Price For Power

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A bright light flashed and Void appeared into existence. He looked horrible, there were countless wounds on his body and silver liquid pouring from various places. Is that blood? I then realized, he lost a wing.
"Void!" Everyone gasped surrounding him.
"Void? Speak to me!" I said lifting his upper body up and shaking him a little. I neared my ear next to his mouth and can her small rash breathing. "He's still alive!" I said.
"Those injuries are fatal! I'll go look for anything that could help!" Kika exclaimed running out.
"We need to clean the wounds and wrap up some bandages," Xane said getting anything he has from under his rags while Lan ran out to fetch some water.
"Void, what happened?" Fang said wondering to himself.

It was hard to look at him. It was like fixing up a broken toy, and if you don't fix it correctly it will break more. Kika arrived back before we wrapped bandages and provided some natural herbs that could help.
"What's with the silver?" I asked.
"That's his blood," the land scion said.
"Never seen him bleed silver. Or any shadow," I said wrapping another bandage.
"He isn't a shadow."
"What?" I paused then realized I shouldn't be asking questions and continued to help Void. "Nevermind, we can talk later!"
"Can't you help?" Caliber asked.
"My apologies. I am not in a form that I can physically touch another living being. I have no healing powers as well, I am sorry."
Caliber sighed and nodded.

We eventually did what we could for Void. It doesn't look like he'll be able to walk on his own for a week.
"He has passed the test. I can now help you on your fight for peace," the scion said.
Was it really worth it though? I thought looking at Void.
"He believed that his life meant nothing. But now, seeing the silver blood, that means he knows that his life has meaning. He has something to fight for. To live for."
"You said that he wasn't a shadow. What does that mean?" I asked.
"The silver blood shows. He is a dark angel."
"Dark angel. . ."
"A rare variety, if that is what you wish to call it."
I simply stared and thought.
"You are an angel reaper."
"Angel reaper?"
"Yes. You wield a scythe, correct?"
"I do. . . This weapon was the last for me because no other angel could wield it."
"That would be the reason then."
I thought and wondered what the difference was. I am still an angel. Void is actually an angel as well who went through the pains of living as a shadow, but he still has the abilities of a shadow, doesn't he?


We fixed up what we could to help Void. He still looked terrible though. His breathing eased, but it was still suffering and raspy. I don't think I've seen Void, or just any shadow suffer like this. But the question of whether or not Void is a shadow or not still lingers in my mind.
"We need food," Kika said.
"What?" I woke back into reality.
"We don't have much left. I'm going to go get what I can to help get everyone's fill. Plus, it seems like we're going to have to stay here for a while."
"I'll come too," Xane said.
"The more the merrier," Kika said.
"I need to stretch my legs," Lan said going with them.
I watched the three leave and I laid back and watched Void and the others.


"Guns are strange," Lily said."Why do you say that?" I asked setting the cleaning rag to the side as I looked up.
"Well, they are just incredible devices. I'm sure many would choose firearms over every other weapon," she said sitting down in front of me.
"Yes, that is true. But when you think about it, it takes more effort to make the weapon, the bullets are a hassle too. You can reuse the arrows, but bullets you can't. Everything has a balance," I explained the best of my ability.
"Have you used firearms in your previous life? You seem familiar with them."
"I actually haven't used them before. However, many people on earth rely on firearms as weapons now, so, it's a commonly used weapon that most people are familiar with. I don't know how every firearm works, so it's all about trial and error for me. And practice."
"Interesting. I would like to hear more things about how the humans in your previous life lived."
"I don't mind explaining things! Before I continue however, why do you use an axe? I don't believe it's common for a knight to use an axe. Mostly guards use spears and some knights who are less armored use swords because of mobility."
"That is correct! I did say before that I do check the town on a daily basis before. I am not familiar with spears because I am just not familiar with long weapons. I'm better at closer range. I use an axe because it's not as long as a spear and during training, it was the weapon that stuck onto me the most."
"What about the two swords?"
"My parents trained me. So, I guess before I was a knight, I was a swordsman. My parents trained me how to dual wield swords."
"Wow, they must've really pushed you!"
"They did. But honestly, I can never do well with swords. At least not better than Syf."
"Wait, Syf?"
"Yes. Surprisingly he is the better swordsman. My parents didn't like him using magic, so they trained me instead of him. There was one time when my parents wanted us to train together knowing full well Syf would be disgraced. However, he must have self taught himself and sought out flaws in the sword style that my parents taught me. Against one sword, I lost horribly against him, but secretly, I was proud of him and happy. But, for some reason, I haven't seen him wield a sword since we reunited."
"That's hard to believe," I said imagining Syf wielding a sword.
"Yes, I assume so. I can never forget the beautiful fighting style he had. He was fast and elegant. I could never match that."
"Maybe you could add your own style to the ways you were taught."
"Add my own style?"
"Of course. It seems like everyone who fights here has their own way of fighting. Sometimes having no pattern is what catches the enemy off guard not knowing what to do. Of course, it's good to have a few tactics in mind that work well."
"I can see what you mean. I will keep that in mind next time I train. Thank you, Fang."
"It was only a suggestion, but no problem."
"Could you tell me more about earth and how the humans their behave?"

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