The Perfect Birthday

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Hi! Here I am again with yet another chapter! I told you that once the holidays started I would be back to annoy you guys.

Not much to say though, besides the fact that the pictures in this chapter are not owned by me. I know that I wrote in the description of this story that any books, movies, series, songs, pictures, anything of that sort, are not owned by me unless I state that I actually do, but still, I get so scared.

Enjoy! :)
Sadie's POV:
"This pizza is so good!" I say just after I swallow a last piece of pizza. I think this was my limit. I couldn't eat anymore.

"Mmhmm." Bailey agrees with me while she was still chewing.

"Well, do we ask for the bill now so we can go home?" I ask, and the three of them turn briskly to me at the exact same time.

"What? You're kidding right? It's still so early! I am not letting you throw away your birthday like this." Violet says.

"But what are we going to do? We have gone to every corner of the mall, we have laughed and eaten, what is there any left to do? And I am kind of tired already to be honest."

"Oh don't you dare say that, Salvay. You out of everyone in this table shouldn't say this, as you were the only one who didn't go to school. We are holding up great until now, so you better hold up too." Violet snaps at me. With this I raise my hands up in surrender, seeing that her arguement was incredibly valid.

We stay quite a while longer in the restaurant, laughing and joking around as we always do. People always turned their heads towards us when we did, because when we find something funny, we laughed so loud, we couldn't help it. But I love when we laugh liked this.

We finally decide to ask for the bill, and as the waiter says that he will be right back with it, I twist nervously the ring on my finger as I realize that my friends had forgotten about asking for a birthday cake, and I was internally debating whether I should warn them or not. I really didn't want people to sing the happy brithday song for me, but I felt like not doing this was like breaking a rule.

And I hated so much breaking rules.

Whenever I did break them; like when for example I used the science lab in my school as a shortcut to the other building, which was forbidden; I felt this rush of adrenalin take over my body, my heart started to beat fast, guilt took over me and my hands got clammy. I hated that sensation. So much that now I prefer to take the longer path, alone, as my friends took the science lab, too afraid that a teacher would catch us and scold us.

As I looked down at my lap, the three of them were on their phones, once in a while exchanging some looks between themselves. This behaviour was weird, but I decided to just ignore it.

We left the restaurant and walked through the mall, to where exactly, I don't know. I just followed them. "Why don't we go to the terrace?" I find myself suggesting as my hand found the key around my neck, and they stop walking.

"Yes, that's a good idea! Lets go." With all of us agreeing with my suggestion, we start walking towards the opposite direction that we were going first. I was already seeing the stairs that we used to go up to the terrace, when a blond girl approached us with her head ducked low, embarrassed.

"E-excuse me, sorry to bother you. But a-aren't you Sadie Salvay?"

My eyes widen as the situation sinks in, this whole thing was so weird. Being recognized by strangers. But I still gave her a friendly smile, trying to make her more at ease.

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