You Know You Love Us

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Hi people how have you guys been! I hope you are all well. I am really sorry for not having updated very frequently... School is really messing up with my Wattpad time. But I actually have been able to do plenty of editing on this story.

So since my last real update, many things have happened.:

Number one: I got nearly more 4K reads. And this is so freaking unbelievable. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!! I really do hope you are enjoying this story, and I would really also like to thank for the super duper nice comments you left me on my last author's note! It actually worked, and now two friends of my started reading my story. Possibly my teacher too XD

Number two: I have talked to many of you guys, and I really would like to say that I love talking to you. We have so much in common(mainly the Mendes Army), and you are all so nice! Thank you for that! Don't hesitate on sending me a message, wether it is because you have some question regarding this story, or because you simply are bored and have nothing else to do, or because you have something bothering you and you want to talk about it. The last part might seem weird, but I really am here for you guys, even if you don't really know me. It is always good to have someone to talk to, and sometimes the people that you see everyday don't understand while other people across the globe do. I have learnt this these past few weeks, in which I befriended one of my readers and now I consider one of my best friends.

Number three: FREAKING ILLUMINATE IS OUT AND OMG I HAVE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT IT IS FREAKING AMAZING AND OMG! EVERY SONG IS SOOOO GOOD AND GEEZ I REALLY DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN. HOW CAN THIS BOY DO THIS? This reminds me of this chapter's song, which is "No Promises". Do you guys have a favorite Illuminate song? I honestly don't. They all have such different messages and make me feel so different and all end up making me feel so much happier.

I'll stop right here with my rambling. I am really sorry for those who don't give three freaks about what I just wrote above and that just want to jump into the story.

I hope you enjoy this! :)





Sadie's POV:

As I beamed at him after we pulled away, I couldn't feel happier. I was right here with him in front of me, and this seemed so insane. A few days ago, what was happening right now was just a faraway dream. A very beautiful one.

"I missed you." I say.

"I missed you too." He smiles back at me, and pulls me into another hug, which I happily let myself be pulled into. I had been so focused on the boy I was hugging, that I had completely forgotten of the people around us: my parents, his parents and his sister. Possibly paparazzi too.

I feel my face getting hot as I remember that we just had kissed in front of everyone, but I brush this feeling away. I freaking hadn't been with him for about 4 months. I just shouldn't care less right now.

"Come on, I need to introduce you to some people." He says as he pulls away, and my blood runs cold. Shawn looks at where his parents were, who were already chatting away to my own, I don't know how. Before we start walking to them, Shawn starts pushing my luggage, which I had completely forgotten about it's existance. Oops.

I thank him, and we walk towards his family, my heart both accelerated in nerves and because of Shawn's arm around my shoulder, which felt so good to feel again. As we go there, he pulls me a little closer to him in encouragement, and we exchange smiles.

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now