We Actually Managed It

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Hellooo people!!!
I'm so so so sorry people for taking so long to update. With my birthday and school work, I got especially busy, and then as I had time to write, I got sick... and I really had to rest in order to be at my best to meet Shawn.

I would like to add, thank you all for the birthday wishes 😊 I never had so many birthday wishes in my life, as my birthday generally goes unnoticed.

Anyways, here is the new chapter! If you haven't sent in your message to Shawn in the chapter "No Control", please do, as today is the deadline (I won't have access to a printer after today).

Hope you are all well and enjoy this chapter :)


Sadie's POV:

"Just one more..."

"OUCH!" I yelp, jumping on my seat as yet another bobby pin was jabbed into my skull by my mum. Or at least it felt like it, as the sharp edges of the bobby pins scraped against my scalp.

"Um, I still think I should add just one more..." my mum mumbles as she sees the outcome of the do she was doing on my hair.

"God mum, I'm pretty sure if I went out in a middle of a hurricane with the amount of pins that I have on my hair already, not a single hair would move out of place. I'm pretty sure there is no need." I chuckle.

"No, I want it to be perfect. Wait right there, I'm going to find one in your drawers." She states as she stands up, ignoring my comment.

It was finally my graduation day, and as it sank in yet one more time that this day had actually arrived, I felt my stomach twist, making me feel somewhat nauseous. I felt this way since the moment I woke up today, and as the day went by, it seemed to get worse and worse. I don't understand though why I felt this way, as I should be happy that I was done with school, and all the stressing things that come with it. But I guess that the thought that things would change so much from now on, that I was going to move to a totally different city in the other side of the world, was rather scary.

Even though for prom I went to a hair saloon to get my hair done, my mum insisted on letting her do it herself, and I let her, as she was impeccable when it came to beauty related things such as hair and makeup.

My hair is in a similar half up half down that I also did for prom, however the curls in my hair are in vast majority ones that I already have naturally. I had on a white dress that finished right above my knees, and to my happiness, I'm wearing flats. Everyone protested against me, trying to make me wear heels, but I argued that I didn't want to be that one person that trips as they walk up to get their diploma, which made anyone who protested shut up already.

I hear the sound of a drawer opening, and as I turn to see if my mother found what she was looking for, he can't help but to gulp once I see the drawer she is fidgeting in. Her eyes suddenly narrow as she looks at it, and I'm wondering what could be wrong.

"You know Sadie, if tou wanted to try to trick me, at least try to do the job properly by buying a condom of the same type I put in here. Or at least of the same package colour."

My blood instantly goes cold, as I realize that I was busted. Oh great.

Just. Freaking. Great.

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now