The Awards Ceremony

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How are you people? I hope you are well!

So, this chapter has a song, and it is "Worry" by The Vamps. It is more a less how I imagine Sadie's song sounds like. Not exactly the words, but the vibe and rythm in general. This also reminds me of another song by them that I chose for "Finally Understood". I think that some lyrics are very relevant to how Shawn is helping Sadie find herself.

This chapter is slightly longer than usual, and this is because I wanted it to end in a specific part. I hope it being longer is not a problem.

I also have had a lack in creativity in making up titles for this chapter. Do you guys have a better suggestion than the one I made?

Enjoy! :)


Sadie's POV:
Oh shit.

Yeah, I am freaked out enough for mental swearing. And that's all because the awards ceremony is today. That also means my performance is today, too.

The awards ceremony is going to be the last lesson of the day, and I hoped that this meant that the day would drag by. But nope. The day flew by instead.

I couldn't eat properly. I could only imagine me on stage later, hundreds of eyes upon me and the  rest of the group. Just by thinking of it, I felt like I would throw up, so eating wasn't going to be a good idea.

"Sadie, you will be awesome, I know it. Bailey, Ella, Shawn and I will be there supporting you!" Violet says, trying to comfort me as we walked to the auditorium. I simply nod, too focused on continuing breathing. My heart just felt it was about to stop at any second, and with every step, the knot that was my stomach tightened more and more.

"Ok, I think what Sadie needs is to not speak about it. So, um, do you guys think you will get any awards?" Ella asks, and I just shrug. Every term ( except the first one) we would have a awards ceremony, and they would give out a certificate to one student per subject in each grade. I never really looked forwards to it. I may be a good student, but there is always someone better.

However, I couldn't wish sometimes that I earned them. These stayed good in our files, and the gift card that came with it to spend on a book store was very handy.

We finally arrive at the auditorium, which wasn't that big due to the not so big number of students in our school. The chairs in the middle were for the students, and the chairs on the edges were for the teachers.

The room was quite packed already, students having their last minutes of chatting before the ceremony started, and I could see some people from my Music class go to the stage and behind the curtain. I gave my goodbyes to the girls and went up the stairs, going behind the curtain as discreetly as I could.

Behind the curtains, I could see that everything was set up already, the instruments ready to be played. I found Bree, who was talking unusually nervously to someone, who I recognized was Nick once I got closer.

"Sadie, you're finally here! We need your help to sort things out. We have really bad news." She says, and I could see a slight relief in her features at her sight if me, but still, she was worried.

"What is it?" I ask. She points to someone who was joining us, and turning to him, I see Sean joining us. And there was something very wrong with him: his arm was in a cast.

"What happened to you Sean?" I ask, panicking.

"Yesterday I had an accident during my basketball practice. I'm so sorry..." He says, and I could see that he felt truly bad for this.

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