The Muffin Man

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Hello my people!
So I decided to write in Shawn's POV... What do you think? Do you like it? Or should I never ever do such a mistake this big again?

The song above is "New York" by Alicia Keys, if you want to hear it as you read this chapter.

Ok guys so also since SO many people comment this, I'll explain briefly where Sadie is from: South America. I explain in later author's notes why I didn't specify a country, so please look out for the author's notes in the beginning of the chapters for the explanation.

Hope you like this!

Shawn's POV:
I look at the digital clock on my bedside table and see that it is already 3 in the morning, and I still can't fall asleep, a very unusual thing for me. I sigh for what feels like the thousandth time, and shift my position again, turning to the left.

I have been having trouble sleeping for some time now. I just can't clear my mind, many thoughts jumbled inside my head.

I am so worried. I have been having a horrible time writing songs. I can come up with some tunes, but everytime I try to write some lyrics, they always come back to the same topic: a girl who I can't find.

I have been able to write three songs already, which is good, but there is not one of them in which I have not mentioned a lost girl, or long brunette hair, a dorky but sweet smile or even those dark brown eyes I have always stuck on my mind. The same eyes I look into everytime I close my eyes and try to sleep at night.

It is very weird though. A few weeks have gone by since that concert, but I can still remember everything like it was yesterday. Me walking on that stage, sitting down on the stool and locking eyes with hers. A foreign feeling spreading all over me, so strong that my brain turned into mush and I was not able to think properly. I could also remember the unusual connection I felt when I sang that song to her.

After that soundcheck, and received some reprimands for performing a song I wasn't supposed to, I remember I had asked the staff how I would be able to find the name of one of the girls. They sent me to the VIP manager, the one who took care of the meet and greets and the VIP holders. However, she could not do much.

"This is the only list I have." She said, as she showed me a long list of names. "The thing is, it is very possible that the name of who you are looking for is not here. You see, the names on this list are of the people who booked the tickets, not really the people who came. The vast majority of this list probably is made up with the names of the parents of the people, not really their names. So I don't think this will help you with what you want... I'm sorry."

And she was pretty much correct. As my eyes scanned the list, I did not find any name that I thought actually fitted the girl. Alejandra, Renata, Victoria, all these names were on the list, but I just knew none of these were it.

Dude, put yourself together. It's not like it is the first time you see a pretty girl in a crowd. Plus, there are 7.4 Billion people in this world. What is the probability that you will meet her again? You need to forget her. Not only for your sanity's sake, but for your career's sake too.

With a newly determined feeling, I changed my position again, and finally, I fall asleep.


Sadie's POV:

Two weeks have gone by, and even though I have just came back from a trip, I was already in another plane, just starting another. My school has these cultural international trips in which anyone in the assigned year group could go to. This year, we are going to New York, and I couldn't be more excited. There, we would go to universities, museums, broadway shows, etc. How cool is it, walking in the streets of the city that never sleeps with your friends?

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