Special Mail

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Helloo! I'm here with a new update! Which is much earlier than I thought I would update :) the biggest assignment I had for this week was postponed, so I had much more time to write. So here it is!

I'm dedicating this chapter to a reader friend of mine, aqua0329 , as it is her birthday! 🎉 Happy birthday Syd, hope you had/ have an awesome day :)

I hope you enjoy!


Sadie's POV:

I took a deep breath and stood up from my bed, ready to go get something to eat so I could make a pause on my studying. However, as I walked out of my room, "Galway Girl" starts to blast, and I pick up my phone to find out that Shawn was calling me.

"Shawn? Hey, what's up?" I ask, surprised that he was calling me, but nevertheless happy.

"Hey Sadie. Um, nothing much." He says, though I knew he had called me with a purpose. There was this twinge of nervousness that I could immediately identify in his tone.

I hear him take a deep breath, before he says, "I just have a question for you."

My heart skips suddenly at this, the reason to why it did though, unknown. There was just this thing that told me that it was a big question.

"Shoot." I say.

"Um, well," he starts, "so I was just on the phone with my mum, and as Aaliyah misses you and all, and we are good friends, she was wondering whether you and your parents wanted to spend Christmas with my family again. Just like the past two years you know?" He asks. "So...would you like to come?" He was trying hard to sound casual while asking this, but I knew that the idea of being together again, face to face, was freaking him out the same way it was freaking me.

But not in a bad freak out way. It was just that (for me), I couldn't help but wonder if by being face to face to him and looking him in the eyes, I would manage to control my feelings. Just through texting I couldn't stop myself from picking up my phone... what would happen if I looked into those warm, light brown eyes, I did not know.

Oh that lazy eye.

Ugh, see? Just imagining it, I can't control myself. By being face to face, I would end up slipping and telling him that I still love him and then not even friends we would be able to remain.

However, all of this wasn't the whole reason why my heart plunged to my stomach when he asked me this.

"Yes, I remember how it was. I had loads of fun both times, having your family's company for Christmas is great." I start, not knowing how I would be able to tell him. "But Shawn, tell your mum thanks so much for the invitation, but unfortunately, we... we can't go."

The line goes absolutely silent as Shawn receives my answer, and I feel awful. I would love to spend Christmas with them and go to Canada again. It was with Shawn and Aaliyah and his parents that I learnt the true meaning of Christmas and had my first real Christmas. And I wanted to see Aaliyah so much. But I couldn't go.

"I'm sorry." I apologize as he doesn't say anything, and I feel the need of explaining. "But my parents have planned already something for our Christmas. They are taking me to London and we're spending over two weeks there." I stop a bit, and feel this happiness as I remember the purpose of the trip. "They really are trying, you know? They realized how absent they were, and they are trying to bond with me."

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now