helped me.
"Did you posses me to fight off the Shadows?"
"Aye, so you do know," he said, "I wouldn't have done that unless you had that gem of yours."
I looked at my sword at the shadow gem.
"How does that work?" I asked.
"Apparently there's a linkage to yourself. I can help, but I'll have to live in that gem for a bit. But seeing what you are capable of, I'm sure that I can join you." He said flowing into the gem.
I sheathed my sword and asked, "where to now?"
"Well, maybe we should leave this blasted graveyard, but there isn't much after that. . ." he said his voice echoing in my head.
"So what should we do?"
"Let's just travel around a bit, there should be some things we can learn."
"Alright Naid Raug," I said as I walked my way out of death's collection.

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