Said But Not Felt

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Hii peopleee!!
Sorry for taking a bit long with this chapter. My writing was blocked a bit. But now the update is here, and it is one with 3000+ words!

Thank you so so so much people, this is insane! WE HIT 60K READS!!! THIS IS SO FREAKING INSANE THANK YOUUUUU

Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Sadie's POV:
Shawn dragged me through the many corridors there were backstage, until we got to his dressing room, a place he likes to go to just to chill and where there always were couches to lounge.

With his hand already on the handle of the door, he stops for a moment, and flashes me a grin, one that said "you're gonna love this surprise".

Curious, I follow him inside, only to find out that we aren't alone, and that there were two guys in here already.

I had to control my mouth not to fall open, as I realized who the blond boy and the brunnete boy were.

Oh god, Violet was going to freak out. And then kill me for not having brought her inside my luggage just like she asked me to.

"Hey dude! I know your birthday was last week, but happy belated birthday!" Jack Johnson says as he stands up, and walks over to Shawn, where they exchange that weird handshake/shoulder bump that boys do.

"Thanks, man." Shawn says back, and moves on to greet Gilinsky. I was just so starstruck, I didn't know what to do, so I just stayed there standing still, completely frozen.

Johnson notices my presence, and suddenly he lifts his arm right in front of him, his hand telling me to stop, even though I hadn't opened my mouth to say anything. "Don't. hold it, I know your name, wait a minute-" he starts, and squints his eyes as he tries to remember my name. "Oh damn Shawn told me before and I can't remembe-wait!" He points his index at me. "It's something with 'S' isn't it?!" I just stay there holding in my laughter, when suddenly he claps his hands together, "Sadie! That's it, it's Sadie isn't it?"

I laugh. "Yep, th-that's my name." I say smiling. "I-It's so cool to meet you guys, I am a huge fan!"

Oh shoot Sadie, why did you have to stutter?

Gosh I am so useless. Not even talk properly I can.

"Ooh, explains the stuttering." Gilinsky points out, and the Jacks exchange a look, nodding.

"Funny, she wasn't like that when we met. Well except for the fact that she tried running away when she saw me and fell to the ground, when we chatted she spoke quite well." Shawn comments.

"Well, it's obvious why. She just got more starstruck by us because maybe she is a bigger fan of us than of you."

Shawn snorts, his nose scrunching up a little as he crossed his arms. "No way."

"Then lets ask Sadie. You tell us. Are you a bigger fan of us? Or Shawn?"

I look between the duo and my boyfriend, and even though the real answer was obvious and Shawn knew the real answer too, I knew that this would annoy him. And I didn't like to let these chances pass by. Reason to why I chose the answer I chose.

"Duh, isn't it obvious?" I say, looking between the guys, Shawn's frown turning into a smile as my gaze met his. "I'm a much bigger fan of Jack and Jack."

Shawn's smile disappears again as he shoots daggers at me, and the Jacks yell "OOOOOH!"s at him. However, Shawn's glare was playful too. He knew the real answer. No matter how big of a fan of Jack and Jack I was and how much I enjoyed their songs, Shawn's music just touched my heart in a way that no other artist managed to do.

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