Close Your Eyes

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I'm back people!

So I can't believe that Three Empty Words is out! It is so freaking beautiful!

This chapter doesn't have a song...

I hope you are liking this story!
Sadie's POV:

"Sadie! Shawn! You guys need to wake up!"

My eyes flutter open, and the first thing I see is Ella shaking me, trying to wake me up.

"What is happening?" I ask, trying to sit up, only to be stopped by a groaning Shawn who tightened his arms around me even more.

"Long story short, something happened and the teachers are going to check up every room! Not that there is a problem Shawn being in here, the problem is the time." She says, showing me the clock on her phone screen showing 02:24."We need to get him out of here, now!"

I turn to Shawn, still wrapped in his arms, and even though he had opened his eyes a minute ago and mumbled something, he looks like he already fell asleep again. Not being able to get free from his strong arms, I try my best to look up at him, a task that was very difficult when you have his arms pulling you against his chest. He looks so peaceful sleeping. He looks happy, and that makes me wonder what he is dreaming about. I am going to hate myself for disrupting it.

"Shawn." I say, but he doesn't budge. I slightly tap my hand in his shoulder, shaking him gently. "Shawn." I say a bit louder, trying to awake him in a pleasant way. Getting a bit closer to his ear, I repeat. "I'm sorry Shawn, but you have to wake up."

Shawn finally opens his eyes, looking at me with a cute, lazy smile that makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter lightly.

Stop Sadie.

"Shawn, you need to get out of here, no time to explain." I say urgently, which he noticed, so he nods and sits up, untangling his arms from me. We stand up, and I take him to the door, when the same one is knocked on three times from the other side.

"Girls? It's me, Mrs. Miller!" Ella, Bailey, Shawn and I freeze at the sound of this, and the first thing that I could think of is open the door to our right, which is the bathroom door, and drag Shawn with me in there, shutting the door behind. I thought that if miss saw the three of us;Bailey,Ella and I; out of the bathroom, she would certainly search it. However, if I was in it, I could pretend I had been in the bathroom all along, which would keep her out of the there.

Turning on the lights of the not so big but not so small bathroom, I press my index to my lips, telling Shawn to keep quiet. He nods, and together, we press our ears to the door.

"Good night, Mrs. Miller! What brought you here?" Ella says in her polite and cheerful tone.

"Oh Ella, I'm so sorry to be here at this time, but many students have been catched out of their rooms now. I don't really mind, to be sincere, I know you people like to make your hang out sessions, or whatever they are called, but I had asked everyone specifically that only today I wouldn't want them to happen until too late due to the tiring day tomorrow. But I can't be a fun teacher without them wanting to abuse of it..." She says sadly, stepping into the room.

"Um... Who is the third person of this room? Isn't it Sadie?" She asks, and as none of them say anything, I guess that someone nodded.

"She has just went in the bathroom, I think to take a shower." Bailey says. Who takes a shower at two in the morning? Having to go with what she said, I go to the shower and open the taps, letting the water flow. I sigh, feeling bad for wasting this amount of water.

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