Special Days and a Surprise

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I am so excited to be finally writing these chapters. I thought that this was still so far away, yet here we are!

Question of this chapter: what's your favourite animal/s?
Mine are dogs and horses. This is another lame question, but I will certainly search on the internet for some interesting ones!

Funnily enough, just as I was going to start to give my final runthrough before I posted this, Shawn tweeted this, and I just thought it suited quite well with the topics discussed in this chapter. So that's the reason for the image above. Aargh he is too good 😍

I hope you enjoy! :)
Sadie's POV:
Nearly two weeks had gone by since school had started, which had happened a month after I came back from Canada, and I was slowly returning to my routine. Not many things had happened since we came back, the first week of school being just as useless as the last, as there were no proper lessons and half our year group was still traveling. But by the second week, I had received some homework already, and there had been a project assigned for the following week.

It was good to be back though. I had missed my friends, and we were full of stories from our holidays to tell. And when they had seen my promise ring? Lets just say that their reactions were completely priceless.

"WHAT THE HELL SADIE ARE YOU ENGAGED?!" Mike yelled once he had seen it, catching the attention of everyone in our registration room, which was quite full by that time. Violet and Bailey stared at my ring too, just as the whole class did.

"No!" I laughed, not understanding how this was a legit question. For god's sake, I was fifteen. "People, this is a promise ring."

Mike letted out air in relief. "God, I thought you had gotten pregnant or something, which caused him to ask you to marry him. Only possible explanation."

I stared at him, not believing him. "Ok, what is people's problem? First Aaliyah, then my mum, and now you? Don't you freaking understand that I am FIFTEEN?" I sighed.

"Awww Sadie, that's so sweet!" Violet said ignoring Mike, as she analised the ring with a dreamy look. "He gave you a promise ring."

I smiled at the memory, however I decided to use this dreamy look to tease her. "Maybe Sebastian can get you one one day?" She looked at me as I mentioned the boy that she was dating. The boy didn't go to our school, I never saw him or even heard of him, though bam, two months of holidays go by and she has a boyfriend. It was a bit of a surprise to me as she just dropped the bomb so casually a day before while we were talking about our summer. One second we were talking about New York, where she had travelled to, and the next one she was like, "Oh, by the way, I'm dating."

Shortly after that day, I had recieved a huge surprise on the fourteenth. As I had arrived to school that day and went to get my books in my locker, I was startled to see that it was overflowing with rose petals, and accompanying them, there was a heart-shaped box of chocolates, and a cute teddy bear. I really didn't get what was going on, but I my cheeks hurted from smiling too much as I read the little card that came with the bear.

I couldn't thank him at that time as school had started, but when I got home, I saw that I was overflowing with texts and Shawn had tagged me in a tweet.

So sorry I can't be with you today! Wish so much that I could. Love you so much ❤️❤️  @SadieSalvay48

I still wasn't getting what was going on when I just afterwards received a call from Shawn, which I immediately answered.

"Princess! Did you recieve the chocolate? And the teddy bear? Sadie really you can't imagine how much I miss you and I am so so so sorry that I can't be with you today, I really hope you understand, you deserve so much more than this and I am sorry, please forgive me I love you so much and-"

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now