The Beginning of Everything

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"Have you got everything?" My mum asks me, a concerned, somewhat strict look in her eyes, half expecting me to realize that I forgot something important. I open my purse and nod feeling a wave of relief, as I see that everything is in there: tickets, wallet, and most importantly, my passport.

"I can't believe that my little girl will travel alone and spend her birthday without her parents! You know what, you are not going anywher-"

"Mum! Everything will be fine, I promise! In 5 days I will be back, ok?" I hug her, and she hugs me back tightly. As she unwraps her arms from around me and looks me with bright, glazed over eyes, I couldn't help but feel slightly surprised with her emotional reaction towards me traveling on my own. I honestly never knew that she would feel like this with the fact that I would be away for only a few days. She never cared about the fact that we never spent a lot of time together.

"Take care, Sadie." I look up at my father, who is way taller than me, and I hug him too. Pulling away, I give hime one kiss on each of his cheek, giving him goodbye.

"We better get going." The flight attendant that is right behind me me warns, looking at the watch that the phone on her hand showed. I nod, and giving a final wave to my parents, I fall into step with the flight attendant.

"Bye! Love you!"

"Love you too! Have a safe flight!" My mum calls back. I enter the line to get my tickets checked, but I still can see my parents, and they follow me along the line on the other side of the rope. Just before my turn, I hear my mother say in a warning, disappointed tone, "Very responsible you are, young lady."

I look at her confused, and it takes me a few moments to dawn upon me that she had been pulling my trolley bag along with her this whole time, and I did not even remember of its existence. Oops.

I look down embarrassingly as I get it back, and finally my turn arrives to get my ticket scanned. I hand over the ticket to the man that has a scanner and a last kiss on my mum's cheek, before he hands my tickets back to me. With that, I follow the flight attendant and enter the queue to get my hand luggage checked up and pass the metal detector. I look one more time behind me, catching a last glance of my parents before I turn right, and they disappear from my sight.


"Sit here for a while please. I will go right there and sort your things out, ok?" I nod, and the flight attendant marches away from me, her small thick heels clacking against the marble floor of the airport. She then starts talking to another attendant that is behind a balcony with the number 34. Just above it, there is a monitor, which has displayed "Flight 897 to Madrid". That's my flight.

I could have very well travelled alone, as I have travelled many times by myself. But I feel like airports are the most confusing places on Earth; literal labyrinths you go through in order to get on a plane; and even more, I do not know which document is which. So we always book a flight attendant that helps me with this stuff.

Between getting lost in an airport and losing my flight; and being followed around by a flight attendant with a ridiculous thing around my neck, while being able to use the priority line in everything? I prefer the latter.

I take out my phone and go to the messages app, where I see I got a message from Violet. Violet was already one of my friends before, but this year we became a whole lot closer. Starting from this year, we were able to drop some subjects and add others in school, and somehow, we ended up having all the same lessons, except for Maths, which meant that we were prone to spend a lot of time together.

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