A Few Changes

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Hello people! Sorry I took a bit long to upload this. I had kind of a writer's block and had it 75% written for 4 days already, but couldn't finish it.

Just please be patient with me for updates. I love writing this and so I write all the free time I got. So if I didn't update it was really because I couldn't write.

For all of you asking, yes this story is close to finishing. There is about 5-8 chapters before the end, though this doesn't include the many bonus chapters/ short stories that I will write afterwards. Be prepared for hopefully many updates this week, as I'm on a break! If you are too hope you have an amazing break.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter :)

Sadie's POV:

Sadie: Hey, Violet, so.... um, there was a change of plans

I sigh after I hit end, realizing how she had been right after all. And now here I was, sending her a text that indeed, I wasn't going to leave with her, as she had predicted.

Shawn and I wanted to go rest, and we decided to go to his hotel, which was closer by. I know what you are thinking, what about my parents? Well, they had gone into super work mode after stopping work for the London trip, and both happened to be out of town. Don't get me wrong, they weren't back to their old habits, they just had to catch up to work, and it is not like I was being a rebel or something. Because then being or not in the city, Shawn had always slept in my room anyways. So them being in or out of town, or Shawn and I being in his hotel, it wouldn't make a single difference.

My phone soon vibrates with a new text, and I read it.

Violet: I told u! I knew that this was going to happen. reason to why I didnt even wait 10 minutes before calling a taxi and leaving

I blink a few times at the screen, completely stupefied.

Sadie: u WHAT?!

Sadie: woowww thanks a lot Violet!

Violet: Really u r welcome

Sadie: u r so so lucky that things went well. What if they had gone awfully wrong, and I needed friend support right now?

Violet: but they didnt, did they?

I sigh, as I knew she got me trapped. I couldn't be mad at her when things didn't go wrong. But how could one be so sure that things would have gone well? For all I knew things could have gone so badly downhill that not even friends Shawn and I remained.

Violet: so where r u lovebirds off to?

Sadie: We r just going to Shawn's hotel, it's closer than my house

As soon as I pressed send, I realized the mistake I had done.

Violet: 😏😏😏😏😏😏

Violet: Just dont forget to use protection! I dont wanna be a godmother so soon

Sadie: VIOLET! 😳😫

Violet: oh come oon Sadie!

Violet: u used to have the "Im freaking 15" excuse, but now guess what? You're 17. Not far from 18. what's wrong if u guys did? U love each other

And once again, Violet was freaking right.

And it was so fudging annoying.

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