Brother and Sister

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"I see

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"I see. Sorry for attacking you earlier then," the blonde lady apologized. We were in her home, which wasn't the biggest house, but it was enough for us to stay the night. We sat on couches and wooden chairs provided. The mellow light from the candles is certainly pleasant.
"No, we're all on good terms now I think," Rade responded.
"Yeah, nobody died," Void added.
"Still, I'm quite shocked that Syf is with you. I couldn't find him no matter how far I looked. I wasn't sure where he would go in the first place," she said looking at me. "Look at you. You've grown!"
I looked down at my lap and felt a little embarrassed. I forgot my sister moved here to become a knight. Maybe she is one already.
"Wait, are you his. . . g-"
"Sister. We are blood siblings," she sentenced.
"Oh. Okay," Flecin replied quietly as if relieved.
"Quite the difference in blood," Kika said coming out from the guest room door.
"How's Xane?" Fang asked.
"He'll be fine."
"I didn't expect to meet a member of the Kitaka tribe," Syf's sister exclaimed.
"Wait, how did you know?" Fang questioned.
"Her hand," she said simply. Kika didn't have her gloves for her bow use. The back of her right hand had a symbol imprinted.
"Anyone who has been in the Kitaka tribe is born to have that mark at least somewhere on their body," Syf's sister said.
"Yes. That is true. . ." Kika said looking back at the door. It's interesting to see Kika caring over Xane.
"Lily, you didn't even introduce yourself to your guests, lass," Lan said from the side. He was leaning against a wall.
"Ah, true. Well, you heard him. My name is Lily," she introduced. The rest of us introduced ourselves as well.
"How did you meet Lan?" I said not bothered speaking normally.
"He led me here. Without him, I'd be lost. So, I gave a fair share of my meals on a daily basis," Lily explained.
"It's nice to have a bite out of civilized food every once in a while," Lan sighed.
I looked at Flecin and she is glaring at Lan when he isn't looking. I guess what she and I see is very different.
"Well, since you are all here, you're welcome to stay the night, or however long you want," Lily smiled. "After all, your friend, Xane was it? He still has to heal. I have plenty of time.
"That would be great actually," Kika said.
"You've got quite the sister," Fang said to me making me feel proud of her.


"Lan. That's your name, right?" I asked.
"Yeah, yours is Fang?"
"Yup. I was thinking. It's ironic to think that our names might work better if we switched," I said.
"That is pretty funny now that you mention it," Lan grinned. "Except when you think about it. It's weird to name an animal by a body part. Fang. It's like naming a human 'Jaw' no?"
"You have a valid point," I said. "So, why is your name, Lan?"
"Just seemed like a name that sounds right. I don't mind. What about yours?"
"I'm not sure. I can't remember any memories of my life in earth. I'm slowly recovering memories, but one day I'll remember everything."
"I see. I've heard rumors about that happening to earth humans. Well, I wish you luck ob recovering your forgotten memories."
"Thanks, Lan. You're not as wolf like than I thought. Which is not a bad thing!"
"And you are not like a stereotypical human yourself!"
"What does that mean?"


Everyone seemed to have fallen asleep on the couch or floor or whatever. Rade and Void didn't need comfort to sleep. Heck, they could probably sleep on the wooden steps leading to my sister's bedroom. I sat quietly on the wooden chair next to the table and had to make more sleeping potion.
"What's that?" I heard my sister jump me from behind.
"Just. . . potion making," I replied.
"Syf. . . How are your eyes? Arms?" She asked, her tone of voice sympathizing.
"F-Fine," I said.
"No, you're not. I know what mother and father did to you. It isn't right. I know you didn't choose to be a knight. After that incident, you ran and never came back. Mother and father tried to forget you, but felt guilty realizing what they've done. Now I see you again, and I don't care what you decide to do. However, I want to see the little brother that I knew and loved and admired for."
"You. . . Admired me?"
"Of course. I'm jealous that you can wield a sword and use magic. It's a rare gift you possess," she said.
I looked down and adjusted my potion set to cool down. I sighed and slowly unwrapped my bandages and revealed myself.
"Oh, you poor thing. Look at these scars. . ." She said touching them. "I promise you, it won't happen again."
I blinked and felt happy hearing her say that.
"Your covered eye is a different color. You look like a dark character, but what's neat is seeing you amber like eye."
"Mother poured boiling water over it because it is a sign of myself holding the power to use magic. . ."
"Well, can you promise me something?"
I looked up not sure what she wanted.
"Can you keep them off? And I realize you talk a little slow. Can you talk normally again?"
Those are some big things that she wants me to do.
"Talk. . . Normally again? Not just you, but for everyone else?" I asked, " and the bandages?"
"Yes. And of course the bandages. You look handsome without them," she teased.
"Stop it," I blushed, "nobody would enjoy the look of this. . ."
A door opened and Flecin was wrapped in a towel. She just finished bathing.
"Oh, sorry. Did I intrude your conversation?" She asked.
"No, you're okay. Here, let me take you to my room to dry and change," Lily offered.

Lily came back and I finished my sleeping potion.
"That elf is so adorable! I forgot that she is actually older than we think."
"Yeah. . . " I sighed.
"I think she likes you."
"What makes you say that?" I asked slowly.
"Well, even though she was bathing in hot water, her face seemed redder when she saw you. And she has this. . . Look."
"She looks at you and the floor back and forth," Lily explained, "anyways, what I'm saying is is that someone has a crush on you."
I can't believe what I'm hearing. I flashbacked to the scene when the cashier of a clothing store mistakened us as a couple. Maybe I should wear that jacket I bought the other day.
"Do you like the elf?" Lily asked.
"I don't know," I replied wondering myself.
"Well. . . Good luck!" Lily flashed her teeth with a smile and headed up to her room when Flecin came out and scurried downstairs.
"There's a couch with enough space for us two! Do you want to sleep?" Flecin asked.
"Me and you?" I asked blinking. It feels weird without the bandages.
She nodded. I smiled and we both sat on the couch and slept. It's nice having her by my side.

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