Bonus 6 | Next Generation One-shots

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Hi people!
So this bonus chapter works a little different: instead of being just one chapter, it is made up of two separate stories: one in Noah's POV, of when he is eleven; and the second one being in Hermione's POV, around the time of the Epilogue.

After this, there will only be one more bonus chapter...but don't worry, don't forget that there are two spinoffs coming soon!

Hope you guys enjoy!! Take this as a little thank you gift 😊 again thank you so much, and also for the kind messages you left me last chapter!

Noah One Shot - The Bet

"Bye!" I say to my friends before I hop off the school bus, and start my way towards the entrance of my house. I let out a sigh of exhaustion because of the long day, but my mood was also a pleasant one, considering it had been quite a good day as well.

Today had been my first day back to school, my first day as a sixth grader, and even though school had its downsides I was glad to be back and see all of my friends. We had caught up with everything that had happened in the holidays, and while they told me about their vacation, I told them of mine, which involved a trip to my mother's hometown in South America, as well as two weeks in Mexico, since dad had a few shows to do there.

Finally I reach the doorsteps of the main entrance after passing through the gates and crossing the quite large garden in front of the building I called home. Ever since my parents found out that I was going to have a sister I've called this house my home, because they thought it was best for us to move to a house that was best for a still growing family.

I was against it, and thought that we could adapt ourselves in the other house with just one more person. But turns out they were right, because last year, James was born, and we had a new member to our family.

I open the front door of my house and start to wonder whether dad would arrive somewhat earlier today, so that I could speak to him and mum about my first day back. But as I take a turn into the living room, my wonders are erased.

"Mum! Dad! Today school was great, I got to see Sam again since he got back from Japan and-" Just after I started to ramble animatedly, I start to trail away, as I capture the serious features on both my parents' faces that I hadn't captured immediately. They were both standing in front of the dining table and facing me, mum holding James, their postures telling me that they had been waiting precisely for me to arrive.

This couldn't be good.

I gulp, not knowing what was happening. Did I do something wrong? The last time I checked I didn't... I mean, I wasn't really a rebel boy. I was a pretty good one I believe.

"Um, mum? Dad? What is going on?" I ask hesitatingly, not knowing whether I really wanted to know or not.

"Take a seat, there's something extremely important and serious going on." My dad says gesturing to a chair that stood in front and between them, facing the table; one I hadn't noticed was there.

Scared, but curious, I trudge over to the chair that waited for me, and taking a seat I notice how there is also a computer lying on the table right in front of me.

"So, Noah..." Mum starts off, and quickly swaps a look for confirmation with dad before continuing. She pauses for a while as she looks back at me, trying to come up with the best words.

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