I'll See You Soon

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Hi people, I'm back!

I hope you guys like this chapter, even though it is not the cheeriest of them.

The song for this chapter is "Photograph" by Ed Sheeran. Is it only me that gets the feels so much listening to it? It is up there if you want to hear it along to this chapter.

I also wanted to thank you guys so much. I was so shocked waking up today to see that I had reached 3.2K, and even more when I checked it again this afternoon and saw that I hit 3.3K. This is so incredible! Thank you guys! I really hope everyone is enjoying this story.

(I will edit this chapter tomorrow, I just wanted to give you guys an update and I hope it is not too horrible)

Have a good reading!
Shawn's POV:
Waking up to the sound of the alarm coming from my phone, I quickly turn it off, not wanting Sadie to wake up to it's horrible sound. She doesn't, still sleeping soundly with her rosy lips slightly parted and her arms weakly embracing me.

I don't have the courage to wake her up, interrupt her peaceful dreams and bring her back to the harsh reality that this day is. My heart sinks as I remember this is the last time in a long while that I will see her the first thing in the morning, and I knew waking her up would be one of the hardest things that I have done.

I lay there, savoring these last few moments, until I check the time again, and I know that we really need to start getting ready. I lean down and kiss her forehead, afterwards bringing my lips to her ear. "Sweetie, you have to wake up." I say softly, just before I plant one more kiss on her cheek.

Her eyes open slightly, blinking slowly as she ajusts to the light. When her eyes meet mine, she smiles lazily, but then something flashes through her eyes, and it turns into a sad smile.

"Good morning princess." I smile, trying to turn her sad smile into a happy one.

"Good morning." She says back, still smiling with a sad expression. After a while we both manage to leave the bed, and I go to my room, where after I do everything I do in the morning, I put on the only clothes that weren't in the luggage: black jeans and a grey Harry Potter t-shirt, the one Sadie had given me on my birthday.

I pick up my guitar case in one hand and start pushing my lugagge in it's four wheels out of my room, as Sadie leaves her room just at the same time. She quickly offers to carry the guitar for me, and I accept it, even though I didn't actually need her help. I knew her, and being the helpful person she always is, Sadie wouldn't stop until I handed her the case.

We eat our breakfast in silence, a silence made by a mixture of  our sleepiness and bracing for what was to come. I watch as she looks down towards the table, deep in her thoughts, a sad look in her eyes that she has diverted from mine since she woke up.

"We better get going, we don't want you to loose your flight." She says as she stands up, her eyes still focused on the glass surface of the table and her head ducked low. It hurt seeing her like this and knowing that I am the reason behind everything.


Sadie's POV:
I couldn't bring myself to look straight at Shawn. It just reminded me of the eyes that I wouldn't be seeing personally for an incredibly long time. I felt a painful pang on my chest, and even though I just wanted to hug him until the moment he left, it would make me miss him even more.

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now